Minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2015 at 7.00pm.

Governing Body membership
* / Tara Gratton (HT) / + / Gemma Diggle / + / Manoj Shah
+ / Nadia Ahmet / ~ / Denise Hoilette / + / Caroline Taylor
* / Steven Astaire / + / Faria Khan / * / Kruti Varia
~ / Simon Bard / * / Mo Jagani (Chair) / * / Karen Harle (Clerk)
~ / April Campbell / * / Jamie Price (Deputy Chair)
* / Jo Daswani / * / David Schneider

* present

+ absent

~ absent no apologies

Academic year 2014/2015

14/26 / Apologies and Absences from Governors, Caroline Taylor Nadia Ahmet, Faria Khan, Manoj Shah, Gemma Diggle.
14/27 / Order of Agenda –
It was agreed to bring the following items to be brought forward in the agenda before the minutes of the meeting at point. 4.
·  Staffing - Headteacher’s appointment
·  Presentation by two pupils for the purchase of Lego.
14/28 / Declaration of a Conflict of Interest; Governors were reminded of the need to declare a conflict of interest, pecuniary or other relating to items on the Agenda
·  Steven Astaire declared an interest in the ‘Lego’ as a family member was employed by Lego
·  Mr Jamie Price declared an interest as he has business connections with Lego
14/29 / Staffing
Headteacher’s appointment for the Amalgamated School.
Governors were informed that Miss Tara Gratton was interviewed for the post of Headteacher on Friday 6 March and following the interview which included three Governors (2 junior, 1 first school) and two Education Local Authority advisors, Ruth McGill and Farzarna Aldridge. Due process was followed. It was agreed that Miss Gratton should be appointed to serve as Headteacher for the newly amalgamated school which opens on 1st April 2015. Governors were asked to agree and ratify the decision.
AGREED: There was a unanimous vote to appoint Miss Gratton to the post of Headteacher for the New amalgamated school, which will be known as Whitchurch Primary School.
No dissentions.
Miss Gratton was congratulated on her new post, which will start on 1st April 2015.
14/30 / Presentation by two pupils for the purchase of Lego.
Two pupils from year 5 joined the Governing Body for this one item to present a PowerPoint presentation to request the purchase of a Lego model robot ‘Scratch’ EVC which they felt would enhance their learning because of the comprehensive educational features that the robot offers. The robot is computerized and serves as an excellent platform for learning a range of ICT skills as well an opportunity to explore engineering and
Governors were very impressed with the quality of the presentation and thanked the two boys for attending and told them that they would discuss the cost and make a decision.
ACTION: Miss Gratton told the boys that she would report back to them tomorrow to let them know the outcome of the decision. The two boys left.
Miss Gratton explained that she thought the Lego model seemed very promising and would be a useful education tool for learning and she would like to initially purchase 1of the models as a trial and if this was a success to buy a further 10 to use over the whole of year 5. The cost of each Lego model was £250 however she would explore whether the School would be eligible for an education discount. Mr Astaire also stated that he would look into the cost as well.
Question: The prices you quoted, is that the retail price. Miss Gratton stated that this was the price quoted on line. Mr Schneider stated that he thought it was possible to get an educational discount. Miss Gratton replied that she would be looking into this. Mr Schneider asked about Sainsbury’s vouchers and whether these could be used towards to Lego. Staff did not believe that vouchers could be used. However Mr Schneider explained that he believed from his own personal experience that Lord Sainsbury was interested in projects such as this.
ACTION: Miss Gratton stated that she would send Lord Sanisbury a copy of the boys PowerPoint presentation.
AGREED: Governors agreed that Miss Gratton should purchase 1 and she would report back to Governors about the success of these and whether she would purchase more. / TG
14/32 / Receive and Sign Minutes of the Meetings on 06.11.2014 One error – the time of the meeting was not 7 am, but 7 pm.
The minutes were agreed and signed as true record.
Matters arising not covered by the Agenda
There were no matters Arising that are not covered in the minutes of this meeting.
14/33 / General Business
33.1 Performance Management
Governors were informed that the Performance management process is currently mid cycle, but almost completed. She confirmed that teachers work is all on track to meet their targets. Projections and points have been added on that she expects to be achieved at the end, and these costs have been built into the budget.
Miss Gratton confirmed that she had also completed the Performance Management for staff in the First school.
Question: A Governor asked ‘What is the relationship was between the staff of the Junior School and the First School. Miss Gratton confirmed that it was good and that staff in the first school were relieved that the first School was getting back on track. The relationship she felt between staff was warm and welcoming.
Miss Gratton stated that there were a lot of NQT’s in the first school and they were pleased to receive the extra support from Middle school staff. She felt generally there the school was already working as one.
33.2 Recruitment
The finance and staffing committee had agree to the appointment of 4 new members of staff: a network manager on G10 (20-32K) and 3 experienced teachers on TLR2., these appointments were for the newly amalgamated school, and all apart from the network manager to start in September. Miss Gratton confirmed that adverts had gone out for year group leaders, 2 teachers stage 1 and 2 and a Network Manager. Miss Gratton stated that she needed some governors for the interview process. Mr Astaire stared that he would be free to help.
Miss Gratton confirmed that the current network manager was leaving and his last day would be 20 March. This would leave the school in a difficult situation however B-bug have agreed to come in and support the school through amalgamation. This will include amalgamation of servers etc. Meanwhile it is hoped to appoint a new network manager as soon as possible. Miss Gratton confirmed that it would be necessary to do an internal restructure of staffing and Browne Jacobson will be supporting the school with associated contracts etc. Miss Gratton stated that the salary projection 2015-16 has been calculated and this includes incremental rise, due to performance management, recruitment of staff and the estimated cost of restructuring, however this will not include any redundancies as a result of restructuring. The cost will be outlined in the finance report.
Question a governor asked about the quality of teaching in the First School. Miss Gratton replied that teaching had been improving over the last 6 last few months. There were a lot of NQTs in the first school and that she felt that teaching had improved, that staff were working hard to improve things. Teaching was at a good standard however it was not yet outstanding and that she would be working hard to bring the standard up. There is a lot being done to support staff in the first school. At the recent HSIP review meeting last Monday Ruth McGill, LA advisor agreed that teaching in the first school had improved and that they were satisfied that things were moving in the right direction.
Responding to a Governor who asked about what Ofsted would judge the school, Miss Gratton believed that if an Ofsted took place in the new primary school in September, the school could go for ‘Good’ but as one would not take place for 12 months after the amalgamation there was time to raise standards further.
33.3 Amalgamation
Approve Instrument of Government
Miss Gratton explained when the new the new School opens on 1st April it is necessary to have a Governing Body appointed and in place to lead the new school. It is therefore important the Governing Body reconstitutes and agree a new Instrument of Government that Governors agree a new Governing Body model which is representative of the new school.
Governors were informed that the last Amalgamation steering group meeting the following recommendations were made:
The GB to comprise 14 members which is a recommended number for a school this size.
This will consist of 4 parent governors,1 headteacher, 7 co-opted governors 1 member of teaching staff and 1 LA representative.
Governors were asked if they would also be willing to include associate members as well. They representative would not have voting rights but would be there to represent different areas.
AGREED: Governors agreed that the new Reconstituted Governing Body should be represented by 14 members. The term of office was agreed for the following posts:
·  1 Local Authority Representative – 4 year term
·  7 Co-opted Governors serving a 4 year term
·  4 Parent Governors – serving a 4 year term
·  1 staff Governor serving 3 years.
and will be represented by:
• 1 Local Authority Representative –Mahmood Has written to Paddy O’Dwyer to put forward the governors recommendation that Jamie Price continues his role as LA governor
• 6 Co-opted Governors that will be in place for April 1st 2015 to be:
Steven Astaire
Mo Jagani
David Schneider
Kruti Varia
Jamie Price
Tara Gratton
Donna Knight Olds(tbc)
Miss Gratton suggested Donna Knight-Olds, who is a member of the implementation group and has a child in Reception in the first school, to be approached to see if she was interested in being co-opted onto the Governing Body. Governors agreed to this action.
ACTION: Miss Knight-Olds to be approached to be co-opted to the reconstituted Governing Body.
33.4 Parent Governor Election
It will be necessary to start the election process for parent Governors at the start of the summer term, and after the school has amalgamated.
Miss Gratton explained that there was a pack with information and LA guidance about how to elect new Governors to all Governors. Miss Gratton stated that she would send a copy of this to all governors for their information.
A flyer has been designed and although the wording is not quite right at the moment, The flyer will go out to all parents and staff before the end of the Spring Term, and election paperwork will be sent out on 15th April. Miss Gratton stated that she would send Governors a copy of the final flyer. Miss Gratton felt that it would be useful to put down a few skills that that the GB are looking for and this was met with approval from Governors.
Governors discussed how the Governing Body might shape with the people available and if there would be concern about getting 4 new parent Governors. There was some ideas about it might look but the GB would look see how many parents put their name forward for the vacancies.
AGREED: Governors agreed to the new name of Whitchurch Primary School
AGREED: Governors agreed that on the 1st April there would be 7 members of the Governing Body.
AGREED: Governors agreed to the IOG, and for the chair to send to the LA
33.5 Associate Governor
Governors were informed that Dr. John was currently serving on the IEB also stands as the Chair of Governors at Park High –Miss Gratton felt that it would be useful to have him attend the Governing Body as an Associate member because he would bring skills to to the new Governing body that might help the Governance of the new Governing Body. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that there should be two associate member places on the GB and although associate members did not have voting rights, that to ask Dr.John to join the Governing body as an Associate member (2 year term) would offer the Governing Body expertise that would be helpful in the early days in the life of the new Governing body. Governors agreed that they would invite Dr. John as a temporary Associate member of the Governing Body.
ACTION: Tara to approach Dr. John as a temporary Associate member
AGREED: the Governing body will invite two Associate members.
ACTION: Mahmood Jagani will inform the Patrick O’Dwyer and Neetha Akorale at the LA of the decisions made at this meeting, regarding the agreed reconstituted size for the new Governing Body.
33.6 Expansion
Miss Gratton confirmed that the building work is back on track and going well. There have been some minor hiccups, but these have been easily resolved. Miss Gratton was impressed with the project manager Jerry Dylan, seems to manage the building work very efficiently and if there are problems, sorts those out quickly. The building work has been noisey and dirty but much of the noisey work has finished, and the work now being done is brick laying etc.
33.7 Health and Safety and Premises
Governors discussed the Health and Safety around the school site in connection with the building work. Miss Gratton explained that children had been shown a DVD about the what can happen on a building site and that been very effective, with a lot of discussion afterwards. There is also a competition which is highlighting safety. Assemblies have also been held where building work and health and safety is raised.
33.8 Some boys from Year 6 have been offered the chance to do some brick laying and will of course be wearing safety helmets and clothes.