CRN Journal
Guidance Notes to Authors
Writing articles for CRN's professional journal
The CRN Journal is distributed free of charge to mostly policy and operations staff working in the field of outdoor recreation. The preferred style and content of articles is less formal than that which could be expected in an academic journal.
The preferred length of papers is between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Include any charts, diagrams or pictures to illustrate the text where necessary (please supply these separately not embedded in the text). It is helpful for us if you can send the paper via
e-mail as a Word document and backed up by a hard copy in the post.
Photos and charts can be sent by post (on disk) or alternatively by email - please include details of the photographer or whoever should be credited for the images etc. The images need to be in high quality jpeg or tiff format and not embedded into a word document.
Please remember to provide any appropriate titles for the article and include headings where necessary.
When including direct quotes from other sources we would ask that you fully reference each source at the end of your article. Please see examples below:
For a book:
Wilson, M (1996) 'Landscape perceptions and attitudes', Woburn Press, London, 256pp
For a journal/newsletter:
Wilson, M (1996) 'Landscape perceptions and attitudes', Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 23-34
For a conference paper:
Wilson, M (1996) 'Landscape perceptions and attitudes' In Yates, P 'Journal of Leisure Research' Woburn, Woburn Press, pp23-34
For electronic media:
References to material published in electronic media should include extra information You are advised to give the following: author, date, title, [format of material], date you accessed the material (because the ‘site’ may be updated between the time you use it and the point at which a reader refers to it) and location (URL - Uniform Resource Locator - the ‘address’ of the site).
MARKS and SPENCER (2000), 'Annual report 1998/99', [online]. Last accessed on 16 April 2000 at URL:
Contact details:
Please include contact details - postal address, phone and email in a separate paragraph at the end of your article along with details about where to get more information.
Contacting CRN
If you have any queries please contact: Kathryn Callaghan, Outdoor Recreation, The Stableyard, Barnetts Demesne, Malone Road, Belfast, BT9 5PB e-mail: or call: 028 9030 3937