Multicultural dating - what can go wrong?

It’s about time to reveal some facts (some might call them offensive stereotypes) about some problems one may confront in multicultural dating. This article is not objective. The ground material applied is based on subjective empirical evidence. Girls, check these out!!


People from different cultures have their own ideas about certain gestures. Take for example paying a restaurant bill. On one hand, don’t take for granted that the man always pays the bill. Especially northern guys have been raised surrounded by the ideals of equality, which often means that the girl has to pay her share. On the other hand, if somebody wants to pay your lunch, except the offer and be happy about it. You don’t have to act like a martyr feminist to prove that you’re independent and self secured woman.


When is it time to go under the sheets? Having multicultural sex can be time to time problematic. Have you ever heard about the virgin-whore –myth? According to the stereotype especially some south-European guys idealize sex goddesses– who are at the same time expected to be nice girls from the neighbourhood. This equation seems quite paradoxal. You don’t have to choose to play the role of a sinner or a saint – just be yourself. Altough, it may be better not to mention those twenty guys you banged the other summer.


If you’re on a date with a person from another culture, keep it in consideration that he/she may not share the same political or cultural point of views. There’s no point in boosting your ego by giving shooting analyze of your date’s sweet homeland’s political issues. Don’t go critisizing just to convince him/her about your intelligense. Sad empirical examples prove that there’s so much harm you can do by choosing the wrong topics. Save your cleverness to the classrooms.


Remember the anxiety of figuring out the best timing to contact your date from last night? Should I call or wait for him to call? Would SMS be better?? How about the three-day-rule??? In order to avoid desperation or overeagerness just keep it cool. In the end, guys don’t care! If the guy is really interested in you, he’ll be happy to recieve your call whenever. And this holds true for all cultures.

Ida Hakola, Varpu Salo