East County ASA Executive Meeting Minutes
August 17th, 2015
7:00 PM
- Call to Order by President Edgar Moscoso at 7:00 PM
- Read & Approved meeting minutes from August 3rd General Board meeting
- Financial Report- Treasurer was absent
- New Business
- Winterball registration numbers.
6U- 20 Registered Players
8U-39 Registered Players
10U-42 Registered Players
12U- 26 Registered Players
16U-21 Registered Players
6U Division CLOSED
8U Will close at 12 players per team
10U Will close at 12 players per team
16U 1 Spot left
- Upcoming Events
Draft Wednesday, August 23rd at Kennedy
8U 6:00 PM
10U 6:20 PM
12U 6:40 PM
16U 7:00 PM
ECASA Manager Meeting August 27th 6:30 Pm at Melody
Field Day August 30th 8AM at Melody and Magnolia
- Outside Teams Update
58 Total Teams
6U- 6 teams
8U- 10 Teams
10U- 15 Teams
12U Gold- 6 Teams
12U Silver- 12 Teams
14 & 16U- 9 Teams
- Winterball Manager Vote
6U Division
Jeremy Amison, Eddie Estrada
11 Yes, 1 Abstained- Approved
8U Division
Ramon Leal, Bob Lewis, Jesse Sandoval
11 Yes, 1 Abstained- Approved
10U Division
Manny Sandoval, Bob Gall, JC Gonzalez, Scott Wallace
9 Yes, 3 abstained- Approved
12U Division
Sam Acord, James Miller
10 Yes, 2 abstained- Approved
14/16U Division
Mike Bertussi, Adan Perez
Approved Unanimously
- Fields Update- Fences at Melody should be down next week. Construction should be complete.
- Keys- Dennis will collect keys from old managers. The locks at Magnolia are not being locked properly. Matthew Fish will bring a chain and locks to managers meeting. This will ensure the managers are taught properly how to lock fields.
- Attendance- To properly run the league attendance at board meetings is crucial. If you must miss a meeting please let Edgar know in advance. Per ECASA’s bylaws if you miss 3 consecutive meetings you are subject for dismissal from the board of directors.
- Roundtable
- Manny-2016 All Star Dates already posted on surrounding leagues websites. ECASA should decide on dates and logo and get it posted as soon as possible.
Select B possibility for future rec seasons discussed. Suggested for board to do their research on select B. Edgar thinks more leagues will be starting to do it. Will be discussed further at a future meeting.
- Kara- Discussed practice schedules. No Custom color on logo for winterball uniform. ECASA logo will be standard black & white to help save costs. League will no longer give the option to put the players name on the back of jersey. The individual teams can do it at their own discretion.
- Edgar- All stars rules & protest committee being formed. This group will bring ideas to help make All Stars a positive experience for everyone involved. Committee will consist of Manny Sandoval, JC Gonzalez, Heather Amison, Amanda Fleischer, & Edgar Moscoso (will not vote) The committee will meet on the side and bring their ideas to upcoming board meetings.
- Sam Acord- Will begin looking into pitching clinics for winterball season.
- Heather P.- Asked Edgar to send her winterball rules.
- Amanda- Confirmed game times. 8U 1 hour & 20 minutes. All other divisions 1 hour & 30 minutes.
- Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Edgar Moscoso, seconded by Ray, approved unanimously
Members Present
Edgar MoscosoPresident
Kara Sandoval1st Vice President
Dennis Rivera2nd Vice President & Safety Director
Jonathan Baron3rd Vice Pres & Corky Russell/Tournaments Directorr
Heather AmisonSecretary
Heather ParentPlayer Agent
Sam AcordCoaches & Clinics Director
Ray LealField Director-Supervisor
JC GonzalezField Director-Melody
Matt Fish Field Director-Magnolia
Manny SandovalSergeant at Arms
Amanda FleischerUmpire in Chief
Bob GallWebmaster
Members Absent
Jessica MoscosoTreasurer
Adrianna Rodriguez Concessions-Melody
Bunny LangteauConcessions-Magnolia
Joyce Teague Fundraising & Events Director