Individual Development Plans (lOPs) provide a process to identify both professional development needs and career objectives for postdoctoral scholars (postdocs). Each postdoctoral scholar and his/her
Mentor should complete and submit an IDP at the time of his/her first re-appointment, and an updated version for every subsequent reappointment.
The IDP helps postdocs address short-term needs for improving current performance, develop long- term career goals and options, and identify the tools and resources necessary to meet both. IDPs also serve as a communication tool between individuals and their mentors, and help identify key milestones to assist in reaching specific objectives. It will change over time, since needs and goals will almost certainly evolve during your time as a postdoc.
Developing an IDP requires collaboration between the postdoc and the mentor. The aim is to build upon current strengths and skills by identifying areas for development and providing a way to address these. The specific objectives of a typical IDP are to:
• Establish effective dates for the duration of a postdoctoral appointment;
• Identify specific skills and strengths the postdoc needs to develop;
• Define approaches to obtain the specific skills and strengths (e.g., courses, technical skills, teaching, supervision) together with anticipated time frames; and
• Provide an opportunity for annual, regular review.
The IDP should be conducted annually, at or near time for re-appointment, as part of the reappointment process. The original signed IDP should be submitted to the appropriate office 2 along with the postdoc's reappointment request, as part of the routine process for reappointment.
For Postdoctoral Scholars: Please complete parts 1, 2, and 3. Attach additional pages as necessary. Give the completed form to your mentor prior to meeting with him/her for your IDP review.
For Mentors: Please complete part 4, and discuss the entire IDP with the postdoc. Please provide detailed comments to help guide the postdoc. Include special strengths or notable achievements as well as areas needing improvement. Provide guidance as to how the postdoctoral appointee can best attain his/her career goal.
Once both parties have agreed to the IDP and signed it, each person should retain a copy; the original should be routed as noted by department or school policy.
1Sources: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB);National Postdoctoral Association (NPA);BRET Office of Postdoctoral Affairs;Duke Office of Postdoctoral Services;NIH and NSF websites.
2 Each school will determine which office should be the office of record for the IDP (either department chair or
dean's office).
Name: Initial Appointment Date:
Mentor/PI: Date of this Review:
Postdoc Signature: PI Signature:
Department Chair Signature:
For the Postdoc:
Part 1. Progress Review: Research and Professional Training in the Past Year.
Feel free to use additional space as needed. For those items that don’t apply, just note N/A.
• Brief overview of your research project and major accomplishments in the past year:
• Publications:
• Patents:
• Honors/Awards (include fellowships with entire funding periods, grants written/applied for/received, professional society presentation awards or travel awards, etc.):
• National or other professional meetings attended (indicate meeting title, oral or poster presentation):
• Seminar Presentations (title, department):
• New areas of research or technical expertise acquired in past year:
• Teaching activity:
o Oversight of graduate, undergraduate or summer student (name, academic level, project title)
o Course lectures (department, course name) or lab sections (section title, supervised/unsupervised):
• Clinical activity:
• Committee or other service activity (indicate if you held an office):
• Other professional activities not identified above:
• Other activities (community, volunteer, etc.) with professional relevance:
IDP Annual Review Template
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Part 2. Plans for the Coming Year.
• Research project goals:
• Activities to address ongoing education in the responsible conduct of research (RCR):
• Anticipated publications (indicate projected titles):
• Anticipated meeting or workshop attendance:
• Fellowship or other funding applications planned (indicate name of award):
• Other professional training (course work, teaching activity):
Part 3. Career Goals.
• Current career goals:
• What further research activity or other training do you feel you need before you start a job search?
• When do you anticipate beginning a job search?
• Please indicate if there are other issues that affect your job search:
For the Mentor/PI:
Part 4. Feedback and Review.
• Do you find the goals and timetable outlined above to be appropriate and feasible?
• Please provide your assessment of the postdoc's progress during the past year.
• Describe the format and frequency of meetings with the postdoctoral appointee during the period covered by this report. If you have not held any meetings with the postdoctoral appointee, please explain why not.