Fahrenheit 451

The Hearth and the Salamander

Part 1- Pages 3-24

Answer each question.

When appropriate, list the page number(s) where you found your answer.

  1. What is Montag’s job? What quote from the book shows how he feels about his job?
  1. Instead of water, what does the fire hose spray on the house/books?
  1. What metaphor does Bradbury use to describe the burning books at the very beginning?
  1. When Montag looks at Clarisse, it causes him to recall a childhood memory. What is the memory? Why is it significant?
  1. What 2 observations does Clarisse make about Montag’s conversational mannerisms? Do you think she thought these were positive or negative traits? Why?
  1. What things do the McClellans do which cause them to be classified as peculiar?
  1. For what “crimes” has Clarisse’s uncle been arrested? What does this tell you about this society?
  1. What final question does Clarisse run back to ask Montag? Why is this question important to the plot?
  2. Where has Montag hidden something in his house? What do you think he has hidden?
  3. When Montag arrives home after meeting Clarisse, what had Mildred done?
  1. Compare the “handymen” that treat Mildred with today’s health care workers.
  2. How does Montag feel after the workers leave shortly before going to sleep? Why is feeling all of these emotions?
  1. How does Mildred act the morning after her “accident”? Why is this unusual?
  1. How does Mildred pass the time? Is she satisfied with what she does?
  1. Clarisse describes herself as insane. Does she seem insane to you? Why?
  2. What happens with the dandelion? What causes Montag to get upset?
  3. Why was Clarisse standing in the rain? How does Montag react to her actions?
  4. Why does Clarisse find it strange that Montag is a fireman?
  1. From our vocabulary list, what words were found in this section? List them below with the page number on which they were located. Be sure to mark them in your book, too!