Wisconsin Traffic Engineering Council


July 1, 2007

ARTICLE I: Name and Authority

Section 1. Name

The official name of this group shall be “Wisconsin Traffic Engineering Council”, which shall be referred to as the Council.

Section 2: Authority and Relation to ITE

The Council shall be considered part of the Institute of Transportation Engineers-Wisconsin Section (ITE). But for the purposes of events and activities supported by Council, shall be considered a separate organization with responsibilities for committee administration. These responsibilities will include but are not limited to committee member recruitment, resource management, promotion, and financial record keeping.

ITE shall provide fiduciary oversight and supply financial management resources to support group activities and monetary transactions. Funds collected from Council activities shall be deposited in ITE accounts for the purpose of supporting future events.


Section 1. Mission

The Council will be the professional network enabling policy development and review, and supporting communication and knowledge management between and among state and local traffic engineers in Wisconsin.

Section 2. Stakeholders

The Council will meet the needs of stakeholders from municipal, county, and state agencies with responsibility for traffic operations and traffic engineering functions. The Council will also incorporate the expertise of consultants, vendors, and other private industry partners.


Section 1: Definition

Membership shall be open to all interested individuals. However, Council members will be encouraged to be members of ITE.

Section 2: Committee Size

There are no limits on the number or size of the Council membership. However, the Council will make efforts to maintain a minimum of 10 members, and will prioritize the inclusion of state traffic engineers and traffic engineers from large cities in Wisconsin such as Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Appleton, and others.

Section 3: Expectations

All members of the group are expected to perform or support various voluntary functions including but not limited to the following:

Scheduling and logistical support for meetings

Discussion and policy facilitation for specific topics

Support of education and awareness activities regarding traffic engineering issues


Section 1: Officers

The officers of the Council shall be Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair shall be the State Traffic Engineer and the Vice Chair shall be a representative of the University of Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Lab or a municipality.

Section 2: Chair

The Chair shall be the committee’s leading figure. The Chair’s responsibilities include developing the agenda, presiding over all meetings, and, with approval of the Council, assigning members responsibility for other key functions. The Chair will also serve as the liaison to Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board.

Section 3: Vice Chair

The Vice Chair will support the Chair in the leadership and administration of the Council, and will serve as the Chair’s primary delegate in the absence of the Chair.

Section 4: Reorganization

At the discretion of the Chair or the vote of a two-thirds majority of the Council members, either of the officers designated in Section 1 may be alternately selected for a period of one year commencing with the following January 1 and continuing until the subsequent December 31. These actions may be renewed annually by a vote of two-thirds majority of the Council for subsequent calendar years.


Section 1: Annual Meeting

The Council shall conduct at least one meeting annually to review traffic engineering technical and policy issues of concern to members. A summary of discussions and substantive recommendations for action shall be provided to the Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board for consideration and possible publication.

Section 2: Sub-Committees

To discharge these key functions, the Council may adopt and revise from time to time a list of standing sub-committees. The Chair will appoint subcommittee chairs with the approval of the Council.


Section 1: Repeal Charter

This Charter may be repealed, and a new Charter may be adopted, with the approval of a two-thirds majority of the Council members. The newly adopted Charter is officially approved once it is submitted to the Wisconsin Section ITE Executive Board for review and comment. ITE may require Charter amendments if the documents runs contrary to the objectives of the local section or national organization.

Section 2: Amendments

Members of the Council, with a two-thirds majority approval of the membership, may introduce amendments to this Charter. Upon adoption unless the proposed amendment specifically provides otherwise the amendments will take effect during the next full meeting.


This Charter will take effect upon adoption by the current Council by December 31, 2007.


The Council’s parliamentary rules of procedure will be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Quorum shall be one more than 1/2 of the total current active committee members. Quorum is only required for voting business, Charter repeal, and Charter amendments.