Annex to the Application


concerning participation of a representative of Polish administration in scientific research in the Polish marine areas, conducted by foreign states, legal and natural persons, as well as relevant international organisations

1.Foreign states, legal and natural persons, as well as relevant international organisations, hereinafter referred to as the "applicant" undertake to take on board a vessel a representative of Polish administration for the time of conducting scientific research in the Polish marine areas - they submit their declaration in point 8 of the application, along with the preliminary organisational information regarding participation of the representative of Polish administration, as set out pursuant to the points of these Guidelines.

2.The Polish party, in the course of reviewing the application submitted by the applicant, shall provide the applicant with the data of the representative of Polish administration who will participate in the scientific research cruise. The applicant is required to contact the representative, in order to determine the further details of participation in the cruise, not later than one month prior to the planned start of research. The Polish party has a possibility of withdrawing from sending the representative of Polish administration to participate in the cruises.

3.In case of longer cruises, the applicant shall guarantee that the representative of Polish administration is substituted for by another one every 30 days at a maximum. The costs of substitution shall be borne by the applicant.

4.In its application, the applicant will inform the Polish party that the representative of Polish administration must have certificates/training necessary for the work/presence on board during the scientific research cruise (such as STCW training - with regard to individual rescue techniques, with regard to fire protection - basic level, with regard to the elementary principles of providing medical first aid, with regard to own security and joint responsibility).

5.During the scientific research cruise, the applicant provides the representative of Polish administration with full access to research conducted, as well as to the related documentation, along with the right to take notes, copies or photocopies of this documentation.

6.During the scientific research cruise, the applicant provides the representative of Polish administration with permanent communication with the Polish contact point, as well as with access to the Internet or e-mail.

7.As an annex to the application, the applicant shall provide the daily plan of scientific research in the Polish marine areas.

8.The applicant shall indicate the port of embarkation and disembarkation of the representative of Polish administration, not later than within the time-limit referred to in point 2.

9.In its application, the applicant shall provide the information about the working language on board/working language of the research team, in order to enable communication with the representative of Polish administration.

10.The applicant provides food, medical care and insurance for the representative of Polish administration (such as ship crew insurance) and shall bear the costs of his/her participation in planned scientific research, including:

•transport - travels, embarkation on and disembarkation from the vessel at the port,

•potential accommodation before/after embarkation on and disembarkation from the vessel,

•travelling allowances.

11.The applicant shall make payment for participation of the representative of Polish administration in scientific research, after the end of research, based on a document issued by the institution sending the above-mentioned representative, within the time-limit and to the bank account referred to in this document. The final cost of participation of the representative (transport, accommodation, travelling allowances), submitted for refunding, shall be determined by the Polish party pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 29 January 2013 on amounts payable to an employee of a state or local governmental budgetary unit for official travel (Polish Journal of Laws of 2013, item 167), after the applicant has contacted the representative of Polish administration, within the time-limit referred to in point 2, and before the start of the scientific research cruise.

12.The applicant shall be required to comply with the statutory time-limit for the submission of the application, i.e. the application should be submitted to the Polish party not later than 3 months before the expected date of commencement of research.





1.Name of the research vessel:

2.Duration of the cruise - from/to:

3.Authority managing and responsible for the cruise (name and contact data):

4.Owner of the vessel - provide if different than in point 3:

5.Area of the cruise:


1.Particulars of the vessel:



•Home port:

•External identification mark:

•Length overall: Maximum draught:

•Gross tonnage:

•Call sing:

•IMO number:

•MMSI number:

•Automatic Identification System (AIS):


•Number of satellite phone (if available):


•Surname and name of the captain:

•Surname and name of the chief researcher (contact data):

•Number of the crew members, scientific staff separately:

3.Data on the cruise:

•Cruise number:

•Area of the cruise - list of the points of measurement, taking into account the coordinates of latitude and longitude of each point of measurement:

•Date and name of the port-of-call, in the case of the planned call at a Polish port:

•Any special logistic requirements at the port-of-call, the case of the planned call at a Polish port:

•Short description of the planned cruise, containing the information about any potential past and future cruises related to the planned cruise, as well as the information about any potential published research related to the planned cruise:

4.Scientific research and research methods:

•Type of samples taken (e.g., geological, water, plankton, fish, radioactivity, isotopes):

•Methods by which samples were obtained, including: dredging, drilling, trawling and CTD:

•Places of publishing the data, research (other than the report):

5.Details on research equipment (e.g. working time/date, type/name, immersion/depth, coordinates of points of measurement):


•Type and commercial name:

•Chemical composition:

•Depth of commercial class and distribution:


•Depth of detonation:

•Frequencies of detonations:

•Position, coordinates of latitude and longitude:

•Dates of detonations:

7.Scientific cooperation with the coastal state - Poland:

•Surname and name of the Polish scientist (contact data):

•Brief description of the way of participation of the Polish scientist in the cruise (e.g. cooperation in a form of the exchange of documents, contact by phone, presence on board during the cruise):

•Is it possible for other Polish scientists to visit the vessel at the Polish port (name of the port/s):

•During the cruise, is it possible to board other Polish scientists, if so, how:

8.Cooperation with Polish administration:

Detailed information on participation of a representative of Polish administration in the cruise, according to the rules laid down in the Guidelines annexed to the Application.

9.Table (indicate "Yes" or "No" for each item of equipment provided in the table):

List of major equipment to be used during the cruise,
with regard to the area of planned research / Scientific research as part of catch limits / Research of the Continental Shelf beyond the area of the coastal state / DISTANCE FROM THE SHORE
4 NM / Between 4-12 NM / Between
12-50 NM / Between
50-200 NM

10.Map of the area of the cruise, taking into account the coordinates of latitude and longitude of each point of measurement, and the route of the cruise, as well as the coordinates of positions of equipment left for research purposes, in an appropriate scale, in tabular format(as the separate attachment/s):

11.Daily plan of the cruise, taking into account the type of work planned - scientific research(as the separate attachment/s):