October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
WindthorstIndependentSchool District
Trojan Talk
*Menu subject to change.
The third grade will be the presenters at the November 3rd PTG meeting.
Just a Reminder: Trick or Treating for the community will Wednesday, October 29th.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Just a note to let you know that the Windthorst I.S.D. tax statements will be sent out after the November 4th election. The tax statements that you just received do NOT include the school tax. If you should have any questions, please call the ArcherCounty Tax Office at 940-574-4224 or 940-574-4531.
The PTG officers would like to thank everyone who helped in any way tomakethe Fall Festival a bigsuccess. Thanks to the room parents who volunteered their time to scheduling, setting up and running their booths and to the parents who took time out of their busy lives to work at those booths. We also want to thank those who donated raffle prizes and the kids who sold so many tickets! Thanks to the teachers whovolunteered for the pie toss, even though it's not in your job descriptionyou volunteered to help out your students! Many thanks to all of you who came out Saturday night to support your WindthorstElementary School, 100% of the profit will go to our school! If you have any suggestions or ideas about how you would like to see the money spentat the school, we would like to hear from you!
Windthorst Parent Teacher Group Officers:
Karen McCann, Jody McCall, Laurie Veitenheimer, Deedy Conrady
Mark Your Calendar
Flu Shot Clinics:
Wednesday, November 12th at the Parish Hall from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Medicare, Medicaid accepted, for all other will be $10.00.
Thanks to the following donations to our school:
Paul & Mary Schenk ScholarshipGeorge Beaman Scholarship
In Memory of Ronald J. SchroederIn Memory of John Spotts
Mr. & Mrs. Grady SchenkMargaret Beaman
Non-Discrimination Statement: Windthorst ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in admission to or employment in its education program or activities. This is in accordance with Federal Law including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy. This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly: To file a complaint of discrimination or to receive a copy of the grievance policy of the district, please contact Windthorst Principal Jean Ashton at P.O. Box 190, Windthorst, TX 76389; or you may call (940) 423-6679 or fax (940) 423-6505. You may also write to the Office for Civil Rights, Dallas Office, U.S. Department of Education, 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 2600, Dallas, TX 75201, Telephone (214) 880-2459, Fax (214) 880-3082, TDD: (214) 880-2456, Email: .
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
During the legislative session in 2005, the new provisions in law allowed the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) tax rate for Windthorst ISD to decrease from $1.50 to $1.04 per $100 of property value. The district has maintained that rate despite the fact that there was a provision in the law for the district to hold a Tax Ratification Election to increase the M&O tax rate to $1.17.
You will remember in the newspapers this past Fall, that 13 districts in North Texas, i.e., KnoxCity, Crowell, Olney, Burkburnett, etc. accessed this Tax Ratification Election provision of the law and raised their M&O tax rates to $1.17 through voter approval. This fall, many more districts are following suit due to the increased operating costs for electricity, propane, and gasoline as well as the increased costs for food and supplies as a result of increased costs for delivery of goods.
Windthorst ISD has felt this impact as have all districts. Therefore, the district is proposing a Tax Ratification Election for Tuesday, November 4, 2008 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. seeking permission from the voters to raise the M&O rate to $1.17 per $100 of property value. This information is provided to present the facts regarding the impact of voting in this election.
As a quick review regarding school taxes, we want to remind you that there are two forms of taxation. The first is the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) tax which is described in the first paragraph. It is used to pay for the instructional program and most revenue is directed to support teacher salaries, the library, school nurse, school counselor, school materials, school bus operations, building maintenance and custodial services, and extracurricular programs (athletics and academics). Property such as houses, land and vehicles compose the tax base that generates the M&O tax. Your property value is multiplied by the rate set annually by the school board. In the most recent past, the rate has been $1.04 per $100 of property value, but in years past it had been $1.50.
There is also an Interest and Sinking tax (I&S) that you pay. This is for new construction and/or major renovations. You will remember that prior to the building of the new high school, the voters approved an Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate for Windthorst ISD of $0.29 per $100 of property value. However, by the time the building was being constructed the taxable values in the district had increased. This allowed the district to reduce the I&S tax rate to $0.24. Once completed, the district was granted the Existing Debt Allotment (EDA) funds which allowed the district to further reduce the I&S tax. Last year, the I&S tax rate was set at eleven cents ($0.11). This reflects a tremendous drop from the original amount of $0.29 approved by the voters.
In the past, many of you wanted the district to eliminate vehicles from the tax base for both I&S and M&O taxes. The Board did approve to rescind the vehicle taxes effective this year at the August 11, 2008 board meeting. However, to maintain financial stability the district feels the need to raise the M&O tax rate to $1.17. The district believes that by increasing the M&O tax rate to $1.17 through the voters’ approval of the Tax Ratification Election, it can safely eliminate the tax on the vehicles while at the same time reducing the taxes individual tax payers would pay. The reason this would be possible is because if the district increases the M&O rate from $1.04 to $1.17, the State’s share of revenue would also increase; thereby, making it possible for the district to continue eliminating the tax on vehicles. The district is also proposing the current I&S tax rate of $0.11 per $100 of property value be lowered to $0.10 per $100 of property value which would be a further cost savings to all taxpayers.
We have provided examples of how your taxes would be if you paid what you paid this past year with vehicle taxes, and we have also provided an example of how your taxes will be if this tax ratification is approved and you do not have vehicle taxes to pay.
2007-08 – What you paid this past year
Home (M & O Tax)$ 76,500* x $ 0.0104**=$ 795.60
Home (I & S Tax)$ 76,500* x $ 0.0011**=$ 84.15
Vehicle (M & O Tax)$ 19,320* x $ 0.0104 =$ 200.93
Vehicle (I & S Tax)$ 19,320* x $ 0.0011 =$ 21.25
Total School Tax$ 1,101.93
*Average cost of home in Windthorst ISD area: $ 76,500. Average cost of vehicle in Windthorst ISD area: $19,320.
Data provided by Archer County Appraisal District based on Comptroller Reports.
**Note: Tax rate for $1.04 per $100 of property value = $0.0104; tax rate for $0.11 per $100 of property value = $0.0011.
2008-09 – If majority votes “YES” at the Tax Ratification Election on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008
Home (M & O Tax)$ 76,500* x $ 0.0117**=$ 895.05
Home (I & S Tax)$ 76,500* x $ 0.0010**=$ 76.50
Total School Tax$ 971.55
*Average cost of home in Windthorst ISD area: $ 76,500. Average cost of vehicle in Windthorst ISD area: $19,320.
Data provided by Archer County Appraisal District based on Comptroller Reports.
**Note: Tax rate for $1.17 per $100 of property value = $0.0117; tax rate for $0.10 per $100 of property value = $0.0010.
We hope you will vote in the coming Tax Ratification Election on Tuesday, November 4, 2008 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the KC Hall in Scotland or KC Hall in Windthorst and at Ralph and Clara Veitenheimer’s residence located at 2100 Veitenheimer Rd, Windthorst, TX .
Windthorst Trojanettes Volleyball
Trojanette JV Volleyball News
On Saturday, October 11, the JV Trojanettes defeated the Electra Lady Tigers 25-15, 25-14. On Tuesday, October 14, the Trojanette JV also defeated Vernon Northside 25-16, 25-19.
The JV record is now 17-4.
JV team members are:
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Kayla Schreiber, Jordan Glawe, Kelsey Hise, Alex Veitenheimer, Taylor Pennartz, Tova Ariel, Cami Koetter, Bailey Schlumpf, Savannah Syrus, Chelsea Berend, , Brianne King, Sara McCoy, Candi Schenk, Valeria Estrada, and Shelby Keener.
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
8th Grade Spartanette Volleyball News
On Monday, October 6 the 8th grade Spartanettes defeated Petrolia 25-9, 25-15. On Monday, October 13, both 8th grade teams were defeated by Notre Dame. The Lady Lancers defeated the 8B Spartanettes 25-5, 25-20 and the 8A team 25-18, 25-22.
8th Grade team members include:
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Danielle Anderle, Taylor Humpert, DJ Lindeman, Hallin Garcia, Trissa Berend, Gabby Contreras, Haley McCann, Jayme Weatherred, Victoria Anderle, Rachael Keener, Kristi Gresham, Janthal Sanchez, Darby Anderle, Lee Browning, Chelsea Word, Angela Idell, and Estefani Resendiz.
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
8th Grade Spartanettes Win District Championship
On Saturday, October 18, the Windthorst 8th grade Spartanettes traveled to Electra to compete in the District 7A Junior High volleyball tournament and came home with the Championship medals.
In the first round the Spartanettes came from behind and defeated Archer City in the best of three match 22-25, 25-16, 25 – 22. The semi-final match was also a back and forth battle for the Spartanettes. The Spartanettes had to use three games, as well, to defeat Vernon Northside 25-16, 16-25, 25-22. In the Championship match the Spartanettes defeated the Petrolia Lady Pirates in two games 25-17, 25-12.
The 8th grade combined record for the 2008 volleyball season ends at 8 – 10 (6-1 District).
The Trojanettes defeated Harrold Saturday evening, 25-6, 25-3, 25-10.
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Whitney McCorkle: 13 kills
Carmen Stallcup: 7 kills
Leslie Schroeder: 5 kills
Marissa Schreiber: 25 set assists
Lexi Koetter: 2 kills
Tanna Sales: 2 kills
Christine Schreiber: 2 kills
Jordan Glawe: 1 dig
Kinsey Steinberger: 1 ace
Jaci Meurer: 2 digs
Brittany Schreiber: 1 kill
Avery Hoff: 1 set assist
Kelsey Hise: 1 attack attempt
Bailey Schlumpf: 1 serve
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
The Trojanettes defeated Electra 25-6, 25-5, 25-10.
Statistics include:
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Tanna Sales: 4 kills
Leslie Schroeder: 1 kill
Carmen Stallcup: 11 kills
Marissa Schreiber: 31 set assists
Peytan Teichman: 9 kills
Whitney McCorkle: 8 kills
Christine Schreiber: 2 kills
Kelsey Hise: 1 attack
Jordan Glawe: 2 attacks
Lexi Koetter: 1 attack
Jaci Meurer: 1 dig
Kelsie Berened: 1 dig
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
The Trojanettes defeated Vernon Northside Tuesday, 25-7, 25-6, 25-7.
Statistics include:
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Carmen Stallcup: 13 kills
Whitney McCorkle: 10 kills
Peytan Teichman: 6 kills
Marissa Schreiber: 32 set assists
Christine Schreiber: 4 kills
Tanna Sales: 3 digs
Jaci Meurer: 1 ace
Lexi Koetter: 1 kill
Leslie Schroeder: 1 kills
Kinsey Steinberger: 1 dig
Kelsie Berend: 1 dig
Avery Hoff: 1 dig
Jordan Glawe: 1 dig
Brittany Schreiber: 1 attack
Kelsey Hise: 1 attack
Bailey Schlumpf: 1 dig
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Season Record: 30-3
Trojan Football
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
The 7th Grade Spartans traveled to Paradise to take on the Panthers and came home with a 16-0 victory. Three different Spartans scored, but it was a total team effort on both offense and defense that allowed the Blue Crew to be victorious. Trevor Vaughn scored the first TD for the Spartans, capping off a 49 yard drive with a 3 yard scoring run. Fermin Estrada added the two point conversion. The Panthers then drove the ball to the Spartan 11 before the defense stood their ground and stopped the Panthers. The Spartans actually took the ball, aided by runs of 45 yards by Trevor and 15 by Fermin, into the end zone. A penalty nullified the 25 yard pass from QB Heath Julian to Vaughn. Time ran out in the 2nd quarter before the Spartans could punch it in again. The 3rd quarter opened with Paradise receiving the ball, the defense held and the offense took over on the 29 of the Panthers. Four plays later, Hayden Hoffman rumbled in for the 5 yard TD run. Fermin added the extra point again. The offensive line of Heath Berend, Jacob Meurer, Owen Veitenheimer, Brady Berend, and Garrett Steinberger provided holes for the running backs to move through on a consistent basis.
October 10, 2008 – October 24, 2008
Making defensive stops for loss of yards were Owen, Caleb Gresham, and Jacob. The defense held the Panthers to 2 first downs in the game. The win was the third in a row for the 7th graders and brings their record to 3-2 on the season.
The Junior Varsity Trojans got back on the winning track with a 40-16 pummeling of the Petrolia Pirates. Trailing 8-7 in the first quarter and 16-15 in the second, the Trojans reeled off 25 unanswered points on their way to their 6th victory of the season. In the locker room following the game, tight end Matthew Wolf was quoted, “Offensively, we got the fullback established in both the passing and the running game. That goes a long way in helping open up other areas.” Braden Ingram led the defense that shut down the Pirate offense after their two scores. Wolf recovered a fumble recovery and Jason Pope had an interception in the defensive effort. Ty Duncan, Ingram and Regan Veitenheimer also stood out in the tackle department. Offensively, the Trojans relied heavily on freshmen running back Tyler Berardi. Berardi had touchdown runs of 41, 57 and 3 yards as well as hauling in a 32 yard touchdown pass and scoring a 2-point conversion. His partner in the backfield chipped in a 2 yard score, a conversion and set up Berardi’s third score with a 56 yard scamper around the end. Quarterback Ty Duncan was 6-6 passing and 3-3 on extra points. Duncan capped the scoring in the fourth quarter with a 24 yard field goal. The Trojans put their 6-1 record on the line versus the Munday Moguls next Thursday at home following the junior high contests.
The Junior Varsity Trojans fell from the unbeaten ranks last night as they lost 8-7 to Archer city. Tyler Berardi provided the only score for the Trojans when he hauled in a 33 yard pass from Ty Duncan. Duncan booted the extra point for a 7-0 halftime lead for the Trojans. Archer city controlled the clock with a fine mixture of run and pass that kept the ball away from the Trojan offense. Windthorst did recover 2 fumbles, but their drives stalled and turned the ball back to the wildcat offense. Archer scored early in the fourth quarter and held on for the victory. The defeat puts the JV record at 5-1 and they will next play at Petrolia following one junior high contest.
NHS Inductions
Eight students from WindthorstHigh School were inducted into the membership of the National Honor Society in a ceremony held on Sunday, September 28, 2008 in the Windthorst High School Foyer. New members were selected for demonstrating outstanding performance in scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Parents and guests were greeted by Diane Hubbard, NHS sponsor. Students inducted from the sophomore class were Marshall Luig, Brianne King, Christine Schreiber, and Savannah Syrus. Junior inductees were Jaci Meurer, Kayla Schreiber, Alex Veitenheimer, and Matthew Wolf. Tanna Sales, president of NHS, presided over the induction. Members who explained the four requirements for NHS were: Kinsey Steinberger, vice president; Whitney McCorkle, secretary; Kayla Provence, treasurer; and Ryan Berend, reporter. Other members who participated in the ceremony were Samuel Rivera, Lance Veitenheimer, and Blake Wolf. A reception was held afterwards for the members, their families, and other guests.
The National Honor Society ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. It was created to recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy.
NOTICE: Parent volunteers for the SBDM (Site-Based Decision Making) team are being recruited for Windthorst schools. There would be several meetings during the year that you would be asked to attend and give your input on various school matters. If interested in serving, please call Jean Ashton at 423-6679.
AVISO: padres voluntarios para la SBDM (Sitio basado en la toma de decisiones) del equipo están siendo reclutados para Windthorst escuelas. Habría varias reuniones durante el año que a usted se le pedirá que asistir y dar su opinión sobre diversos asuntos escolares. Si interesado en servir, favor de llamar al 423-6679 Jean Ashton.
Notice: Parent volunteers are being recruited for a Parent Volunteer Pool for WindthorstElementary School. Volunteers would be trained to assist with various tasks, such as reading pals, copying, laminating, making materials at home, homework helpers, etc. If you are interested in applying for this group, please call Jean Ashton at 423-6679.
Aviso: Padres voluntarios están siendo reclutados para un padre de Voluntariado Windthorst Piscina para la Escuela Primaria. Se capacitó a los voluntarios para ayudar en diversas tareas, como la lectura de amigos, la copia, laminado, materiales para la fabricación en el hogar, las tareas auxiliares, etc Si está interesado en aplicar para este grupo, por favor llame al 423-6679 Jean Ashton.