William Somerset Maugham “Selected stories”
This methodical handbook reveals the lingvostylistic approach in classical literature through the selected stories of an outstanding English writer as William Somerset Maugham.
Somerset Maugham was the master of the short, concise novel and he could convey relationships, greed and ambition with a startling reality. The remote locations of the quietly magnificent yet decaying British Empire offered him beautiful canvasses on which to write his stories and plays. The real-life inhabitants of these locations were frankly shocked at being portrayed as so trivial, parochial and vacuous creatures. Maugham would enjoy the undying hatred of many a South-East Asian planter and his wife for the rest of his life. Yet, for the rest of us, his realistic depictions of the boredom and drudgery of plantation life, and the desire and trappings of what they would regard as civilization, can re-evoke what were perhaps the more genuine feelings felt by many of the planters and civil servants in the further flung reaches of the Empire. He disclaims expertise in certain topics such as, for example, American dialect and philosophy. "Slang is the great pitfall" he tells us. Maugham's English is clear and lucid and this makes his books easy to come to terms with. His works are often full of the basest, and yet more interesting, of the human vices but can still evoke the day to day feelings and emotions that allow us to understand and identify with his characters. A complex and interesting character, Somerset Maugham managed to catch much of the darker essence of Empire. He sums up a great deal about himself and his views in Looking Back, a semi-autobiographical essay he penned in his later years.
All stories are based on two main literal trends as naturalism and existentionalism (existence problem). Life in general is very hard, oppressive, crestfallen, pathetic and tragic. Usually any man faces the bugbears and hardships and accepts them as something necessary and obliged after the second time, and even on the third it’s the sense of existence in reality not in illusion.
As result, Maugham just has wanted to depict all sides of a real human life in the vindictive and jealous world and how a person fights and surmounts the following social and psychological difficulties: for example, in the story “The Luncheon” –the complacency and mean, “Gigolo and Gigolette” – profitable prudence in spite of miserable consequence, “Appearance and reality” – fusion of two beginnings or two bases: soul and body, mind and heart, the looks of a young man and the wreath of a middle-aged man, physical mighty and mental resourcefulness, young body is so natural for love and the middle-aged man’s package of money is natural for happy existence for good.
The same sense is hid under the context of the others stories. Also, the author wrote with irony and sarcasm in order to amuse his reader or even to stir his imagination.
So, the reading of Maugham’s stories can’t leave anybody aloof and make any reader instructive, exciting, ironic and realistic.
The structure of the methodical handbook is convenient in usage and advantageous for learning English, especially the following aspects, as the task for enrichment the lexical stratum, then, the task for improvement grammar minimum and translation-ability due to creative task, and finally, task-discussion stimulates oral abilities and leads to mental and logical activity.
“Appearance and reality”
- Lexical strarum:
- Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
To vouch for integrity perfidy
Mainstream to gain effrontery
Ribaldry to persuade treachery
Horse sense to riot
Dignity to apprise
Vainglory to accost
Frivolous inquiry
Tightrope solace
Establishment well-brought up
Sullen vice
To induce to dote on
To bewilder debonair
Heiress embarrassment
To dower to ransack
- Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To draw the attention of smbd to smth.
To establish the reconciliation of irreconcilables
That is a horse of another colour
To keep an eye on smbd.
To get in touch with
Air of contempt
At first sight
Love by blue
To be abreast of the times
To devote to affairs
Keep out of mischief
With impunity
Row of beans
- Look at the following French words and say: Why did the author use bilinguism?
- bon sens
- gauloiserie
- panache
- le sueur
- bon soir, mademoiselle
- boulevard
- Place de la Madeleine
- Cette vieille carpe
- Et ta souer
- Bois de Boulogne
- Chateau de Madrid
- Tiens
2. Task for translation:
- Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-2 and translate them literally).
- Translate from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1)Он поступил легкомысленно, приветствуягрубость сына при теще.
2)Сегодняшняя современная молодежь приветствуетнепристойность, браваду, наглость, доступность ко всем социальным источникам и порой находит утешение в жизненно опасных средствах.
3) Он не отступает от жизни. Ничего его не смущает.
4)Он влюбился в нее с первого взгляда. Неожиданная любовь полностью изменила его отношение и видение мира.
5)Ничто не сходит с рук просто так.
6)Малейшие пустяки приводят к бунту.
7)Ему сообщили хорошую новость, которая привела его в восторг.
8)Отец души не чает в своей дочери.
9)Когда она выйдет замуж, я дам за нее приданое.
10)Правда была движущей силой, которая определяла все, о чем он думал, что говорил или делал.
- Creative task:
- Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( I don’t vouch for….to give it all away)/
- Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-2.
4. Task-discussion:
- Answer the questions:
1)To which French writers did the professor draw the attention of students? Which literal categories did they elaborate?
2)What does “panache” stand for”?
3)Is it a story in a story? Why? How does it call in modern literature?
4)What is the linguistic style of the second story?
5)Find some author’s ironic and sarcastic complements to Lisette’s appearance.
6)Why did M. Raymond marry Mrs. Raymond?
7)Is it adequate to name Raymond’s son a professional tennis player, a brilliant gigolo? And why?
8)How could such a sullen woman like Lisette attract M. Raymond’s attention ?
9)Describe the first meeting between Raymond and Lisette.
10)Was Raymond’s love by blue? Prove the episode from the story.
11)How did Raymond act to find out everything about Lisette?
12)Did Raymond dote on Lisette? What made him to look twenty years younger by his friends’ words?
13)What was that unexpected visit of Raymond to Lisette at one of the weekend? Did Lisette commit perfidy?
14)Find rather suitable explanation of the title of the story. It’s an episode where Lisette gave a complete interpretation of her choice between him and the young lover (so, he(Raymond) is reality and the young lover – appearance).
- Retelling of the story
“Gigolo and Gigolette”
1. Lexical stratum:
- Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
Refinement to plunge blank
Lay-down to subside torture
Stunt frock
To gamble deprecating
Bluff puzzled
Integrity the slump
To bash to vex
Fraud filthy
Marvelous funk
A spotlight miserable
- Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To catch sight of smbd.
To be a dud
To steady the old nerves
To make a packet
To get on terms
To run through one’s money
To be as tight as drums
Packet of fun
To strike while the iron’s hot
To got to pot
2.Task for translation:
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-2 and translate them literally).
2. Translate from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1) Он был достаточно честен, чтобы не взымать высокие налоги с жильцов.
2) Он выступает против воины.
3) В его характере была какая-то определенная утонченность, за которую его все любили.
4) Его озадачилникчемный человек своей бестактностью.
5)Куй железо, пока горячо.
6) Он выглядел несчастным и растерянным. Поэтому он притих и лишь изредка ловил взгляд окружающих.
7)Платье Лиз было восхитительным, хотя камни и стразы оказались поддельными.
8) В странах третьего мира часто назревает экономический кризис.
9) Глупая болтовня может и святого вывести из себя.
10) Он быстро разорился, поскольку безрассудно все промотал.
- Creative task:
1. Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( Mrs. Barrett….to be a dud).
2. Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-2.
4. Task-discussion:
1.Answer the questions:
1)Describe the main heroes of the story.
2)Why did the gigolo Syd persuade Stella in diving?
3)Who said the following proverb “strike while the iron’s hot” and for what event?
4)Why was Stella called as “human cannon-ball”?
5)Which type was their Syd and Stella’s “old life”?
6)What is the denouement of the story?(open or close)
2. Retelling of the story
“The Escape”
- Lexical stratum:
- Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
To be convinced prudence confess
Instant suffering pathetic
Loom hefty to wring
Fickle hazard shrewd
Fled persuade solemn
To extricate oneself callous oath
Careful rotten to induce
Render scheming to jilt
Dispossessed lamb to reconsider
Peevish inspect
Assiduous behave
2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To make up one’s mind
To fall in love with smbd.
Common sense
To be on the point of doing
Plenty of money
Upon my word
As hard as nails
Well up into smth.
Fall out of love
To be in a quandary
To be in possession of smth.
To deal with
To be apt to do smth.
To lose one’s temper
By the way
To take care of
To get over the blow
3. Find and built up a chain of the synonyms from the text and the dictionary (more than 3):
To convince
Common sense
4. Find the antonyms from the text and the dictionary:
To fall in love
To deal with
As hard as nails
To lose one’s temper
To be in a quandary
2. Task for translation
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-2 and translate them literally).
2. Translate from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1)Честное слово, я не знал, что она настолько упряма в своих суждениях. Ты был прав. Она непреклонна.
2) В любой ситуации нужно прислушиваться здравого рассудка.
3)Не терзай ее сердце несбыточными обещаниями. Очень тяжело будет оправиться от такого удара.
4)Настало тяжелое время. В стране царствует нестабильная система управления. Народ не знает как поступить с ужасным правительством.
5)Если собираешься достичь успеха, то действуй решительно и обдуманно.
6)Я признаю, что ребенок вел себяотвратительно.
7)Страданиетерзает душу и сердце.
8)Трагичный взгляд склоняет к милосердию и сочувствию.
9)Зло может увлечь и обмануть.
10)В любой момент можно находиться во власти чувств и эмоций, но нужно уметь контролировать их, а не терять самообладание.
- Creative task:
1. Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( They visited house….lost her temper).
2. Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-2.
1.Answer the questions:
1) Why can Ruth Charing render most men defenseless?
2) What’s the reason of Roger’s hefty situation between the hazards of life and his “helpless little thing like Ruth”?
3) Why does he call her as “helpless little thing” if she was as hard as nails?
4) Is the marriage hefty, rotten, happy or instant moment between Ruth and Roger?
5) How did they separate in spite of Roger’s gallant and assiduous courts to Ruth?
2. Retelling of the story
“The ant and the grasshopper”
1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
Fable burden
To be devised to do smth scapegrace
Industry to chuck
Giddiness expostulation
Laborious rumour
Store unscrupulous
To beg for smth enticement
Larder amendment
Perversity to blackmail
Disapproval gamble
To prosecute to philander with
2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To bring home to smbd
Reconcile oneself to smth
Couldn’t help doing smth
Wear an expression of
Sit on one’s shoulders
To be in hilarious spirits
To cause trouble
To make friends
To make a fresh start
Look as if one had just come out of a bandbox
To make a point of doing smth
To rub one’s hands
3. Explain the meaning of the idiom in form of a mini situation:
Every family has a black sheep.
4. Find juridical terms and translate them, also make up own sentences with them.
2.Task for translation:
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-4 and translate them literally).
2. Translate from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1) Жизненный девиз повесы – кутить и флиртовать с красавицами. Его лицо всегда выражает беспечность и холодный расчет.
2) Не всегда удается справиться с хандрой в тяжелую минуту.
3)Трудолюбие награждается, а легкомыслиенаказывается в форме горького испытания.
4) Соблазн порождает непомерный интерес и стремление к овладению источника возбудителя.
5) Он как истинный денди всегда одет с иголочки и обходителен с дамами.
6) Несмотря на превратности судьбы, он смог начать заново свой профессиональный путь.
7) Нелегальные действия караются законом.
8) Он осужден за шантаж родного брата.
9) Жизнь – испытание, которое нужно выстоять или окажешься за ее пределами.
10) Мстительный человек не сможет решиться на отступление, поскольку изменит свой жизненный принцип.
3. Creative task:
- Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( I suppose ….spent on luxuries).
- Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-4.
- Answer the questions:
1)Who was a black sheep in the Ramsay?
2)Why did Tom begin to blackmail his elder brother George?
3)Describe two personages: Tom and George (mention about their traits, appearances, way of life etc.)
4)How do you reveal the proverb: “Industry is rewarded and giddiness is punished”?
- Retelling of the story.
“The Happy Couple”
1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
Trial chatter
Ermine austere
Harsh to mellow
Gallow to entrance
To sip alacrity
Port nuisance
Guilty intrude upon
To condemn to flounder
Trepidation pang
Indignation suppress
Presumably to pan out
To deter from
2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To feel as old as hills
Stuff and nonsense
To strike up an acquaintance
To make no attempt to
To hold oneself well
To give a pat
To make up a story
To make up one’s mind
To keep body and soul
For good
- Find juridical terms and translate them, also make up own sentences with them.
- Find gastronomic terms (especially, alcoholic beverages and hot, heart-starting drinks).
- Find and built up a chain of the synonyms from the text and the dictionary (more than 3):
To make up one’s mind
- Find both French and Latin terms and translate them, also compose your own sentences with them.
2.Task for translation:
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-4 and translate them literally).
2. Translate from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1)Ты умеешь очаровывать. Я испытываю особый прилив эмоций. Тяжело понять и совладать с трепетным волнением.
2)Меньше болтайте о глупостях, больше работайте и проявляйте проворство в делах.
3)Необходимо подвести годичный итог.
4)Раньше за доказанное убийство полагалась смертная казнь.
5)Как тебе удаетсяподдавитькапризы детей?
6)Она выполнила все указания шефа: составила график, устроила успешную деловую встречу с итальянской компанией и ответила на всю электронную почту.
7)Он даже не попыталсяудержаться от соблазна. Его предупреждали, что завязывать знакомство с такими девицами очень опасно.
8)Мой дед всегда выдумывает поучительные истории, чтобы научить меня здраво думать и логически высказывать мысли.
9)Разве хорошо, когда человек все делает исподтишка: подпаивает, околдовывает и подавляет благородные желания, вторгается в личную жизнь.
10)Не неси вздор! Разве можно в 20 лет чувствовать себя старым. У тебя вся жизнь впереди.
3. Creative task:
1.Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( What do ….brandy).
2.Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-4.
4. Task-discussion:
1. Answer the questions:
1)Why can we say that is a story in a story?
2)What type of literal trend does this story belong to?
3)What’s type of alcohol drink civilized to author’s standpoint?
4)Retell the story about the Wingford murder.
5)Why is human nature very odd?
2. Retelling of the story.
“The romantic young lady”
1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
Decency dowager
Outcome prosperous
Escort saunter
Recollection live in penury
Regret vivacity
Picturesque alluring
Exuberant seductiveness
Outstretched alliance
Pretend shilly-shally
Alter humble
Conceal consent
2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To hand on a platter
To break the old conventions
To get wind of
The fat was in the fire
To fall in ruin
To be at heart
To take breath away
To be at ease
3. Find French terms, translate into English and compose the sentences with them.
4.Find an adequate translation to an American proverb (The fat was in the fire). Try to disclose its sense with the help of lexics from ex.1-3
2. Task for translation:
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-4and translate them literally).
2. Translate 3 sentences and one situation and retell it from Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
1) Никто не имеет права лишать человека жизни.
2) Он даже не потрудился позвонить.
3) Распространять слухи – его конек.
Они бедствуют. Доход отца едва хватает на питание, поэтому семье придется поменять место жительство, чтобы не влезть в долги. Если бы кто-нибудь протянул им руку помощи. Тогда исход их нетвердой позиции изменился бы в положительную сторону. Отец и мать согласны на все ради своих чад и их благополучное будущее. Они представляют все в живописных эпизодах: семейный очаг, полного изобилием и достойную красивую жизнь. Они устали от скромного заработка за невыносимо тяжелый труд. Соблазн на красивую и счастливую жизнь так притягателен. Поэтому приходится всегда надеяться и при этом обдуманно действовать.
3. Creative task:
1. Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( in those days ….at hand).
2. Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-4
4. Task-discussion:
1. Answer the questions:
1) Describe the main heroes of the story.
2) What’s the difference between southern and northern people? Which category does the romantic young lady belong to?
3) What type of relationship was between Countess de Marbella and duchess de Dos Palos?
4) Is Pilar’s love to Jose Leon sincere, true-to-life or anything else?
2. Retelling of the story.
“Mr. Know-all”
1. Lexical stratum:
1. Translate the following words into Russian and find them in the story, then reproduce the laconic content with each used word (pay attention to your grammar):
Accommodation loquacious
To exclude overweening
Ebony acrimonious
Sturdy interminable
Lustrous to bulge out
Sleek demeanour
Exuberant peal
Prohibition vehement
Bone-dry rot
Tumbler deprecating
Exasperating swarthy
2. Give the definition to the expressions and find them in the text:
To put up with
To look upon with dismay
To play patience
A bit of luck
To the backbone
To born under a bluer sky
To have a pal
To put on airs
Like a flower on a coat
To go to somewhere on an errand
To get a chance of easy money
- Find the antonyms to the lexics from ex.1-2.
2. Task for translation:
1. Translate the sentences into Russian (find all sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 1-4 and translate them literally).
2.Translatefrom Russian into English (pay attention to highlighted words):
- Что касается тебя, то я не собираюсь жить в таких условиях. Я ни за что не смирюсь. Посмотри, как можно наслаждаться двухнедельным вояжем в такой темной каюте с жесткими полками.Я в смятении! А ,ты, мой друг?
-Да?! Неудача!
-Видно, мы родились не под счастливой звездой! Думал, что хоть здесь буду спокоен и забуду о раздражении. Все происходит так, будто мне выпал шанс заработатьшальные деньги.
- Слушай! Может, нам поважничать?! И тогда удача повернется к нам лицом!
- Чепуха! Ничего не выйдет! Все лучшие места уже заняты.
3. Creative task:
1. Make a literal and adequate translation of the passage ( king George ….to say the word).
2. Compose a story, a dialogue or a situation with the lexics from the ex.1-2
3. Which of the following English proverbs could be suitable for the title of the story (give your explanation):
- Twist someone round one’s little finger.
- Try to pull the wool over someone’s eyes.
- As a blind
- Too much curiosity lost Paradise.
- Still waters run deep.
- What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve out.
4. Task-discussion: