John Wilson and Ellen alive 1499
Son Roger died 1603 and his wife Elizabeth d1598
Roger and Elizabeth’s children were
Born pre PR William
31.3.1559, Agnes dau. Roger died 1607, spinster, , Tipperthwaite
22.4.1564 , Johannes, Roger, Wilson ? died 1565
18.6.1566, Thomas, Roger, Wilson died 1576 a weak boy
10.4.1569, Adam, Roger, Wilson married someone about 1585
24.6.1586, Jana, Adam, Wilson married William Lund 1598 (possibly b1575)
22.1.1616 Ricardus of Gigg
2.2.1620 Anna of Gigg
6.9.1588, Jacobus, Adam, Wilson
14.2.1591, Katherina, Adam, Wilson
William son of Roger died 1623 left will married Isabella Armetstead 12th May 1577 (she died 20th December 1640)
4.1.1579 Rogerus married Anna (died 1613) Thompson 13th October 1607 only daughter b 21.7.1611 Isabella died 1624, all 3 of Tipperthwaite (Roger appears to be running the farm in 1621) Anna was the daughter of Henry bapt 28.9.1589
14.4.1580 Thomas married Agnes Overend 16th May 1611
12.2.1612 Willelmus
6.11.1614 Jacobus
11.10.1618 Ricardus
28.1.1621 Willelmus
All of Tipperthwaite
10.11.1582 Robertus no further mention
12.1.1589 Jacobus married not known but had daughter Elizabeth 3rd March 1622
14.11.1591 Willelmus died 1592
11.2.1593 Adam married Elizabeth Brown 16th Dec 1626 (not described as of Tipperthwaite) Perhaps the daughter of Bernard of Close House or Adam of ? b1606/07
28.10.1626 Anna
12.5.1633 Robertus
13.8.1637 Margareta
1.5.1639 Agnes
18.10.1640 Jacobus
16.5.1596 Agnes not known no MD
Take care there are 2 Williams
2 May 35 Eliz William Wilson against Richard Burton because he broke and entered the close of the same William below Bradehead in Giggleswick and trampled the crops.
29 September 33 Eliz William Wilson of Giggleswick complains of Henry Tompson of the same because he broke his fences at Brakanber and trampled his crops. Pleaded not guilty. Per patriam. Jurors - six from Giggleswixk and six from Settle - to examine and report.
Jane Payley of Giggleswick spinster complains of William Wilson of the same re debt of 12s for the issues from a cow for three years.
Roger Falthropp and Elizabeth his wife complain of William Wilson of Giggleswick re debt of 2s 6d for food and drink.
The wife of William Wilson and the wife of Matthew Trotter are common scandal mongers.
9 May 24 Eliz The jurors present that the barn of William Wilson, tenant of one old tenement, is in decay for aystrees and elinges for pairs of crookkes. They seek that it be looked over by the lord’s woodward and great timbers delivered.
3 November 22 Eliz Richard Claphamson of Giggleswick complains of William Willson of the same in a plea of trespass because he, through Reginald Wilson his son, mistreated Richard Claphamson his son, that is to say, did shote hym into the head with a shaft.
It[e]m we fynde our myln[er] not to be lawfull for thatt thatt he Absentethe hym selff many Tymes From the mylne so thatt the [?]Sucken is unservedd, and he will not grynde poore folk[es] corne. And will take mowlte of Corne. And then send it home ungrownde & Austen Wilson wiffe hadd her corne gone out of the mylne and cowlde not learne how. And Thom[a]s Banke wyff, Rob[er]t Creake wyffe, Wm. Wilson, Wm. Linde w[i]th many other do compleyne they have smale mesure of flower or meale. If they send a bushell of wheat to the mylne they can Scarse have 3 peckes of flower or 3 peckes & a halff & the like is of dyv[eres] other graynes. He usethe pyping and will not spede poore folke with ther corne nor tell them when they shalbe spedd.
Also living/dying at Tipperthwaite
1624 1 Robert Wilson 1624 adol Tipperthwaite
10.4.1625, Isabella died 1625, Roberti, Paler, Tipperthwaite, 1625
7.4.1633, Richardus, Thomae, Burton, Tipperthwaite, 1633
22, jul, 1632, , Janet, Carr, 1632, widow, Jacob, Tipperthwaite
23, 6, 1590, Thomas, BURTON, D, , , Jeneta, CARR, D
13, 5, 1611, Jacobus, CARR, D, , , Jeneta, BURTON, D
4s, 6d, Helen the relict of John, Wilson, 1 lodge, , the same John, , 10s
1520 Ellen the wife of John Wilson 10s
1522 Wilson, Roger, Northumberland, £1.50, , Giggleswick
1550 Roger Wilson the son of John holds one tenement with the lands appertaining and renders per annum 10s
1572 Gersum 30s Roger Wilson holds by the lord’s warrant dated
Fully paid 25 October 4 Edward VI for the term of his life
etc one tenement with the appurtenances in Mewith.
And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid 10s
1579 jurors Roger Wilson one messuage, one barn and one house, one close called the Nether Field by estimation 5 acres and a half, and one other close by estimation 6 acres and a rood. Yearly rent is 10s.
Willm Wilson sone of Roger Wilson of Mewith haith taken of the said Commissioners one mess one Laythe one outhouse one Close called the nedder field conteyninge by estimacon five acres and a half one other close conteyninge by estimacon 6roods of the rent of 10s now in the tenure of the said Roger to Have and to holde And payinge for his fyne £7 10s
Provydett that the said Willm shall suffer the said Roger to occupye two pts of the premises during his Lyff and the wyf of the said Roger the therde pte therof During her widowhood
1600 Pierse £4 7s 4d
William Wilson holds one mansion house with a barn, stable, turf house, yard, two gardens and a small **** of meadow and arable land thereto adjoining called Tipperthwaite together also with one other **** of meadow and arable land near there unto called Tipperthwaite Close cont together 13-3-9-0 His beastgates in the common pasture
William Wilson for a messuage and certain closes / 8s 6dRobert Shutt for the Stonehouse and a garden 8d and for the moiety of a tenement 10s, for the Holme late William Wilson’s 18d, for Ostell Bank close and other grounds 5s / 18s 2d
William Wilson / 8 / 61621
Wm. Wylson, the first day of September 4 King James of England etc 1606 All that one messuage farm or tenement with the appurtenances situate in Meweth in G aforesaid and then in the tenure of Wm. Wylson of the annual rent of 8s 6d To hold for 6000 years Yielding, 8s 6d, And for Moore Rent 2s ¾d, Thereof Wm. Banckes 6d, Roger Wilson 12d, Robert Payley 2d, Thomas Heatone 1d, Jo. Franckland 3d, Mr. Shute 6d, Roger Wilson 7s, Robert Payley 12d
Wilson William Giggleswick1623 v37 f523 In the name of God amen in or about the eight and twentieth day of October in the year of our lord God one thousand six hundred twenty three years William Wilson of Tipperthwaite within the parish of Giggleswick in the county of York husbandman did make and declare his last will and testament nuncupative as follows, that is to say after the said bequeathed his soul into the hands of almighty God he willed that all his goods movable and immovable shall be divided in three equal parts whereof Isabel his wife to have one third and his children the other part equally divided and [as concerning the last part] called the dead part he willed that after his funeral expenses and debts be discharged that .… …… remain thereof should be divided equally between his said wife and Mary Cross [?] his youngest daughter and he did nominate and appoint Isabel his said wife sole executrix thereof these being witnesses: Thomas Paley of Paley Green and Robert Wildman of eidem (Paley Green).