Sample Reader’s Log Entry
****Must be written in your READER'S LOG composition book****
September 8, 2015
Dear Mom or Dad,
Today in Reader’s Workshop, I read The Hour I First Believed, by Wally Lamb. I read from pages 96 to 121. On those pages, Maureen is hiding in the library closet. She is listening to the sounds of screaming and gunfire outside. She is so scared that the shooters will find her and kill her also. She finds a pen in her pocket and writes a note to her husband on the inside door of the closet. She wants to make sure that if she dies, he will know that her last thoughts were of him.
One of the characters is Anne. She is FEARLESS. I think this because when the gunfire started, she did not immediately go into hiding. She ran toward the door where the gunmen were entering. On page 99, Anne screams, “What are you doing? Stop this!! You don’t want to do this!!” This shows me that she was not afraid. She seemed fearless.
On page 101, there is an example of an IDIOM. It said, “Tim exploded into the room with daggers in his eyes.” That means that Tim really didn’t have daggers in his eyes, it just looked like he wanted to kill someone.
Parent Response: 10 Points