Prints and their use in the 16th and 17th century

Symposium organized by the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam and the Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History

Date: 17 March 2006

Location: Rotterdam, Auditorium Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Coordinators: dr Peter van der Coelen, Ger Luijten, MA and Ruud Priem, MA

Costs € 10,- (regular fee) or

€ 5,- (Friends of the MBVB, members OSK, PhD-students, MA/BA-students) or

free (personnel and volunteers MBVB)

Registration: online (reservations required)

Exhibition and symposium

On occasion of the exhibition Prints in the Golden Age: from Art to Shelf Paper, which is on view from 21 January until 19 March 2006 at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the symposium Prints and their use in the 16th and 17th century has been organized for Friday 17 March 2006 in collaboration with the Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History (OSK).
In the 17th century precious prints were carefully put away, just like in present times. However, by far the greater amount of graphic art was meant to be hung on the wall. Wealthier citizens possessed exclusive prints – printed on silk, beautifully coloured or in fine frames. Those who could not afford an expensive frame, simply stuck or pinned a print to the wall. Even cabinets, caskets and other everyday objects were adorned with prints. The exhibition offers for the first time a reconstruction of the use of printed images in daily life during the Golden Age. It shows the themes that were most frequently depicted in those days: from townscapes and war scenes to portraits of vicars and admirals, biblical stories and erotic subjects, flower still lifes, calendars and game boards. The exhibition, conceived by Jan van der Waals, was realized in collaboration with the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Registration fees

Registration fees can be paid on the day of the symposium near the entrance of the Auditorium. Payments include coffee/thee, drinks and entrance to the exhibition Prints in the Golden Age: from Art to Shelf Paper.

• € 10,00 (regular fee)
• € 05,00 (Friends of the MBVB/ members OSK/ PhD-students, MA/BA-students)
• free (personnel and volunteers MBVB)


Auditorium, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Museumpark 18-20 Rotterdam


10.00 – 10.25
Registration and reception with coffee or thee in the foyer near the Auditorium of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Papers in the Auditorium
Welcome by Ruud Priem, MA (Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History, Utrecht)
Introduction by moderator Dr Peter van der Coelen (Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam)
Dr. Mark McDonald (British Museum, London):
“Large prints in the Columbus collection”
Truusje Goedings, MA (Amsterdam):
"Ingekleurde prenten in Nederland in de 16de- en 17de eeuw" (Coloured prints in the Netherlands in the 16th- and 17th century)
Suzanne Karr Schmidt, MA (Yale University, New Haven):
"German Sculptural Printmaking in the Late Renaissance"
Lunch in the foyer near the Auditorium and (individual) visit to the exhibition Prints in the Golden Age: from Art to Shelf Paper
Papers in the Auditorium
Dr. Vanessa Selbach (École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques, Villeurbanne):
"Personal use of religious prints around 1600: from the luxurious album of a merchant to the embellished manuscripts of a clerk"
Dr. Evelyne Verheggen (Leiden):
“Bidden met beelden. Devotieprenten als hulpmiddel bij het gebed in Nederland in de 17de eeuw” (Praying with images. Devotional prints as instruments for prayer in the Netherlands in the 17th century)

Jan van der Waals, MA (Amsterdam):
“Van kunst tot kastpapier” / “From Art tot Shelf Paper”
Discussion moderated by Ger Luijten, MA (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
Conclusion and drinks in the foyer near the Auditorium

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