PRESENT : Mrs M MacAulay, J Moracova, Mrs I Plunkett, Mrs Liz Stormonth, Mr G King, Mrs D Robertson, Mrs E McNally , Mrs A Hamilton, Cllr Casey, Hendrie, Lennie, & MacNair, Colin Smith , Police rep.

APOLOGIES: Mrs R Young, Miss D MacKay, D Keenan

Welcome to the start of 2018and wishing everyone Happy New Year.

Minutes of Meeting approved by Mrs A Hamilton and seconded by Mrs M MacAulay

Secretary’s Report:

Miss D MacKay has been unwell and has tendered her resignation and Mrs Plunkett has accepted and thanked Miss MacKay for her contribution. Also Mrs Young has been unwell and wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her back at the next meeting. It’s also nice to see Mr King back after a time in hospital.

Planning info now being rec’d with nothing to report at this time. It was suggested that we look at the WDC website re consultation about local plan and financial budgets.

Treasurer’s Report

Balance as at 30/11/17 - £2271.70

Expenses 51.00

Balance as at 31/12/17 - £2220.70

When do we need to apply for next grant?

Councillors Report:

Repairs to bridge at Saltings.- Donald Petrie, Access Officer Greenspace says if this relates to the old boardwalk at the west end of The Saltings then they intend removing the ends of boardwalk and replacing it with a path in the adjacent woodland but have had to supply for Scheduled Monument Consent as the new path impacts on the forth and Clyde Ancient Monument and still waiting for this permission. Part of the land is also owned by Scottish Canals and they have been met on site and get their permission to go ahead.

Lights coming off Erskine Bridge down the A82. Roads section have reported this fault toTranserv. Lights now fixed.

Church Clock-inspected and repaired.

Hole in front steps @ Napierhall and rubbish also in this area. Facility assistant has been asked to clear up rubbish. Awaiting response re hole.

Erskine Bridge Pipeline Replacement Project - work will begin early in February 2018 to build a new pipeline under the river Clyde near Glasgow which will replace two 1.5km 300mm diameter pipelines suspended within the deck structure of the Erskine Bridge. Construction of the replacement pipeline is planned to take place throughout 2018. The pipeline removal from the bridge shall coincide with Scotland Transerve’s four year maintenance programme commencing in 2019. this programme includes the refurbishment of the existing footway panels on the bridge which will be removed from site presentinga unique opportunity for the existing gas pipes to be removed. this is only possible if the new pipeline is commissioned prior to 2019. Work will be carried out in phases to minimise inconvenience and keep traffic flowing. It has also been planned to ensure any local events taking place in the Erskine and Old Kilpatrick areas will be unaffected by our work. there may be some diversions and road closures and advance notice and signage will be put in place. Working hours will be 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday and at the weekend until no later than 4pm. All businesses will remain open as usual and they have a compensation scheme in place for small businesses which suffer genuine loss of trade because of work, packs available on website sgn.co.uk

Potential change re Parades and control of traffic- need to give a least 6 weeks warning and there may be significant costs. any planned parades should give as much notice as possible to council and they will arrange with road traffic.

Police Report:

from start of December 13 crime reports with 6 detected the other 7 ongoing. There was a taxi radio theft still undetected, the Ettrick had some vandalism on 3/12 and attempted house break on the 4th dec.

The Police have introduced West Dunbartonshire Community Watch leaflet and have introduced a Doorstop crime leaflet. This form can be filled in and you can receive text or email re bogus callers, flooding road safety and many more.

Colin Smith (Community Development Worker)

This is all about engaging communities and working together with community services and identifying things that aren’t working in our community. How do we engage with community? What do we want achieve? Mrs Plunkett met with Colin and Megan just before Xmas as we want to do something in our community to let them know we are here. We want to liase with as many of our partners as we can involve the police, trading standards, council workers and obtain info from villagers, give out leaflets to let people know what’s happening. We want to target specific groups, like parent council, youth organisations and also leaflet every household. We would work towards a day in May maybe using the ‘red sofa idea’. Look to form a sub group from community council to work on the details. We would meet during the day involving as many people getting the young people involved and different council departments. Introducing our Web page and facebook. Re-organisation of Colin’s department but our community council support will be Suzanne Greer and working with the community plan would be Colin’s dept.

Colin handed out Place Standard Sheet which could be used as a starting tool to obtain people’s views, looking for issues to work on. We at least want to achieve this by end of year and identify a few issues to work on producing a report about our village.

Sub committee formed- Mrs Plunkett, Mrs McNally, Mrs Hamilton and J Moracova who will look at who to involve. Colin to find out when the Community leaflets will be available?


On the 17th December 2017 the Rev Scott McCrum preached as sole nominee for the vacancy at the Parish church and was accepted. It is hoped he will take up his part time position in March 2018.