Child Outcomes – Developmental Screening


There was no WAC requirement previously; the proposed standard adds requirements for developmental screening and reporting in line with other state mandates. What had been in the Early Achievers guideline will now be covered in the WAC, so the Early Achievers item is changed to enhance the referral requirement from the WAC. Parts of the ECEAP section that would be duplicative of the proposed WAC were removed, and the content on follow-up and IEPs remained.


[none] / Proposed
Early learning services providers must have a process in place to conduct developmental and behavioral screenings for each child, ages birth through five. The screening must take place within 90 days of a child’s enrollment in the program, and at least annually thereafter.

Parents must provide consent for their child to participate and may opt out of a developmental screening.

Early learning services providers that conduct the screening on each child,agesbirth through five, must use a validated tool approved by the department.

Screening tools will be used in the child’s home language, when available.

Information must be provided to parents regarding community resources for referrals based on the screening results.
Early Achievers
Developmental Screening conducted within 90 days of enrollment and results are shared with parents / Proposed
Early learning service providers will use the results of the screening to provide appropriate referrals to community resources for parents and help parents to connect with the referral agencies.
E-10 Screening and Referrals
Contractors must conduct developmental screenings to identify children who may need further evaluation. Screening must include speech/language, social-emotional, physical/motor, and cognitive development. Screening tools must be responsive and sensitive to the cultural and linguistic needs of each child and family and administered only with parent consent.

If a child is identified as having special needs, contractors must work with the Local Education Agency (LEA) to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that identifies and plans for needed services. / Proposed
Contractors must conduct developmental screenings to identify children who may need further evaluation.

If a child is identified as having special needs, contractors must work with the Local Education Agency (LEA) to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that identifies and plans for needed services.