Statement of Candidature:

Name:Annabelle Parmegiani
Student Number:12557169
Student email address:

Position: Student Wellbeing Director
Reason why I am nominating myself:
I am passionate about the wellbeing of law students and understand the benefits of creating an environment that helps students deal with the pressures of their study. Physical and mental health are essential components to ensure that students are able to complete their studies to the best of their ability but more importantly, enjoy their time at university. I strongly believe in living a balanced lifestyle and this ethos has motivated me to want to run for Student Wellbeing Director.
Experiences which will assist me:
Over the past year I have been lucky enough to be involved with the wellbeing portfolio as part of my role on council as a first year representative. I have worked with the current Student Wellbeing Director, Sonali Malhotra, in organizing this year’s Smile Weeks, Random Act of Kindness Day and R U Okay Day. Being involved in the LSS has allowed me to see the high standard of work expected by all councilors as well as know exactly how much hard work goes into organizing wellbeing events. Similarlyas first year representativeI understand that being on the LSS is more than fulfilling your singular portfolio but also being part of a team.
What I will bring to the role:
As Student Wellbeing Director I will endeavorto continue to provide law students with the various events that have been made available to them this year. This includes working with the SWAG committee to update the Wellbeing Blog with a range of helpful and interesting articles. I also hope to continue providing events such as Smile Week, Random Act of Kindness Day and R U Okay Day. I believe that these events provide students with a chance to take a moment away from focusing on their studies and other stresses, creating an environment that is more conducive to students’ enjoyment. This is particularly pertinent with those Smile Week events such as the petting zoo and the therapy dogs. I also hope to build on these events to include more regular courtyard sessions that become a weekly space for students to go and relax. I bring energy, enthusiasm and experience.

What I will assist the council with next year:

Next year I hope to fulfill my role as Student Wellbeing Director to the best of my ability, but more so I hope to work to improve the connection between the LSS and students so that their wants and concerns can be easily heard. I strongly believe in the work that the LSS does for law students and wish to contribute to that in a positive manner.