Pulmonary Board Review Take Home Quiz

1. What are the classic CBC findings in pertussis?

2. Describe how pulmonary sequestration, CCAM, and bronchogenic cyst may appear different on imaging.

3. Compare and contrast Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (Kartagener Syn) and Cystic Fibrosis.

4. What is the classic clinical presentation and CXR findings in patient with vascular ring?

5. Describe classic presentation of vocal cord dysfunction. How can it be confirmed?

6. What are the common clinical presentations of cystic fibrosis?

7. What are the common complications you may encounter when seeing a patient with cystic fibrosis?

8. Define the following:



C. Apnea

D. Obstructive apnea

E. Central apnea

9. Name the risk factors that place a child at risk for aspiration.

10. Name the indications and contraindication to performing flexible bronchoscopy.