Vocabulary Term / Meaning
quarter / v.-give food or shelter to
(What other meanings of this word do you know?)
How would you feel about being forced to quarter soldiers in your home?
boycott / n.- to refuse to use of buy something, usually in protest
During the Montgomery Bus Boycott, people refused to use the Montgomery public bus system in protest of discriminatory laws.
congress / n.- a formal meeting; a law making body
The United States Congress is bicameral, or made up of two parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate.
debt / n. –money owed
If you don’t pay cash for the full price for your car, your car loan is a debt.
effigy / n. an image or representation especially of a person; especially : a crude figure representing a hated person
Burning an effigy of a leader is a sign of rebellion and feelings of protest.
enlist / v.- to enter (sign up for) the armed forces
Do you plan on enlisting in the armed forces when you grow up?
Loyalist / n.. –in the time of the Revolutionary War, a colonist who remained loyal to Britain
The Loyalists believed the colonists should obey British laws.
morale / n.- the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group has about a task or job
The team’s morale was low after six consecutive losses.
neutral / adj. – not taking sides
On the subject of school uniforms, I am neutral; I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other. What about you?
Patriot / n. – in the time of the Revolutionary War, a colonist who strongly opposed Britain
The Patriots believed the British taxes were unfair and started the rebellion against British rule.
repeal / v.-to cancel or end , often a law
The 13th Amendment of the U.S Constitution officially repealed the Law in Relation to Service by outlawing slavery.
significant / adj. – important
The Boston Tea Party was a significant event leading up to the American Revolution.
tariff / n.- a tax on imported goods (i.e., goods from another country)
The Townsend Acts placed tariffs on goods from Britain that the colonists needed. As a result, some colonists began making needed items locally so that they wouldn’t need to pay the import tax.
treason / n.- the crime of betraying one’s country
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were committing treason against Britain.