Mar Vista Bi-Monthly LADOT/CD11/LAPD Traffic Committee Meeting
May 15, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Office of Councilman Bill Rosendahl
1645 Corinth Ave., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call to Order.
Approval of the Minutes of the March 20, 2013 meeting.
Agenda items for discussion are as follows.
LADOT Agenda Items
Old Business – Progress Reports & Further Discussion of tabled items from the March 20th Meeting:
1. Report as to completion of repainting the double yellow center stripe on the curve where Barry Ave. beomes Clarkson, which was covered up during resurfacing. [LADOT]
2. Report from Rudy Guevara on the results of his study as to whether STOP signs will be installed on Beethoven St. at Marco to create a 4-way STOP for traffic safety at this intersection. [LADOT]
3. Report on completion of work orders issued to re-install the center line where Woodbine Ave. curves left into Butler Ave. behind Mar Vista Recreation Center and repaint the crosswalk crossing Butler on the south side of Rose Ave. Also, a report on results of a study to determine whether center lines existed on Woodbine and on Rose Ave. between Butler and McLaughlin, were covered over during resurfacing work, and should therefore be repainted. [LADOT]
4. Report on progress and/or completion of work to extend red curbs at the intersection of Wade St. at Mitchell to increase visibility for drivers crossing Wade St. on Mitchell. [LADOT]
5. Report as to whether signal timing changes can be made at the Victoria, Palms, Morningside Way and Rose Ave. traffic signals to reduce current speeding problems on Walgrove Ave.; and a further report from Officer Pollack on his monitoring of speeding on Walgrove. [LADOT & LAPD]
6. Report from Rudy Guevara on his study of a stakeholder’s proposal to keep traffic moving and reduce commuter gridlock in the northbound lanes of Centinela Ave. between Washington and Venice Blvd. by posting “No Parking 4:30 PM. to 7:00 PM Monday thru Friday” signs on the east side of Centinela from Washington to Venice, to provide traffic with an extra travel lane during those commuter hours. [LADOT]
7. Report from Rudy Guevara on his study of a request to post STOP signs on Butler Ave. at Rose Ave. to convert the intersection to a 4-way STOP for the safety of pedestrians and drivers. [LADOT]
8. Although all stop lines, center lines and crosswalks have been replaced on repaved Beethoven St., chevron-shaped markings on the speed humps consist of very thin white lines, barely visible to drivers approaching the humps even in broad daylight, and likely to cause vehicle damage even if cars are driven at normal speeds. These speed humps should be marked with the same white broad-line chevron and arrowhead symbols used on speed humps elsewhere, to ensure visibility. [LADOT]
9. Follow-up report is needed for this item, originally directed to LAPD on March 20th Other Agenda, now assigned to LADOT Parking Enforcement. Stakeholder has complained that numerous vehicles not belonging to residents, many parked for long periods and some commercial vehicles filled with junk and garbage, park on Wade St. south of Venice Blvd., using space needed by residents without garages for their own parking, and requests ticketing of all such illegally parked vehicles. [LADOT]
Agenda – May 15, 2013 Mar Vista Bi-Monthly Traffic Committee Meeting – Page 2
New Business – Items for Discussion:
1. Request from a stakeholder to put STOP signs in the middle of Grand View Blvd. at Victoria, in addition to the signs on the street corners. This is a very wide street and there have reportedly been a number of serious collision accidents due to drivers not seeing the roadside STOP signs in time to stop, with considerable vehicle damage involved. This can be especially true at night or when parked cars or foliage decrease visibility of the corner signs, and center-of-the-street signs, like those already installed at the next north 4-way STOP at Charnock and Grand View, could be a life-saving safety measure. [LADOT]
2. Request for LADOT Parking Enforcement to ticket the vehicles parking at the “4-hour 8 am-6 pm” limit parking signs on the west side of Centinela Ave. between Palms and National, many of which park well past the time limit, often for days and overnight, and leave trash behind. [LADOT]
Other Agenda Items
Old Business – Progress Reports & Further Discussion of tabled items from the March 20th Meeting:
1. Follow-up report from Len Nguyen on his orders to Street Services to make permanent repairs to the pavement, curb, gutter and potholes in the 12500 block of Matteson Ave., and whether his March 21st meeting with Ron Olive and Keith Mozee of Street Services has resulted in his work orders being complied with and/or completed. [CD11]
2. Len Nguyen’s request to Caltrans for “No Stopping Any Time” signs to be posted on Venice Blvd. north roadway in the 12000 block under the 405 Fwy overpass, was taken up by Rudy Guevara after the March 20th meeting. Rudy has now reported that on March 20th his Caltrans contact, Yunis Ghausi, responded that Caltrans has reviewed and concurred with the request for the signs and estimate the signs will go up in three to four months. [No further action by this Committee.]
New Business – Items for Discussion:
None submitted.
The next Mar Vista Bi-Monthly LADOT/CD11/LAPD Traffic Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., at 1645 Corinth Ave., Room 201, Los Angeles, CA 90025.