Master’s Church Service Teams:

The service teams at Master’s Church are designed to model the life and ministry of Jesus Christ according to Matthew 20:28, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” We desire to offer opportunities for our members to serve others, demonstrating the love of Christ, and to equip members to take advantage of those opportunities (Eph. 4:11-12). Each team will have a specific function and purpose and will follow these general guidelines:

1.  Plan, organize, and present service opportunities within their specific area of service (ministry, worship, administration, evangelism, discipleship, and fellowship).

2.  Present recommendations to the church body each quarter (for future quarter’s service opportunities) for information & affirmation.

3.  Meet together each quarter at least once (more as needed to accomplish service goals).

4.  Include the pastor/staff in planning and presentation (help coordinate calendar issues/events).

5.  Recommend, train, and enlist volunteer leadership.

6.  Pray regularly with and for each other as well as for the entire church body.

Ministry Team:

The Ministry Team will be responsible for organizing and presenting adult ministry opportunities for the church body at Master’s Church (children and youth ministries will develop ministry opportunities unique to their age-based area of service). Ministry will be organized into three primary categories:

  1. innovation: ministries unique to Master’s
  2. endorsement: ministries that we do not organize or staff but confidently recommend.
  3. partnership: ministries in which we partner with other churches or para-church organizations.

Each category will not include more than 3-5 ministries as the goal is to limit the number of ministries to what is specifically in line with the vision of the church and what can be done with excellence without stretching members too thin in the process.

The ministries we participate in will be reviewed annually to determine whether or not we will continue participation. These areas of ministry are ones that represent the particular corporate affirmation of the church body; however, these do not represent all of the ministries in which members of the body will participate. For example, an individual may participate in a homeless ministry that he/she does individually but is not a part of the ministry team’s emphasis for a given year.

During the course of a year, the Ministry Team will:

Work toward two specific goals:

  1. Provide opportunities for ministry and annually evaluate the ministry’s effectiveness—does it honor God, stay true to the church’s vision/direction, and, through prayer, does the Ministry Team feel it should be continued at Master’s Church?
  2. Enlist, equip, and encourage volunteers to minister as God gives ability (I Peter 4:10,11).

Maintain three simple objectives:

  1. Meet once a quarter (and more as needed) to consider specific areas of ministry for church participation. The required meetings will be held the first month of each quarter (to plan ministry opportunities for the next quarter/s).
  2. Recommend potential ministry activities for affirmation by the church body (the first Sunday of the last month of each quarter).
  3. Organize and/or facilitate necessary training for ministry activities. (can be done in-house or through various training opportunities; i.e. Super Saturday/KBC event each August at Immanuel in Lexington)

Ministry Team Leader Expectations:

  1. Be consistent in church attendance/involvement.
  2. Be consistent in giving (biblical tithe & offering as God leads).
  3. Be consistent in quiet time.
  4. Be ready to share faith as opportunities are available.
  5. Identify potential ministry opportunities within the community for the church body.
  6. Discuss potential ministries and necessary training with pastor & staff as they relate to the overall vision of the church.
  7. Participate in any necessary leadership training.
  8. Identify potential leaders within the Ministry Team (“replace yourself” as leader). Each team leader will serve two years unless extenuating circumstances arise.
  9. Enlist (personal and corporate invitation) and encourage team members.
  10. Evaluate existing ministries annually to determine effectiveness or necessity.

Evangelism Team:

The Evangelism Team will be charged with identifying, organizing, and participating in evangelistic events/activities at Master's Church. According to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20) we are charged with sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community, throughout our city, state, nation, and world. The purpose of the Evangelism Team is in line with Scripture and our church vision: “To introduce Christ and the Bible as practical and applicable in the lives of all people.”

During the course of each year, the Evangelism Team will:

Work toward two specific goals:

  1. Provide opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in our community in a variety of ways throughout the year.
  2. Provide training opportunities for members at Master’s to learn how to more effectively share their faith in daily living.

Maintain three simple objectives:

  1. Is the method of evangelism biblical and consistent with the Great Commission?
  2. Is there follow-up in place (coordinated with the discipleship team) to help new Christians mature in their faith?
  3. Is the evangelism opportunity consistent with the vision/direction of the church and effective in reaching our community?

Evangelism Team Leader Expectations:

1.  Be consistent in church attendance/involvement.

2.  Be consistent in giving (biblical tithe & offering as God leads).

3.  Be consistent in quiet time.

4.  Be ready to share faith as opportunities are available.

5.  Consider our community and the variety of potential, effective ways to share the gospel that will reach unsaved people.

6.  Discuss with the pastor & staff potential evangelistic opportunities as they relate to the overall vision/direction of the church.

7.  Participate in any necessary leadership training.

8.  Identify potential leaders within the Evangelism Team (“replace yourself” as leader). Each team leader will serve two years unless extenuating circumstances arise.

9.  Enlist (personal and corporate invitation) and encourage team members.

10.  Evaluate existing evangelistic events/activities annually to determine effectiveness or necessity.

Fellowship Team:

The Fellowship Team will be responsible for planning and organizing all fellowship events/activities at Master's Church—i.e. Thanksgiving Meal, reception at Upward Awards ceremony, etc.

During the course of each year, the Fellowship Team will:

Work toward three specific goals:

1.  Consistently create an attitude of community through fellowship activities (Acts 2:44-47).

2.  Encourage membership to establish new relationships through inviting those outside the church to participate in fellowship events/activities.

Maintain simple objectives:

  1. Is the fellowship event/activity God-centered and designed to build unity within the church body?
  2. Is the fellowship event/activity designed to do more than build relationships within the existing church body? (does the Fellowship Team need to coordinate efforts with other service teams; i.e. Evangelism Team, Worship Team/fellowship following baptism, etc.)

Fellowship Team Leader Expectations:

1.  Be consistent in church attendance/involvement.

2.  Be consistent in giving (biblical tithe & offering as God leads).

3.  Be consistent in quiet time.

4.  Be ready to share faith as opportunities are available.

5.  Consider what events/activities can build fellowship/unity within the body at Master’s Church.

6.  Discuss with the pastor & staff potential evangelistic opportunities as they relate to the overall vision/direction of the church.

7.  Participate in any necessary leadership training.

8.  Identify potential leaders within the Fellowship Team (“replace yourself” as leader). Each team leader will serve two years unless extenuating circumstances arise.

9.  Enlist (personal and corporate invitation) and encourage team members.

10.  Evaluate existing fellowship events/activities annually to determine effectiveness or necessity.

Discipleship Team:

The Discipleship Team will be charged with establishing a strategy to encourage spiritual growth within the body at Master’s Church. Further, the team will help to establish, as necessary, new and better forms of discipleship. Spiritual maturity is key to the Christian life (Ephesians 4:14-16; Acts 2:42), and discipleship is the process whereby Christians mature in their faith and become disciples of Jesus Christ.

The primary discipleship strategy at Master’s Church currently involves Community Groups and each age-based ministry area (children, youth, and adult) is responsible for maintaining the health and development of discipleship as it relates to the vision/direction of the church.

During the course of each year, the Discipleship Team will:

Work toward two specific goals:

  1. Offer opportunities for personal, more detailed study of the application of Scripture to daily life (Community Groups).
  2. Encourage and equip leaders at every age-level to guide members toward the goals of learning (spiritual growth) and experiencing life (build unity within the body through spiritual accountability and interpersonal relationships) within the Community Group strategy.

Maintain three simple objectives:

  1. Find curriculum that is biblical, culturally relevant, practical, and challenging. Ask the question, “How does this help a Christian become a more consistent disciple of Jesus Christ?”
  2. Consider a variety of options with regard to topical, expository, and needs-based approaches to discipleship material.
  3. Offer whatever training is necessary for leaders to effectively guide group members to apply truth to daily living.

Discipleship Team Leader Expectations:

1.  Be consistent in church attendance/involvement.

2.  Be consistent in giving (biblical tithe & offering as God leads).

3.  Be consistent in quiet time.

4.  Be ready to share faith as opportunities are available.

5.  Consider what strategies can be most effective in building spiritual maturity within the body at Master’s Church.

6.  Enable the development and multiplication of current Community Groups.

7.  Discuss with the pastor & staff potential discipleship opportunities as they relate to the overall vision/direction of the church.

8.  Participate in any necessary leadership training.

9.  Identify potential leaders within the Discipleship Team (“replace yourself” as leader). Each team leader will serve two years unless extenuating circumstances arise.

10.  Enlist (personal and corporate invitation) and encourage team members.

11.  Evaluate existing discipleship events/activities annually to determine effectiveness or necessity.

Worship Team:

The worship team will be charged with enhancing the worship services at Master's Church and lead the body into a more intimate understanding of, and expression of thanks toward, God. The Worship Team will include, but not be limited to, individuals who participate on Sunday morning corporate worship services. Also, the Worship Team will be lead by the current Worship Leader at Master’s Church.

During the course of each year, the Worship Team will:

Work toward two specific goals:

  1. Establish an atmosphere in corporate worship services where each individual is invited to experience a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
  2. Honor the Lord by leading participants into a personal, biblical expression of gratitude toward and awe of Almighty God.

Maintain four simple objectives:

  1. Develop an understanding that worship depends on the heart of the worshiper far more than any particular style or personality.
  2. Foster a belief that worship can be expressed both corporately and individually and that the two are not mutually exclusive.
  3. Incorporate various forms of worship designed to honor God, promote the gospel of Jesus Christ, and stay consistent with the personality, vision, and direction of the church body.
  4. Strive, through the use of various forms of media, (audio, video, etc.) to ignite all of the physical senses in worship—help the worshiper become active, not passive, in worship.

Fellowship Team Leader Expectations:

1.  Be consistent in church attendance/involvement.

2.  Be consistent in giving (biblical tithe & offering as God leads).

3.  Be consistent in quiet time.

4.  Be ready to share faith as opportunities are available.

5.  Consider more effective methods of developing exciting, Christ-centered worship at Master’s Church.

6.  Coordinate with the pastor worship strategies as they relate to the overall vision/direction of the church.

7.  Participate in any necessary leadership training.

8.  Develop leaders within the Worship Team (through necessary training) and allow them opportunities to use their gifts.

9.  Enlist (personal and corporate invitation) and encourage team members.

Administration Team:

The administration team will consider the effective maintenance of the facilities and finances at Master's Church. This includes the trustees, finance team, facilities stewardship, website, and office volunteer. The pastor will lead this team, yet smaller service teams within this body will have individual leaders, responsible for the goals and objectives of their respective service area (i.e. finance team & Treasurer).

The specific service teams that compose the Administration Team include:

  1. Finance Team (maintaining and monitoring the finances of the church)
  2. Facilities Stewardship Team (maintaining and monitoring the upkeep and/or renovation of current and future church facilities)
  3. Trustees (represent the church in matters of securing/purchasing property)
  4. Website management (maintain church website)
  5. Office Volunteer (performing office duties during normal weekly church office hours)

Master’s Church Ministry Recommendations


Over the next two weeks, we ask the church body to prayerfully consider these recommendations and present any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc. to the staff through email, phone calls, conversation, etc. We will come together on Sunday, January 30 to present any new suggestions or necessary changes for affirmation by the church body. We ask simply that any discussion be godly in tone and content and that it holds each individual accountable (no anonymous responses).

Change the name of the Ministry Teams to Service Teams.

Change the name of the Small Groups to Community Groups.

Leadership for the upcoming calendar year:

Spiritual Advisory Council:

  1. Jerry Cooper
  2. Mike Wilson
  3. Mike Finney

Advisory Board:

  1. Marvin King
  2. Mike Black

Service Team Leaders:

  1. Evangelism: David Reynolds
  2. Fellowship: Linda Emmanuel
  3. Ministry: Sherri Case
  4. Discipleship: Tom Heringer
  5. Administration: Pastor

·  Treasurer: Mike Finney (current)

·  Office Volunteer: Rhonda Moberly

·  Website Manager: Tom Heringer

·  Trustees (currently the same members on the Spiritual Advisory Council)

  1. Worship: Worship Leader