Independent Work
When I go to the Independent Center, I get
my worksystem out of the subject folder.
If I forget what subject we're in, I can look on the bulletin board.
I do the work on my worksystem.
If some of my work is hard, that's okay, I can try my best.
If I have tried my best on all of my work and I am
still confused, then I can ask a teacher for help.
When I finish my work, I call my teacher and
wait in my center for them to check me out.
My teacher will help me correct my work
and check off my behavior sheet.
If I finish correcting all of my work before
the timer goes off, I check my tray.
It's okay if the timer goes off before I finish my work.
I can work at the Independent Center all by myself!
When The Timer Goes Off
1. I put everything down.
2. I stand up where I am.
3. I think about our question of the day.
4. If my teacher calls on me, I take my turn.
5. I am a respectful listener while my classmates talk.
6. I do Brain Gym with the class.
7. I clean up my center while I wait
for my teacher to check me out.
8. Once my teacher has checked me out, I check my schedule.
Respectful Listening
1. Quiet Mouth
2. Still Body
3. Standing Up
4. Eyes On Speaker
Break Time
1. Ask a teacher for my tray work.
If I have tray work, I do my work at my center.
When I'm done, I check it with a teacher.
2. Check the chore bin.
If there are chores that need to be done, I do a chore.
3. Do my homework.
If I finish my homework, I need to put it in the homework basket and have a teacher sign my planner.
If I do not finish, I put my homework back in my take home folder.
4. Get an activity.
If I am on tier 2 or 3, I can ask a teacher for a game.
If I am on tier 0 or 1, I can get a book or scratch paper.
I ask a teacher where to take my activity.
Going to the Bathroom
1. Get permission from a teacher.
2. Sign out.
3. Wear the vest.
4. When you come back to class,
return the vest and sign back in.
Arriving Late to Class
When I get to class late, I miss directions
and information. This makes me feel
confused and sometimes angry.
When I get to class late, my teachers and
classmates have to use their time waiting
on me and repeating directions and information.
This makes them feel bored and angry.
For these reasons, we have rules
to help me get to class on time.
Sometimes I am late to class because I was
working with a teacher. If this is the case,
make sure to get a pass from that teacher.
When I arrive late to class with no pass, a teacher
will put a mark in my box on the tardy chart.
Once I have 3 marks on the tardy chart, I
will need to serve an after school detention.
It's important to get to class on time so
everyone can do their best learning!
I need supplies like paper, pencils,
and erasers to do my work at school.
Sometimes I will lose supplies or run out of
supplies. Everyone does this sometimes. When
this happens, I can use the classroom supplies.
When I lose my supplies too much or
don't bring in new ones from home, I
end up using all of the classroom supplies.
This may mean that there aren't supplies for
classmates who need them and that my teachers
have to spend their own money to buy more.
This makes my classmates and teachers feel mad.
To make sure that everyone is doing their part
to keep track of their supplies and bring in new
ones when they run out, my teachers will mark
on the chart every time I use a classroom supply.
Once I have used 10 classroom
supplies, I will need to serve a detention.
Taking care of my supplies helps me, my
classmates, and my teachers have a good day!
Consequence Hierarchy
1. The first time I break a rule, I will
earn a warning from my teachers.
2. If I break a rule again, I may earn an in
class consequence, like changing my seat
or not getting checked out of my center.
3. If I break a rule after my in class consequence,
or I do not complete my in class consequence,
I will earn a TSMP. My teachers may ask me to
fill it out right away, or may put it in my box.
*REMEMBER* TSMPs hurt my REACH grade.
4. If I break a rule after my TSMP or do not fill
out my TSMP, I will earn a trip to the justice room.
*REMEMBER* Trips to the justice
room hurt my REACH grade too.
End of the Day
1. If you have all of your points, line up in front of heart table to pick your prize.
2. Walk in front of the Promethean board and line up in front of star table to get your bonus points and turn in your card.
3. Pack your bag at the triangle table. Remember to take all of your papers!
4. Do your chore, if you have a closing chore.
5. Line up on your color.
Journal Time
1. After your teacher has checked you out, stay in your center until Ms. Hendrick tells you to get your journal.
2. When Ms. Hendrick calls your name, get your journal and your tray work and have a seat at heart.
3. Once EVERYONE is sitting at heart, a teacher will ask for students who are done with BOTH their tray work AND their journals to raise their hand.
4. Once a teacher has checked your work, you can work on chores or your homework.
5. If the chore bin is empty and your homework is done, then you may have a snack or game at the triangle table.