Workers’ Compensation Board
27 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0027
Tel: 207-287-3751; TTY: Maine Relay 711; Fax: 207-287-7198
Web Site:
EFFECTIVE January 7, 2013
The following fee schedule is authorized by P.L. 1993, Chapter 145, section 152, subsection 14.
ITEM / MEDIA / COST*1. / Facts About Maine Workers’ Compensation Laws / Pamphlet
Available on Internet / $.50
2. / Maine Workers’ Compensation Act / Booklet
Available on Internet / $5.00
3. / Weekly Benefit Table / Booklet (all prior year tables)
All years available on Internet / $15.00
4. / Forms (individual sheets and four part forms) / Samples Available / * *
5. / Notice to Employees / Poster / Up to Five Free
* *
6. / Computer Screen Prints
(The charge is $5.00 for the screen print regardless of the number of files related to a specific claimant.) Note: A requestor must meet the “Need to Know” standard found in WCB Rule Ch. 16, Sec. 2 to obtain screen prints of claim files. / Paper / $5.00
7. / Claim File Document
(includes existing transcripts) / Research Fee per request
Per Page Copy Cost
Certification of Records / $5.00
$ .50
8. / Medical Fee Schedule / CD
Available on Internet / $25.00
Gossamer Press
9. / Computer Data / Contact Paul Fortier / $100.00
10. / Personnel research time accumulating data to fulfill individual requests for special projects / Pay scale 15 and below
Pay scale 16 and above / $20.00 hourly
$40.00 hourly
11. / Workers’ Compensation Board Rules and Regulations / Paper
Available on Internet / $10.00
12. / Board Minutes
Subscription runs from 7-1 through 6-30 / Paper
Available on Internet / $100.00
13. / Board Minutes with Index
Subscription runs from 7-1 through 6-30 / Paper / $150.00
14. / Board Review Subscription (Annual) / Paper / $75.00
15. / Forms & Petitions Manual / Paper
Available on Internet / $10.00
*Includes postage and handling. Costs are subject to change without notice. CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO: TREASURER, STATE OF MAINE.
** Quantities may be reproduced locally or are available through Gossamer Press, Attn: Linda Fuller, 240 Main St., Unit 4, Old Town, ME 04468. Tel. (207) 827-9881, Fax: (207) 827-9861 or email: