Minutes of 55th AIAA SDM (SciTech 2014)

Materials Technical Committee Meeting

Date/time: Tuesday January 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center, National Harbor, MD

Number of Attendees: 21 (18 members)

Gary Seidel, Chair / Steve Arnold
Steve Wanthal, Vice Chair / Virginie Rollin
John Matlik, Secretary / Josh Dustin (guest)
Greg Odegard / Pascal Hubert
Brian Wardle / Rajiv Naik
Samit Roy / Joseph Koo
David Powell / Sunny Wicks (guest)
Ray Fertig / Steve Wanthal
Mike Sangid / Antonio Avila
Mike Mohaghegh / Wenbin Yu
Rani Sullivan


2014 Materials TC Presentation

1.  Meeting started with dinner at 7PM

2.  Gary welcomed at 7:18PM and attendees introduced themselves.

3.  Gary introduced new members, and emphasized again importance of getting Visual Roster complete for those who have not yet submitted pictures. (2014 MTC Visual Roster)

4.  Kathleen Atkins (apologies from Carlos Cesnik) solicited feedback regarding the SciTech format and what has and has not worked. Thanks were extended for work and patience as we work to new structure. AIAA sees SciTech as beneficial in long term, but recognize the issues with program readability and physical program structure. Planning improvements for acknowledging volunteers. Noted feedback later on critiques and suggested improvements will be welcomed and formally recorded. Opened floor for feedback verbally:

·  Greg Odegard – No mention of organizers for SDM in program. KA: This was an oversight.

·  Samit Roy – Found it difficult to navigate conference rooms, insufficient signs posted. Steve Wanthal – Seconded confusion. KA: Noted aim was to co-locate physical location of SDM conference at least.

·  David Powell – A little far away from downtown Washington DC; more difficult to coordinate meetings in city.

·  Greg Odegard – Awards for students & others appear to be afterthought rather than respected with current format. KA: Some school of thought suggests they have bigger conference to be recognized in, an opportunity not afforded otherwise.

·  Greg Odegard – Structures and Materials are closely integrated, but papers on program seem to have segregated Materials and Structures to separate times in the week. Can we collocate in time as well as space? KA: Suggested to coordinate through Materials TC rep (John Matlik) and John Kosmatka (Aerospace Design & Structures Technical Program Chair) to better push timing/format.

5.  Gary welcomed new members of the Materials TC including.

·  Steve Arnold (NASA Glenn Research Center)

·  Ray Fertig (University of Wyoming)

·  Mohammad Naraghi (Texas A&M University)

·  Virginie Rollin (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)

·  Vikas Tomar (Purdue University)

6.  Minutes from the April 2013 meeting were discussed and approved.

7.  Gary reviewed current membership report

·  Emphasized intent to grow industry members to better balance academic participation.

·  Shows trend toward adding more members since 2012.

·  Since we have hit the maximum number for membership, non-active members may be moved to “alumni membership” as a way to make room for more active members.

·  “Alumni” status is only retained for 3 years prior to being removed from membership roster.

8.  Brian Wardle gave update on Structures TC engagement.

·  Three different topics being discussed for collaboration with Structures TC: “additive manufacturing”, “light weight structures”, and “ICME in Structures”.

·  Structures TC willing to co-chair with Materials.

·  Steve Wanthal proposed clearly defining scope ICME and multi-scale modeling efforts in Structures and Materials to ensure non-compete & avoid overlap/redundancy.

9.  Matlik reviewed SciTech 2014

·  Materials Program Overview - SciTech 2014

·  Overall results showed >25% reduction in SDM size over previous years

·  Reason for reduction complicated by multiple factors: travel/budget restrictions, Jan (vs. April) conference date, overlap with first week of classes, and new SciTech format.

·  Materials program roughly half the size of previous year; however, not unique to Materials as other TCs in SDM had similar percentage impact.

10.  Reviewed ICME courses

·  Two new materials courses nominated by the Materials TC and partnering TCs (NDA & MDO) were approved by AIAA for offering:

i.  A day long “Intro to ICME” course was held at the conference venue Sunday (12 Jan 2014), and had 7 enrolled students attend. Instructor honorariums were donated by the instructors to the Materials TC to support a future Materials Award.

ii.  A 2 hour “Verification & Validation Best Practices for ICME” tutorial was offered Tuesday (14 Jan 2014) afternoon from 14:00-16:00 at the conference venue. A max of 16 students attended the tutorial. Instructors agreed with AIAA to deliver 4 webinars after the conference details of which will be provided once formal times are established.

11.  John Matlik volunteered to serve as Materials TC rep to the conference for 2015, and the TC agreed for John to serve in this role another year. Dave Powell volunteered to be an “understudy” for Materials TC rep position through 2014 to prep for service in 2016.

12.  John Matlik reviewed SciTech 2015

·  SciTech 2015 Overview

·  Confirmed 2015 SciTech conference will be held at the Gaylord Palms Conference Center in Kissimmee, FL (Orlando): http://www.aiaa.org/scitech2015/

·  Basic structure of the SciTech conference is the same as last year

13.  John Matlik reviewed Materials 2015 Call for Paper topics and solicited feedback from TC regarding content and specific abstract topics to be included.

·  TC voted to remove “Constitutive Modeling” and add “Additive Manufacture”. Joe Koo suggested we coordinate Additive Manufacturing sessions with the Structures TC.

·  Joe Koo proposed and TC discussed possibility of also adding “light weight structures” to list. Joe noted that there is significant global (European) investment in this area, significantly more than in US. The Additive Manufacturing and Light Weight Structures topics were discussed and suggested by the Emerging Technologies committee.

·  Gary suggested adding updating “Metallics” to “Metallics and Ceramics”, but TC suggested Ceramics group meets at other conferences.

·  Gary suggested changing Advanced Composites to include Hybrid Composites

·  Dave Powell suggested taking one of the “Composites Materials” and include “… for light weight structures”

·  Mike Sangid suggested scratching “Metallics” but change to “Metallics & Constitutive Modelling”

14.  Consistent with call for paper abstract topics, the TC members identified and volunteered for special sessions as follows:

·  Additive Manufacturing – Joe Koo, Steve Wanthal

·  Nanostructured Materials – Greg Odegard, Samit Roy, Brian Wardle, Virginia

·  Multi-scale – Gary Seidel, Samit Roy

·  Materials Development & Processing – Dave Powell, Pascal Hubert

·  Multi-functional – Antonio Avila

·  ICME (at least 2 sessions) – John Matlik

15.  Gary reviewed several other TC activities and opportunities:

·  Establishing a Materials Award (requires nontrivial cash reserve)

·  Increasing subcommittee participation by Materials TC members

·  Attending other upcoming AIAA events.

·  Other collaboration/integration opportunities with MDO, NDA and Structures TC through ICME activities

16.  Reviewed again the “New Event” model and AIAA’s emphasis on wanting to make this “The Event” in this space for this target audience. SciTech requesting feedback on complaints and suggestions for how to make this event better going forward.

17.  Recorded feedback from MTC discussion regarding the “New Event Model”

·  Materials seems to be lost in the conference title names, and would like to see it explicitly referenced (re: “Aerospace Design & Structures” … missing Materials!)

·  All adapting to size of Gaylord, suggested improving signage and readability of program.

·  Re-emphasized need to coordinate materials & structures papers to occur at same time.

·  Suggest combining sessions to avoid dead time.

·  Several suggestions on courses discussed:

i.  Possibly put courses during the conference (vs. the Sunday before … “almost anything is better than Sunday”)

ii.  Consider evening courses tailored to appropriate/target audience at varying levels of detail (i.e. ICME 101, 201, 301, etc…)

iii.  Possibly encourage 30 minute “crash courses” in materials technology to be offered in “dead times” at beginning or end of scheduled paper sessions to facilitate professional development and/or young professional engagement

iv.  Consider exploring professional education curriculum and/or materials development training

·  Need to encourage active effort by Materials TC members to reach out to others for integration with other TCs, advertise Materials capability, and grow Materials awareness across other functions.

·  Several TC members noted they appreciate the exposition.

·  All thankful for keeping tech sessions at 30 minutes; all TC members agree to emphasize the importance of not making sessions any shorter to facilitate time for technical content/integrity of presentations.

·  Suggested creating “networking meetings”, “forums”, “panels” or “mini-poster sessions” to facilitate engagement across functions and with younger engineers, students, … possibly adding to the “Committee Meetings & Events”/integration layer of the conference.

·  TC noted increase in student registration costs is not in line with need to reach out to younger engineers … possibly make opportunity for students to volunteer at AIAA events to reduce cost of conference. Feel as if it is “shooting ourselves in the foot” to raise student costs.

·  Suggest we don’t integrate student awards with full award session to avoid “overshadowing” of student award.

·  Concerned that move to new model isn’t changing the cost challenges. Suggested possibly releasing presentations (technical talks, keynotes, distinguished lectures, etc…) via web-based videos for a fee to generate revenue.

18.  Reviewed Materials TC subcommittee activities including:

·  Publication Subcommittee: Ed Glaessgen – chair, Samit Roy – co-chair

i.  Gary noted Ed has been limited by NASA for clearance to serve in this position due to restrictions on publication.

ii.  Ed also wasn’t able to travel to SciTech this year.

iii.  Gary requested that a co-chair be nominated to help and serve as back-up for each subcommittee

iv.  Samit Roy offered to support Ed as co-chair of the publication subcommittee.

·  Awards Subcommittee: Bil Bhat – chair, Joe Koo – co-chair;

i.  Proposed Materials own/drive definition of Materials “best paper” award. Suggested using the session chair reports as vehicle for defining best Material paper each year and auctioning accordingly. TC agreed.

ii.  Appealed to Materials TC to submit nominations for Crichlow award – required by mid-March (2014)

iii.  Suggested we proceed with review of TC membership for nomination of fellowship. Applications/nominations for fellowship are due by April. Requires letters of reference which can be requested from Materials TC.

19.  Annual report due Jan 31st covers many topics the Materials TC does not exercise.

·  Gary suggested we consider what we should purpose to be more active.

20.  Gary reviewed other subcommittees Materials TC could/should consider and are open for self-nomination including:

·  Procedures – review processes and procedures for TC function

·  Membership – review statistics for TC membership, and promote strategic nomination/recruitment to fill defined gaps/needs

·  Technical – Could have subcommittee for each special session topic as many are already doing (i.e. ICME, Nanostructured Materials, Additive Manufacture,…). Helps focus Materials TC efforts and leadership toward shaping key Materials technologies. Facilitates focus for panel sessions and best paper awards for each technical subcommittee

·  Nominating

·  SharePoint/Digital Communications – all suggested this is something we could leverage better for sharing/collaboration, but emphasized importance for appropriate use of public/private parts of the site to promote ourselves

·  Education – coordinate/mange courses like “Intro to ICME” and “V&V Best Practice for ICME”. Support development of professional development curriculum based on Materials TC Book or other strategic Materials competency gaps across industry

·  Student activities – can leverage TAC funds here (but no TAC funds for 2015)

·  Public policy

·  Working and focus groups (Material Book)

21.  Gary noted that to offer Materials Award for incentivizing membership and promoting Materials capability/awareness, the Materials TC needs to generate sufficient funding which can be done through a few vehicles:

·  Tutorials/courses/webinars

·  workshops

·  company grants

·  Books (Materials Book – Bil Bhat point of contact)

22.  Steve Arnold noted value of raising a Materials TC mission/vision statement. Proposed we draft a vision statement and share with TC for buy-off. Help articulate what value involvement in the Materials TC and SciTech conference has to members. Joe Koo nominated Steve to champion/lead effort to take this forward & Steve accepted. Steve to engage TC via email and solicit feedback on vision/mission statement for Materials TC.

23.  Steve Wanthal proposed we strongly support participation of all members on at least one subcommittee. Gary Seidel agreed to follow-up with email to entire Materials TC with call for interest and participation of Materials TC members to this end.

24.  TC discussed and emphasized importance of appealing to and incentivizing participation of young members, early in their industry career. Industry members confirmed that few young engineers are allowed to participate in conferences due to cost and limited involvement.

25.  Gary reviewed Bil Bhat’s MTC Book Subcommittee report.

·  Progress has been slow (several years in development)

·  Aim to complete draft by April of this year.

26.  Discussed plan for second meeting this year and proposed scheduling a Web based review of subcommittee activity planning and lead definition.

27.  Final items:

·  Greg Odegard is organizing for ASC conference, welcome paper submissions.

·  AIAA foundation design competition RFP is calling TC members to provide feedback on design competition.

·  Conrad foundation looking for volunteers to help evaluate High School innovative design.

·  IAF Awards are being solicited.

28.  Finally, Gary reviewed important dates reviewed and emphasized opportunity to nominate Associate Fellowship and Crichlow awards.

29.  Closed with encouragement & challenge to TC members to be active members, add value for other members/AIAA, and seek opportunities to engage/integrate outside TC itself.

30.  Gary closed the meeting at 9:33PM.