NEWS of the 29 Churches of the York Association
November 2012
York Association website:
Mission Statement
We, the members of the York Association of the United Church of Christ,
are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to represent Christ by:
· supporting one another in our covenantal relationship;
· calling clergy and laity to mutual accountability to the faith and order of the church;
· witnessing together to God’s redeeming love. (adopted April 28, 1991)
This is the Official Call to:
The Fiftieth Annual Meeting and Gathering of the York Association
of the Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ
Article I of the Bylaws portion of the Constitution and Bylaws of the York Association addresses membership covenantal responsibilities. Summarizing a portion of paragraphs 102, 103 and 104 of that document:
Member churches honor their covenantal responsibilities by sending delegates and representative to officially called meetings
Authorized Ministers honor their covenantal responsibilities by attending officially called meetings
Date: Sunday, November 11, 2012
Location: Starview United Church of Christ
4832 N. Sherman Street Ext., Mount Wolf, PA 17347
Luncheon: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
The menu is roast beef, filling, mashed potatoes, green beans.
Those requesting a vegetarian dish need to specify when they register. Luncheon compensation will be made by a free-will offering.
Registration is due by Sunday, November 4 to Starview United Church of Christ. Information for doing so can be found on the attached registration form.
Registration: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Gathering*: 2:00 p.m.
The business meeting will immediately follow a brief time of worship.
*Please Note: Starview UCC will provide childcare for those who attend and who pre-register.
If you will need childcare, please register by November 4 using the form sent to your local church.
Those who desire to do so may offer a free-will token of gratitude to the childcare providers.
Still Trying to Find YOUR Pulse?
Are you still wondering HOW to get a spiritual pulse in your own life OR in your congregation? Read some of these ideas… then try them… and just maybe the Spirit will begin stirring a new pulse into your life or your church!
I don't have a spiritual practice to share, but an outreach from Hayshire UCC that I think represents the pulse of God. We planned a “Hayshire Night” at the York Revolution game on July 14 trying to sell 100 tickets. Jeff Herman, a member, proposed that people sponsor tickets so we could give some to families in the area who might not be able to afford a game. Members donated to make this happen! Jeff worked with Hayshire Elementary school to select the recipients. I was very pleased with the generosity of the Hayshire people after Jeff talked about how neat is was to go to a baseball game when he was a kid and wanting to give that opportunity to others. His personal testimony led to the generosity of members in the church. Some people even used some of the money they were going to spend on a bus trip that had to be canceled and put it toward sponsoring tickets. Phyllis Baum
P.S. I guess I could add that Hayshire and I personally have used watching movies as a spiritual practice. We have had a movie group since 1998 watch contemporary films together and then discuss how the film connected wiht our faith. We called the group, Faith and Film. Not your typical spiritual practice, but one that I came to appreciate.
For years I used a daily devotional book with the writings of Frederick Buechner. In retirement I've used this less religiously (pun intended). Some of my most meaningful prayers come when I can't sleep at night and use the time for prayer. I'm then freer from the clutter of the day and can pray from my heart with more clarity and passion. Also (if I remember and get beyond my own laments/petitions!) my listening toGod goes better then. From a CD made by Wanda Craner, Penn Southeast Spirituality staff member (who is also a granddaughter from my former congregation in Hallam), I learned a "whole body" prayer where you start with head and then neck and breathing, and then heart and so on. I change it my own way and pray for the mind of Christ (with hands on brain), the "Be still and know " for hands on throat and breathing and like Wanda visualize the love of Christ being pumped like blood from my heart(both hands on heart) to every possible part of my body. Often I do this lying on bed with stretching of legs, feet, toes to be aware of God moving through my whole body... Walking in the York Penn State woods helps me get "out of myself" and into God and God's creation. Helps clear my head and heart when I fit these short hikes into my day.
Finally, group spiritual direction learned through Oasis Ministries (within a group of which Brad Rentzel was a part).
John Pinder
At Emmanuel UCC, York, we open worship each week with some time for meditation. Rather than long for God, that is just a glimpse of how much God is longing for and reaching out for us. Often, this is expressed in the Old Testament, so wemeditate on those words. There are also other times during worship that are left open for God to speak to us, with quiet music for meditating. And beginning with words of confession, we turn it around. We beginwith the assurance of grace - remembering that God's grace is extended to us even before we ask. We recall in some way - using a text or a song or a chant - that, as much as we we often sing our prayers using some of the beautiful words and melodies from hymns both old and new. Allowing some space and using music to cultivate a receptive heart for God is how we seek to "live within the pulse."
Peace – Kay Rader
NOVEMBER 17, 2012
9:00 AM-1200
509 Pacific Avenue
York Pa. 17404
York Association of UCC- Disaster Response Committee
2 Guest Speakers
Lt. Gene Fells, York Police Community Services;
Bob Straw, York American Red Cross
Topics: 1.“Personal Safety and Self Defense in a Hostage Situation and 2.Temporary Shelter Set-up in Emergency Situations as Flood, Tornadoes, or Power Outrages”
Support your Disaster Response Committee by planning to attend this workshop to become prepared in an Emergency Situation.
Please RSVP to Sandy Shipman at
York Habitat For Humanity, Building on Faith 2013, is asking all to consider attending a very special afternoon of music to be held at Zion Methodist Church on Sunday November 4th at 3:00. Hymn Historian, Pastor Burt Parry and Zion Organist, Matt Wensel, are preparing a program of familiar church music. Nathan Trimmer, Director of Zion’s Men’s Chorus, is preparing his singers for three anthems during the hymn sing. Free will offerings will go toward the Building on Faith project planned for next spring.
Blessed Past – Bold Future
PCC Celebration of 50 Years
Saturday, January 19, 2013
(doors open at 12:30pm)
$23.00 per person
Keynote Speaker: Quinn Caldwell
(best known for his still speaking devotionals)
Best Western Premiere Central, 800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg
(just off the Union Deposit Rd Exit of I-83)
Reservations due by: Thursday, January 3, 2013
(no tickets will be sent, check in at the door)
Mission/Alternative Gift Fair
Sunday, November 18 2:30pm-5pm
St Paul’s, Mechanicsburg
Special Guest, Jim Moos, Executive Minister for Wider Church Ministries will kick off the event with
remarks. Then enter the fair hall with a coffee tasting bar from Equal Exchange, a chocolate café,
and many booths with Christmas gifts and mission ideas.
Partners In Peace Multicultural Experience
June 6-20, 2013
Next June young people from Penn Central Conference and our partner churches in Germany, Namibia, and the Cheyenne River Reservation of South Dakota will gather to celebrate with us at our Conference Annual Meeting before they leave for a week long camping experience at Hartman Center. How you or your church can be part of this: Sponsor a camper.
The cost per camper, which includes travel and accommodations, is only 1,300, but any size contribution will be gratefully accepted. Just send your check made out to "Penn Central Conference", with the notation "Partners in Peace Camp" to the Penn Conference Office, 900 S Arlington Avenue, Room 227A, Harrisburg, PA 17109. For more information, contact Peter Emig at .
The Reformed Documents Study Group will meet again on the third Thursday of every month @ the PCC in Harrisburg @ 10AM. (beginning September 20th) We are finishing up the Episcopalian 39 Articles but on January 17th, 2013 will begin to study the Heidelberg Catechism starting with Question # 1 for the second time. We are doing this for two reasons. First some members were not in the group the first time we did this and second in 2013 we are celebrating the 450 year celebration of the publication of the catechism in 1563. The study is open to anyone who is interested. We'd love to welcome new members! If you have any questions please call Chris Anderson at 717-855-7952. Car pooling from York is available.
Interfaith Dialogue Symposiums
The York Interfaith Dialogue Forum is sponsoring interfaith dialogue symposiums with speakers from a variety of faiths and affiliations. Each speaker will have 15-20 minutes to present the core beliefs of their faith/affiliation and address how they impact their life. There will be time for questions following the presentations, and light refreshments will be served. Admission is free and the public is invited.
All symposiums will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of York, 925 S. George St., York, PA.
Speakers Faith/Affiliation
Ann Booth The Baha’i Faith
Wareesha Tariq Islam
John (Sivali) Mulligan Buddhist Chaplain
Pastor Dave Woodruff Seventh-day Adventist Church
November 1st, 2012, 7-9 pm
The York Interfaith Dialog Forum is dedicated to fostering respect for people of every faith, no faith or searching, and providing opportunities for learning about the beliefs of others. For more information, contact Dan Sindlinger at
(717-292-6465) or Bill Niehaus at (717-792-3980).
Around the Association
St. Paul UCC - Shrewsbury will hold its 35th Annual Holiday Bazaar on Friday, November 2 and Saturday, November 3 from 9A to 3P. Please share your blessings with others by bringing a can of food or pre-package food item which will be donated to the local food pantry. The church women have created many handmade crafts, painted slates, wreaths, flower arrangements, etc. available for your purchase. Various vendors will be offering unique gifts and crafts for your shopping pleasure. Thunder Ridge Kettle Corn be back again selling their freshly, made- will on-site popcorn. Lunch will be available both days. There also will be a Bake and Candy Shoppe and a Silent Auction. Grab bags will be available for kids and adults. Friday's menu features sloppy joe sandwiches and hot dogs, homemade chicken corn, ham and bean, and beef vegetable soups, desserts include yummy pies and cakes. Saturday's lunch features a hot roast beef sandwich with homemade mashed potatoes as well as Friday's menu items. Several churches in the Southern York County and Northern Baltimore County are participating in a Christmas Bazaar Trail this year. Pick up your map and plan to spend the day visiting the church bazaars on the trail!
Starview UCC - Mount Wolf On Saturday, November 3, from 3:30 – 6:30 pm, , will host its Annual Fall Oyster & Roast Beef Dinner. The cost for a small oyster OR small roast beef and filling dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce or chow-chow, and a desert and beverage is $8. A large dinner is $11. Small combo: $8.50; Large combo: $12. Extra oysters are $2 each. Oyster stew is $4 per bowl; $5 per pint; and a quart is $8. Carry-outs are an additional 50 cents.
UCC Scarf Project for General Synod 29 Designed to Reinforce Fabric of Safety for Violence Victims: Scarves of varying patterns – each sporting rainbow colors – are being made to be given to Synod attendees who pledge to commit to acting against violence. ––
Many thanks to all who are creating scarves: knitting, crocheting, and weaving. The first collection here in the York Association will be a part of our offerings at Annual Meeting on November 11. So remember to bring your completed scarves, or send them along with your church's delegates and pastor!
No scarves? No worries; there is still time to join the effort! The next collection will be by Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013. Details will be announced nearer to the date. You are invited to read more about the Scarf Project on the UCC website at: At the end of the article there is a link to join us on Facebook, where folks share ideas, patterns, and information on bullying and violence. If you have a Facebook account, please join "The Scarf Project" group! Still have questions? Email:
December 2012 Newsletter Deadline is November 5th. The December Newsletter will be mailed on November 15th. Newsletter submissions should be addressed to:
Lisa K. Young – Editor
3421 Stone Ridge Road - York, PA 17402