日期: 6月1日(六)13:15-17:10
Giorgio Iotti – Curriculum Vitae
Giorgio Iotti, MD
Anestesia e Rianimazione 2
Fondazione IRCCS “Policlinico S. Matteo”
27100 Pavia
Phone: +39 0382 502927
Fax: +39 0382 501026
Home address:
Via Golgi 5
27020 Torre d’Isola (PV)
Phone +39 0382 407577
Dr. Giorgio Iotti was born in Alessandria (Italy) in 1954. He is married, and lives in Pavia (Italy). He speaks Italian, English and French.
He is currently Director of the 2nd Dept. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Hospital “Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo” of Pavia, and Assistant Professor (Professore a contratto) of Intensive Care at the Anesthesia and Intensive Care School of the University of Pavia.
Dr. Iotti obtained his degree of Doctor in Medicine in 1979, and the Diploma of Specialist in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care in 1982, at the University of Pavia.
From 1980 to 2002 he has worked at the “IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo” of Pavia, in the 1st Dept of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, where he has been member of the General ICU staff, clinical researcher, and later chief of the General ICU.
From 2002 to 2006 he has been Director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Dept. of the Hospital “Santi Antonio e Biagio” of Alessandria.
Since 2006 he is Director of the 2nd Dept. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Hospital “Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo” of Pavia.
Since 1989 he is Assistant Professor (Professore a contratto) of Intensive Care for Postgraduate Schools of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, formerly at the University of Perugia (Italy), and later at the University of Pavia.
The main fields of interest for research have been “mechanical ventilation”, “acute respiratory failure”, “acute on chronic respiratory failure”. Dr. Iotti has worked on:
physiologic effects of mechanical ventilation in human respiratory failure
technological developments of mechanical ventilation:
Pressure Support Ventilation
Automation applied to mechanical ventilation
ventilation monitoring
measurements of passive respiratory mechanics
assessment of spontaneous respiratory activity
inhaled nitric oxide in ARDS and pulmonary hypertension
treatment of alveolar proteinosis with massive lung lavage
noninvasive ventilation
Influenza A(H1N1)
Dr. Iotti has published more than 300 papers (free communication abstracts, presentation texts, original articles, book chapters, a book). The list of the most significant scientific papers can be found at the PubMed website:
queried as: Iotti GA
Iotti G Pavia
Dr. Iotti has been referee for the evaluation of manuscripts submitted to the following specialized journals:
Intensive Care Medicine,
Anesthesia and Analgesia,
Critical Care
Minerva Anestesiologica
Dr. Iotti is an active member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), and has contributed to the PACT multidisciplinary distance learning programme for intensive care training of the ESICM Society.
7 Dec 2012
Giorgio Iotti
民國101年4月起台北榮民總醫院呼吸治療科加護病房(RTCU) 主任
99年8月1日至100年7月31日: Professor Haibo Zhang Lab, ST. Michael Hospital affiliated with University of Toronto, Canada進修
- Hsin-Kuo Kao, Gee-Chen Chang, Jia-Horng Wang. The relationship of exhaled nitric oxide levels with measures of disease control and disease severity in asthma. Thorac Med 2003; 18: 467-473
- Hsin-Kuo Kao, Jia-Horng Wang, Chun-Sung Sung, Ying-Che Huang and Te-Cheng Lien. Pneumothorax and mortality in the mechanically ventilated SARS patients: a prospective clinical study. Critical Care 2005, 9:440-445. (SCI)
- Te-Cheng Lien, Chun-Sung Sung, Chen-Hsen Lee, Hsin-Kuo Kao, Ying-Che Huang, Cheng-Yi Liu, Reury-PerngPerng, Jia-Horng Wang. Characteristic features and outcomes of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): found in SARS intensive care unit patients. Journal of Critical Care 2008; 23:557-64 (SCI)
- Hsin-Kuo Kao, Te-Cheng Lien, Yu-Ru Kou, Jia-Horng Wang. Assessment of myocardial injury in the emergency department independently predicts the short-term poor outcome in patients with severe carbon monoxide poisoning receiving mechanical ventilation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2009 Dec;22(6):473-477. (SCI)
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Hsin-Kuo Kao, Te-Cheng Lien, Yen-Wen Chen, Yu Ru Kou, Jia-Horng Wang. Acute kidney injury on ventilator initiation day independently predicts prolonged mechanical ventilation in ICU patients. Journal of Critical Care 2011 Dec;26(6):586-92. (SCI).
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Te-Cheng Lien, Yen-Wen Chen, Wen-Kuang Yu, Hsin-Kuo Kao, Jia-Horng Wang. Influence of intensive care-acquired hypernatremia on the short-term mortality of mechanically ventilated patients. Thoracic Medicine 2011 Aug;26(4):187-194.
- Wen-Kuang Yu, Yen-Wen Chen, Huei-Guan Shie, Te-Cheng Lien, Hsin-Kuo Kao, Jia-Horng Wang. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an Adjunctive Treatment for Sternal Infection and Osteomyelitis after Sternotomy and Cardiothoracic Surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;6:141 (SCI)
- Sheng-Wei Pan, Hsin-Kuo Kao, Wen-Kuang Yu, Te-Cheng Lien, Yen-Wen Chen, Jia-HorngWang , Yu Ru Kou. Synergistic impact of low serum albumin on ICU admission and high blood urea nitrogen during ICU stay on post-ICU mortality in critically ill elderly patients requiring mechanical ventilation. GeriatrGerontolInt 2013 Jan;13(1):107-15
Update: 20130301
姓 名:戴玉玲 / 性別: / 女 / 出生日期 / 51年03月20日身份證字號:F221000786 / 專業證書字號:呼吸字000304
職 稱:呼吸治療師 / 呼吸治療師
服務年資 / 19年
(H) / 行動電話:0931329295
學 歷:國防醫學院海底醫學研究所碩士
經 歷:1. 三軍總醫院胸腔內科呼吸治療師
2. 輔仁大學呼吸治療學系兼任講師
3. 台北市呼吸治療師公會常務理事
專 長:1. 呼吸生理
2. 重症呼吸治療照護
3. 長期呼吸治療照護
著 作:
- 缺氧引起肺部通氣血流分佈之變化國防醫學院海底醫學研究所碩士論文2006,6月
- 戴玉玲,黃坤崙,吳清平肺泡回復術在急性呼吸窘迫症候群病患的應用中華民國重症醫學雜誌2003,5:3;241-248
- 楊式興,戴玉玲,陳健文,顏鴻欽,彭萬誠,吳清平SARS之重症呼吸照護-談三軍總醫院SARS重症呼吸照護之應變呼吸照護簡訊; 2003,14(2): 9-18.
- Chien-Wen Chen, Chin-Pyng Wu, Yu-Ling Dai, Wann-Cherng Perng, Chih-Feng Chian, Wen-Lin Su, Yuh-Chin T Huang. Effect of Implementing Adaptive Support Ventilation in Medical Intensive Care Unit Respiratory Care.56(7)976-983,2011