ATV Newsletter
March 10, 2009 Circulation 1500+
Vol. 2 No. 31
In this Edition:
* World News this Week
* Soldering Surface Mount Components
and the San Bernardino Microwave Society Meeting
* Emergency Preparedness Expo 2009 Saturday 7th
* Don't Forget Argentina ATV Net Saturday 7th
* Don't Forget FRARS, Live Event on BATC Saturday 7th
* Digital-ATV
* DATV Question
* Buy-Sell-Trade
* Plug and Play 2.4 GHz Transmitters
* 70cm Transcivers
* Wireless Mic's with PTL
* 900 MHz downconverters
* ATVRepeater Controllers
* ATV Guide
* Proposed Upcoming Live Webcasts on BATC.TV
* ATV Website Guide
* Oat Mtn. News
* This weeks Joke
*Southern CaliforniaNews
* Mt Wilson Repairs
* Santiago Repairs
* Repeater Reports
* Repairs Needed
* Letters to the Editor
World News this Week
Soldering Surface Mount Components
The "Tech Talk" of the San Bernardino Microwave Society
Meeting this Thursday was a demo using "solder paste".
Jeff and Larry did the demo using a "hot plate" and also a
"toaster oven". Using a product made by "Zephyrtronics" we
were shown how they applied a small amount of the solder paste
to a surface mount component on the board and basically pasted
it on the PC board. Then they pre-heated the board (with the
component on it) on a hot plate surface to about 300 deg. They
then used a heat gun on low to add a little more heat and the
gray color paste turned silver and it was done. Very slick. And the
blowing of the heat gun didn't move the component because
it was pasted on the board.
They also did the same thing by pasting another component
on another board and then the placed it in a pre-heated "Toaster
Oven" andwaited forthe board to warm and the paste changed
from it's gray color to silver. Very interesting way to deal with the
problem of working with very small components.
If you would like to know more about the Solder Paste by
Zephyrtronics their website is and I am told that there
is a video of how the process is done commercially. Zephyrtronics
tag line is, "The world's first comprehensive low-temp approach to
the electronics bench top.
More info on the SBMS Meeting:
The streaming video from the W6ATN ATV Repeater didn't work until
KE6BXT logged on about an hour and 15 min into the meeting. Don
stopped and then restarted the stream and it began working.
The SBMS noted that this had happened during their meeting for the
last several months.
500 LBS of Diodes for the SBMS
One of the members of the SBMS mentioned that he had won a bid
on eBay for 500 lbs of diodes. The club should be set with diodes
for several months. Hi Hi
I want to thank the San Bernardino Microwave Society for their monthly
meeting and how professional your club is operated. You all seem to
be a great bunch of gentlemen.
Here is an email from Mario:
I now have a streaming active account withe BATC (British
Amateur Television Club)under member streams,
I think this will help me more in getting the information out
about ATV here in WWA in the Puget Sound region and beyond,
73 Mario,
Thanks Mario for keeping us up to date.
Emergency Preparedness Expo 2009
Spencer, N6IWY and Ed K6UUZ will be manning an ATV Station
at the Expo held in Simi Valley this Saturday. MARCH 7th.....
The Expo starts at 10 AM PST and runs to 2 PM and if local ATVers
are around it would be great if you would givethe guysa call to keep
them company and have someone to demo to.
This will also be seen via the BATC.TVon the W6ATNrepeater
stream. The Expo starts one hour into the"Argentina ATV Net" that
AC6RB, George has on every Saturday morning that runs 9 to 11AM
also on the W6ATN repeaters.
I suspect that Spencer and Ed will be logging into Georges net for their
first hour and take over the batc steam when he is done.
The Expo has demonstrations on: Water Storage, 1st Aid, 72 hour Kits,
Food Storage & Cooking, and Emergency Communications..Ham Radio.
They also have 40 min classes on Survival Techniques, Family Emergency
The regional Disaster Mobile Unit will be there as well as the Ventura
County Fire Department.
If your local and want to stop by, here is the location.
Everyone is welcomed and the admissionis free.
1276 Erringer Road, Simi Valley just south of Royal
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Don't Forget
Argentina ATV Net
The Argentina ATV Net starts this Saturdayat 9:00 AM PT
(1700 UTC) and runs to 11:00 AM.
The Net was established by George, AC6RB a well know ATVer
here in Southern California so hecould communicatewith his
friends in Argentina. And he will be using the BATC.TV streaming
video and EchoLink to make the two way link.
I have watched George and his friends testing the system all
week getting everything ready and working out bugs.
George has invited everyone to tune in here on the local ATN
repeaters and anyone else that would like to participate
using BATC and EchoLink.
To tune-in go to home page and look on the left
column for a button titled "ATV Repeaters", click on that button.
You will now be on a page with a drop down list where you will
want to look for "W6ATN" and click on it. Then click watch and
you will be good to go.
If you would like to join in the Net net while watching on BATC
you canuse EchoLink. You will need to subscribe to EchoLink
via the ATN website so it will operate through the ATN repeaters.
Go to and look for a button in the top banner titled
"EchoLink" and click on it. This will lead you through the process
to set-up your connection.
Don't Forget
Live Event on the BATC.TV
Saturday March 7th
"Flight Refueling Amateur Radio Society" at Merley near
Bournemouth will be taking part in National Science and
Engineering Week with an open day for the public.
Using state of the art gear and their large dish,demonstrations
planned include 8.4GHz DX reception from distant satellite
probes and solar noise measurement. There will also be amateur
satellite operation, Baird style mechanical TV, an impressive
Tesla coil demo and a 10GHz doppler effect demonstration.
The VHF shack will be busy taking part in a contest during
the day and the HF shack will be in operation.
The event which will be open from 10 am (2:00 AM PST)
to about 5 pm will be streamed live on the BATC website
from where it can be watched worldwide by anyone with access
to broadband Internet. Go to http://www.BATC.tvthen click on
the Live events icon and select Live Stream 1. Live events will
be shown as they happen and a caption will list timings"
Here is the FRARS website if you would like to know more
about the organization.
DATV Question
Hi Bryon
For the ATV Newsletter under the Digital headline.
When using DATV on 70cm, 436.00 MHz we use an up
converter to convert 70cm to L Band to enable the signal
to be received on a satellite receiver.
This means building an up converter or buying one ready
made, quite costly.
There are UHF to L Band up converters available sometimes
on Eaby for $10 to $20 These have been used in the US
Cable TV networks for viewing Digital TV sent on the cable
at UHF on a regular satellite receiver.
One example of this is the Glencom VC510. This has a
LO frequency of 1,950 MHz so that 436 MHz is converted
to 1,514 MHz It requires minor modification to remove the
cable coupling components and it is then ideal for feeding
a digital satellite receiver from the up converted 70cm signal.
My question is do any of you know where to get these surplus
cable TV up converter from?
Please let Bryon know for the next issue,
send your reply to
Send me your D-ATV News..
Plug and Play 2.4 GHz Transmitters
If you are interested in getting on ATV with a 2.4 GHz FM
transmitter I have them for sale. The transmitter has an output
of about 9 watts and will sell for about $1500 plus shipping
depending upon the configuration you need. If you are interested
in a transmitter you can send me an email and we can talk.
Please be advised that the demand for the 2.4 GHz Plug
and Play ATV Transmitters have caused a delay of8 to10
weeks for delivery on future orders. And the transmitters
will be sold only to Licensed Amateur Radio Operators.
10 watt 70cm ATV Transceivers
I have another 10 watt P.C. Electronics Transceiver for sale
priced at $250. Plus Shipping
25watt 70 cm ATV Transceiver
I have a P.C. Electronics 1 watt transceiver driving an amplifier
brick and developing25 watts plus output.
It is priced at $500 plus shipping
Wireless Mic's with PTL
I have several of the Memorex WirelessMicrophones that were
sold at "Target" and then modified by W6KGE to include a PTL
and written up in the "Amateur Television Quarterly".
Target has since discontinued the mic but there still may be some
in your local stores.
I am selling the Memorex mic's for $25.00 plus shipping unmodified
and $59.00 plus shipping with the modifications already made.
900 MHz ATV downconverters
I have a number of 900 MHz downconverters for sale at $50.00
each plus shipping.
For Sale:
Amateur Television Repeater Controllers
ATVC-4 Plus is Intuitive Circuit's second generationAmateur
Television repeater controller.
Some of the many features that the ATVC-4 includes are:
* Five Video Input Sources
* Four Mixable Audio Input Sources
* Non-volatile Storage
* DTMF Control
* Beacon Mode
* Robust CW Feedback
* Password Protected
* And Many More Features
For example a major new feature is four individual sync detection
circuits allowing for true priority based ATV receiver switching.
Only $349.00
Contact: Intuitive Circuits, LLC 3928 Wardlow Ct., Troy, MI - (248) 588-4400
To go right to the ATVC-4
To go to the main page
Anyone looking to buy, sell or trade ATV Equipment are
welcomed to send your ad(s) for publication to:
ATV Guide
Scheduled Program Guide for ATV
11:00 PM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table at (0700 UTC Tuesday)
12:00Noon PT
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Tuesday at 2000 to 2200 UTC under GB3TB Repeater
6:00 PM PT
Every Tuesday (0200 UTC Wednesday)
7:30 PM PT
WB9KMO Net Night Santa Barbara, CA
Every Tuesday at (0330 UTC Wednesday) the goto members streams and look
for WB9KMO
8:00 PM PT
W7TED Repeaters Net Night
Every Tuesday (0400 UTC Wednesday)
11:00 PM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Wednesday)
11:00AM PT
Chat Night, GB3ZZ
Every Wednesday at 1900 to2100 UTC
BATC.TV streaming video then go to
member streams as well as
6:00 PM PT
C.A.T.S. Net
Net held every Wed.
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Thursday)
11:00 PM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Thursday)
12:00Noon PT
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Thursday at 2000 to 2200 UTC under GB3TB Repeater
6:00 PM PT
B.R.A.T.S. Net
Net held every Thurs.
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Firday)
7:00 PM PT
San Bernardino Microwave Society Meeting
Topic of the next Tech Talk: ?
Next meetingApril 2nd
7:00to 9:00 PM PT Starts @ 0300 UTC to 0500 UTC Friday
You can watch the SBMS Meeting on the
The METS ATV Repeaters as well as or the
ATN-CA Repeaters in Southern California or them go toATV Repeatersand
click onW6ATN then click on option #1 or #2
11:00 PM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Friday)
1:00 PM PT
GB3GG, Grimsby Amateur Television Group Net
Every Friday at 2100 ZULU
11:00 PM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTCSaturday)
9:00 AM PT ****New Listing*****
Argentina ATV Net
Held every Saturday
AC6RB and Friends,everyone iswelcomed
(1700 UTC) and found under W6ATN's stream
6:00 PM PT
M.A.T.S. Net
Held every Saturday
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200UTC Sunday)
1:30AM PT
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table at (0930 UTC)
11:00AM PT
GB3ZZ Chat Night
Every Sunday at 1900 to 2100 UTC Streaming video go to members stream
and look for GB3ZZ
and as well
12:00 Noon PT
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Sunday at 2000 to 2200 UTC under GB3TB Repeater
Proposed Upcoming Live Webcasts
on the BATC.TV Streaming Video
March 7th FRARS flight refueling ars
April18thRSGB agm newcastle
May 15th -17th Dayton Hamfest various webcasts
June 13th -14thBATC 60th year
July 11th 12thATV section of microwave round table
KA9UVY, Bob is active mostly morning during weekdays
And all hours weekends.
Hepburn tropo forecast page:
ATV DXers post their CQ's and Reports to the ATV logger page:
Hawaiian Beacons for the West Coast provided by. "KH6HME"
144.170 MHz
432.075 MHz
1296.34 MHz
Other Streaming ATVVideos