World History Lesson Plans August 31-September 4
Organize Notebooks
Topic: What were the causes, Key events and results of the Persian Wars.
Discuss: The Graphic Organizer key points for the Persian Wars.
Focus: Battle of Thermopylae
Discuss Battles of Salamis and Platae.
Sources: /- reading:"Pericles' Funeral Oration."
- textbook: pg. 126-127 & 129
- Write your own personal definition for the word "democracy." Now go to a dictionary
and get a formal definition. - Answer these questions as you do the reading:
*According to Pericles, what precisely makes Athens great?
*How does this compare to other city-states?
* What is Pericles’ definition of democracy?
* What are the responsibilities of Athenian citizenship?
* Why does Pericles need to defend the Athenian system?
* In what ways does way of life in Athens differ from other Greek city-states?
* What problems do you see in Pericles’ description of Athens?
* Where does Pericles directly or indirectly make verbal attacks on Sparta?
* How do we in the United States today define democracy? Is it the same
way as Pericles’ definition?
* Is a funeral oration a reliable source for information about a culture? Why or why not? - What were the causes and effects of the Persian Wars on the Greek city-states?
Terms: / direct democracy /
- indirect democracy
- Pericles
Focus: What were the causes, key events and results of the Peloponnesian War.
Discuss the graphic organizer.
PowerPoint Presentation:
Prezi Presentation:
Summarize the results of the Peloponnesian War
Homework: How did Greek thinkers, artists, and writers explore the nature of the universe and people’s place in it?
Read Section Four.
Complete the Graphic Organizer
Read the section summary and answer the two review questions.
Discuss Section Four using the graphic organizer completed as homework on Wednesday.
Sources: /- textbook:Chapter 4 Section 4
- reading #1:"Socrates."
- reading #2:"The Trial of Socrates."
- Why was Philip, ruler of a relatively less developed Macedon, able to conquer the classical cities of mainland Greece?
- Do reading #1 and answer these questions:
* What were Socrates' most basic philosophical principles, as outlined by Plato
inThe Apology?
* Why didn't Socrates write any of his ideas down himself?
* What is the only thing that Socrates admits he "knows?"
* List some of the basic ideas/principles of the Sophists.
* Why does Plato feel that Socrates was a Sophist?
* What is the definition given of the Greek workarête? Why is it critical in doing the
right think, according to Socrates? - Do reading #2 and answer these questions:
* Why does Socrates believe that it would be wrong for him to escape, even to save,
his own life?
* Compare Socrates' views with those of Antigone [in the last assignment]. What
similarities/differences can you find?
* Socrates stated that he had entered into a "contest" with the state. What does he
mean by this? Why does he feel that he must "break" this contract?
* Why does Socrates refuse to apologize for his "wrong-doing" and choose to die?
Why does Socrates feel his decision is a great "service" to the city of Athens?
Terms: /
- Socrates
- dialectic
- Sophists
- arête
Test Chapter 4 Sections 1-4
Use the following website for review:
When you bring up the website, use the web codes located in your textbook. You may play the Know It Show It Game or take the online quiz and print out.