20—22 OCTOBER 2004


Tuesday, 19 October

Throughout the day: Arrival to the CEU Conference and Residence Center

12:00—19:00 Registration Desk at the CEU Conference and Residence Center

Wednesday, 20 October

Venue: Auditorium, CEU, Nador utca 9

6:30—8:00 CEU Residence Center cafeteria is open for breakfast

8:00 Organized bus transfer to CEU

8:30—13:00 Registration Desk at CEU

9:00— 9:30 Conference Opening and Introductions: Rositsa Bateson, VP for Student Services

9:30—10:00 Welcome Address: Istvan Teplan, Executive Vice-President

10:00—10:30 CEU Accreditation: Liviu Matei, Academic Secretary

10:30—11:00 Coffee Break (in front of the Auditorium)

11:00—12:00 The Notion of Central Europe: Istvan Rev, Professor, Department of History

12:00—13:00 The Bologna Process in Eastern Europe—Challenges and Opportunities: Sophia Howlett, Dean, Special and Extension Programs

13:00—14:30 Lunch at Mokka Restaurant (Sas utca 4, near the Bazilika)

14:30—15:00 Student Involvement in University Life—A View from Central and Eastern Europe (Part I): Rositsa Bateson

15:00—15:30 The Role of the Institutional Website: Brandon Krueger, External Relations Office

15:30—16:00 Student Involvement in University Life—A View from Central and Eastern Europe (Part II): Rositsa Bateson

16:00—16:30 Coffee Break (in front of the Auditorium)

16:30—17:00 Recent History in Images and Documents—the Open Society Archives at Central European University: Anna Svenson, Chief Archivist

17:00—18:00 Tour of CEU and the Open Society Archives

In the afternoon hours CEU Press, CEU Alumni Affairs Office, the Human Rights Student Initiative, and other programs exhibit their activities

18:30—20:30 Reception and Buffet Dinner at Retorta Restaurant (Szechenyi utca 3, a crossing of Nador utca, two blocks from CEU in the direction of the Parliament building)

20:30 Organized Bus transfer to CEU Residence and Conference Center

Thursday, 21 October

Venue: Warsaw Room, CEU Conference and Residence Center, Kerepesi ut 87

6:30—8:45 CEU Residence Center cafeteria is open for breakfast

9:00— 9:30 Student Profile, Admissions and Financial Aid: Rositsa Bateson

9:30—10:00 Department of Economics: Ugo Pagano, Head of Department

10:00—10:30 Department of Political Science: Gabor Toka, Head of Department

10:30—11:00 Coffee Break

11:00—11:30 Department of International Relations and European Studies: Julius Horvath, Head of Department, and Julia Paraizs, Department Coordinator

11:30—12:00 Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology: Ayse Caglar, Head of Department, and Krisztina Bradeanu, Department Coordinator

12:00—12:30 Department of Philosophy: Howard Robinson, Head of Department

12:30—13:00 Department of Medieval Studies: Jozsef Laszlovszky, Head of Department, and Csilla Dobos, Department Coordinator

13:00—14:30 Lunch

14:30—16:00 Special and Extension Programs: Sophia Howlett

Question and Answer Period

‘Troubleshooting Clinic’

16:00—16:30 Coffee Break

16:30—18:00 New Developments at Special Projects Office, the Curriculum Resource Center and Summer University: Matyas Szabo, CRC Director, and Eva Gedeon, SUN Director

Evening Free Time

Friday, 22 October

Venue: Warsaw Room, CEU Conference and Residence Center, Kerepesi ut 87

9:00— 9:30 Department of Mathematics: Gheorghe Morosanu, Head of Department, and Agnes Makary, Department Coordinator

9:30—10:00 Master in Public Policy and Center for Policy Studies: Diane Lesley Stone, Program Director, and Henriett Griecs, Program Coordinator

10:00—10:30 Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy: Ruben Mnatsakanian, Head of Department

10:30—11:00 Coffee Break

11:00—11:30 Department of Gender Studies: Eva Fodor, Head of Department

11:30—12:00 Department of History: Karl Hall, Assistant Professor

12:00—12:30 Nationalism Studies Program: Michael Miller, Assistant Professor

12:30—13:00 Department of Legal Studies: Stefan Messmann, Head of Department

13:00—14:30 Lunch

14:30—15:30 CEU Graduate School of Business

15:30—16:00 Training in Marketing Strategies

16:00—16:30 Coffee Break

16:30—18:00 CEU Recruitment and Admissions: CEU Admissions Office and John Harbord (Academic

Writing Center)

Evening Free Time

Saturday—Sunday, 23-24 October: Departure