buySell pseudo code document

buySell Pseudo Code Document

Program Header:

Currency Trader Simulation

Author: Joe College

Purpose: Buy and Sell currency simulation using real-time exchange rates from the Internet.

End Program Header.

Start Program:

Include stdio.h

Include ctype.h



Float amount, curr1=1.0, curr2, Buy, Sell, balance, percent

Char currName[20], currSym[3], Valid

Print “Currency Trader”

Print “Enter the Name of currency you are buying (No Spaces): ”

Input currency assign to currName

Print “Enter the 3 letter symbol of currency you are buying: “

Input symbol assign to currSym

Valid = F

While valid not T

Print “Enter the currency exchange rate for (currSym value) found at “

If input exchange rate assign to curr2 not a number

Print “Input of invalid characters: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F

Else if curr2 <= 0.0

Print “Input of negative numbers: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F

Else Valid = T

Valid = F

While valid not T

Print “Enter the amount of USD to buy the currName”

amount = 0.0

If input amount assign to amount not a number

Print “Input of invalid characters: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F

Else if amount <= 0.0

Print “Input of negative numbers: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F


Print “$amount.2 USD = $Buy.2 currSym (currName)”,


Valid = T

Valid = F

While valid not T

Print “Sell the currency, exchange it back to USD”

Print “Enter the new currency exchange rate for currSym found at “

If input exchange rate assign to curr2 not a number

Print “Input of invalid characters: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F

Else if curr2 <= 0.0

Print “Input of negative numbers: Please enter a number: “

Valid = F

Else Valid = T

Print “Select any key to Sell the $Buy.2 currName

Getch() to pause for any key

Print “$Buy.2 currSym (currName) = $Sell.2 USD” , (Sell=Buy*curr2/curr1)

Steve Clayden, Gateway Community College © 2005 1 of 2