WisconsinCounty Human Services Association
Northeast Regional Board Member and Directors Meeting
Minutes April 15, 2005
- Motion and second to approve the agenda
- Motion and second to approve the February 18, 2005 minutes, passed.
- WCHSA Report….The new Shield Law—Bill # 296 being introduced. Please give support to this legislation. Public Hearing scheduled for April 28th. This bill would protect the counties from community placements from ICFMR’s costing more than state money available for support. State is currently considering changes in waivers of DD adults placed in 5-8 bed CBRF’s. WCHSA will have a web site soon. WCHSA conference May 11, 12, and 13th at The Osthoff Resort in Elkart Lake, WI. WCHSA’s Legislative Platform almost completed.
- Other business…Elections for new District Representatives for board members and directors (Districts 3&4) and regional officers starting in 2006 will be taking place at our upcoming meeting. Multi County Crisis Grant training for law enforcement and human service staff April 21st in Green Bay.
- Next meeting June 17, 2005. Tentatively scheduled presenters are Sally Raschick, writer of the Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) for mental health and Chris Hendrickson, Bureau of Mental Health, discussing Tela Health.
Program…James Golembeski, Bay Area Workforce Development Board, presented “the once and future workforce”.
Jim presented data on Wisconsin Labor Market for 18 years to 65 years entering and leaving the workforce. Data indicates, due to baby boomers, that Wisconsin will have more leaving the workforce than entering. He discussed the different workforces; Traditionalist (1900-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1975), and Generation Y (1976-1994). Discussed differences in each of these workforces, such as, Generation Y workers process information at a high level. Information on changes in the family structure, women entering the workforce, with associated changes. Future projections in labor force indicate higher number of “skilled” jobs available. He discussed the correlation of higher pay with increased education. High School graduation rate nation wide is approximately 70%. Jim discussed multi career ladder with companies for workers to move up. Between 2001 and 2003 northeast Wisconsin lost 5,053 jobs. The populations of China (approx 3 billion) and India (approx 1 billion) were compared to the US population of 300 million. He expressed that today’s economy is driven by creativity. People are the resources now, not the trees, transportation, etc. Young people cluster where the jobs are now. We need to move to a new economy construct and tactics. We need to change social and cultural mindsets and different images. Promoting industry cluster development is the future.
Sinikka Santala, Administrator, Division of Disability and Elder Services and Diane Waller, Office of Strategic Finance, presented the 2006-2007 proposed budget and other ICFMR information.
First, Sinikka handed out a letter from Helene Nelson, Secretary, Department of Health and Family Services thanking everyone for “National County Government Week”. Changes in Department staff, new Deputy Secretary, Roberta Harris and new Executive Assistant, Janson Helgerson and Chief Legal Counsel, Diane Welch and Children and Families Division Administrator. BernieBridge. Sinikka discussed her areas of responsibility. New organizational changes will be taking place July 1st.
Joint Finance Committee will start reviewing the 2006-07 budget April 19th. Medicaid is an extremely important issue. A Public Hearing for Medicaid will take place on Wednesday April 20th. Goals of the Governors budget were reviewed; increase family foundations, dental initiatives for children, foster care rate increases 5% 06 and 5% 07, subsidize guardianship program, funding for CFSR and PEP, screen children with MH/AODA pilots, MA to children aging out of foster care, pilots for prenatal care, preserve health care safety net (Badger Care, Senior Care, and MA), thanked the counties for working with the State on revenue issues (Health Check and WIMCR), small increase for I M, change in Medical Assistance “grace month”, strengthen fraud and third party liability with MA payor of last resort, MA transportation broker, different initiatives for nursing home payments, small $ increase OWI programs, most of the State staff cuts are institutions closing, expanding managed care for SSI recipients, reducing of nursing residents by funding moving to the community placement start in the fall 2005, increased funding for Kinship Care balance of State, new funding from Fed’s for Elderly Benefit Specialists to assist with the new Medicare Part D, new funding for children LT Support Waiver.
State is requesting new Waiver from the Fed’s to relocate Mental Health residents from Nursing Homes to the community. A brochure on pre White House Conference on Aging will be coming out.
Medicare Part D will be taking affect January 1, 2006. Dual eligible individuals, MA and Medicare, will change MA being the first payor for medications.
ICFMR issues were briefly discussed. Five ICFMR’s are planned to close in the State. Over 500 residents will be relocated. Training is currently taking place for guardian ad litems and Judges.
Submitted by Dennis Dornfeld