VISTA host sites are required to use the VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) template below to create their VISTA’s work plan. The VAD is designed to outline a clear path for the VISTA member to achieve their primary objectives and overall project goal.


Vision: This should match the vision provided in your proposal narrative.

Executive Summary: This should match the executive summary provided in your proposal narrative.

Priority Area: Priority areas are pre-populated by the CSU STEM VISTA program and should not be changed. All VISTA projects should fit under one or both of the areas.

-Fostering Academic Innovation: Strategies that improve STEM student academic performance and enhance the quality of learning.

-Addressing a Current Critical Need: Strategies that address a current critical STEM student need identified on your campus.

Project: These should be the major projects that the VISTA member will focus on. VADs should have a minimum of three (3) major projects total (not per priority area). You may insert additional project rows as needed per each priority area.

Steps: Steps are benchmarks that will lead to achieving or completing the overall project. Sets of steps should be identified for each project. After each step, include in parenthesis which cultural capital the step incorporates (aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistant). You are not required to incorporate all cultural capitals.

Outputs: The outputs include the measureable, tangible products or results from your program activities. This list will include the “number” of whatever it is you are doing (total number of meetings held, number of hours of training offered, number of opportunities created, etc.). This section is quantitative, not qualitative.

Outcomes: Outcomes provide qualitative analysis of the program. Its central focus is on measureable changes that have occurred because of the program. These changes can be anything from gaining new knowledge, increasing skills, changing attitudes & opinions, changing motivations or goals, changes in action and changes in condition.

Strategic Partnerships and Assets: Available assets to complete objective (partnerships, other offices on campus, money, staff, equipment, etc.). What do you believe are the assets on campus that VISTA members will need to explore (be sure to include as one of your Steps above)? Who will you partner with to accomplish this project?


Please fill in the VAD for your VISTA position based on the vision, landscape analysis, and strategies identified in your proposal. See RFP page 5-6 for example steps.

VISTA Assignment Description

VISTA Position Title:
Campus Name:
Host Site:
Executive Summary: (1000 character max)
Fostering Academic Innovation: Strategies that improve STEM student academic performance and enhance the quality of learning. / Outputs / Outcomes / Strategic Partnerships and Assets
Project #1:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Project #2:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Addressing a Current Critical Need: Strategies that address a current critical STEM student need identified on your campus. / Outputs / Outcomes / Strategic Partnerships and Assets
Project #1:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Project #2:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3: