Luther Burbank

Comprehensive Safe Schools Plan



Table of Contents: CSSP – Sacramento City Unified School District

Section 1………………….…....…………..Component I: Social Climate and Component II: Physical Climate/Campus

Section 2……………………………………………………………………Emergency Plan: Site Level Incident Command System

Section 3……………………….. Emergency Plan: Site Level Communication Procedures and Draft District Protocol

Section 4…………………………………………...Emergency Plan: Site Level Use of Schools as a Community Shelter **

Section 5…………………………………. Emergency Plan: Site Level Provisions for Students/Staff with Special Needs

Section 6………………………………………………………….. Emergency Plan: Site Level Family Reunification Procedures

Section 7……………………………………..………………Emergency Plan: Site Level Earthquake Emergency Procedures

Section 8……………………..……………………………… Emergency Plan: Site Level Drill Procedures: Fire, Chemical, Bomb Threat, ATF Bomb Threat Checklist, Lockdown, Active Shooter

Section 9………………………………….…………………..… Emergency Plan: Site Level Safe Ingress & Egress Procedures

Section 10………………………………..………………………..……………………………………. Before and After School Programs

Section 11…………………………………….……………………………………………. School Site Safety Committee Member List

Section 12………………..School Site Safety Committee Records: Public Meeting and Agendas Approval of CSSP

Section 13……………………………………………………………………………………District and Site Policies Related to Safety:

(a) Board Policy 5021: Custodial & Parent Rights

(b) Mandated Child Abuse Reporting

(c) Missing Student Protocol

Section 14………………………………Dangerous StudentNotification to Teachers’ Signature Pages (Spring & Fall)

Section 15…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Bullying Policies and Procedures

Section 16……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Wellness Plan

Section 17………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... ……District Handbook

Section 18………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Staff Handbook

Section 19……………………………………………………………………….Emergency Drill Logs and Site Specific Information

  1. LUTHER BURBANK HIGH: Climate/Campus
    Address 13500 Florin Rd
    Address 2
    Zip Code95823
    Main Phone Number 916-433-5100
  1. Vison:Create a “caring and connected” school climate in a safe and orderly environment.Create a “caring and connected” school climate in a safe and orderly environment.

Design this component around organizational and interpersonal processes that occur in and around the school, i.e., structures, procedures, and organization. The traits students, teachers, administrators, and other personnel bring to the campus (ethnic/cultural diversity, experiences). Focus on the general atmosphere or spirit of the school (norms, beliefs, and values). See complete CSSP for detailed plans.

Consider the following for Prevention:

After-School programsBuddy SystemsCharacter and Citizenship Education

Discipline policiesLearning Style LanguagesPositive Behavior Support

School-Community PolicingStaff Development

Consider the following for Intervention:

Anger ManagementAttendance ImprovementBreaking Code of Silence

Bully PreventionDrug and Alcohol Prevention

Gang Risk InterventionParent/Family Interventions

Hate-Motivated Behavior Prevention

Consider the following for Legal Tools:

CitationsDistrict Attorney MediationExpulsion/Suspension

Parenting ReinforcementTerrorist ThreatsRestitution/Community Service

Identification, Redirection, and Supervision of Repeat Offenders

  1. Create a safe physical environment that fosters learning and well-being of all individuals on campus.

The physical conditions in which education takes place (location, buildings, classrooms) must be considered to create safety and wellness.

Consider the following:

Lighting Closed Campus Crisis Response Procedures

Entries and Exits Parking Areas Evacuation Routes

Environmental DesignEntries and Exits Emergency Supply Kits

Repair/PreventionSecurity Technology Fire Extinguishers/AED

Hallways Information Sharing-Interagency On-Site Communication

Site General - General

Approximately 1900 students; 120 staff on campus.

Campus consists of A Wing Building to include Administration Offices and Auditorium, nine classroom wings, Cafeteria Building, Library Building, Music Building, Gym and Swimming Pool Building, Horticulture area with 16 portables, Greenhouse, Animal Pens and Animal Equipment Storage Building.


Baseball diamond located southwest corner of campus. Open field behind campus.
Horticulture fenced botany area located south central section of campus.
Covered breezeway north of Gym with double iron gate.
Football stadium, west side

Site Security - General
Lock Box LocationKnox box located north side, west central section of building, outside Main Office, Room A1 entrance.

Video Surveillance

Digital video with 14 cameras; pan tilt is possible.District can access camera views remotely via computer.

Site Security - Control Points

Vehicle Security Gates:
Located southwest corner of campus in the southwest corner of west student parking lot.
Located northwest corner of campus in the northeast corner of west student parking lot.
Located northeast corner of campus, 80 feet east of Cafeteria Building on staff parking lot.
Located southeast corner of campus, southeast corner of F7 through F12 and H7 through H12 Wing.
Located south side of campus, south side, east end of Gym and Swimming Pool Building.
Located south side of campus, west side of P1 through P5 Portables.
Located south side, central section of campus, southwest of J10 Portable.
Located south side, central section of campus, 90 feet from southeast corner of F7 through F12 and H7 through H12 Wing.
Pedestrian Security Gates:
Located northwest corner of campus, north side, central section of Music Building.
Located northwest corner of campus, south side, west central section of Music Building.
Located west central section of campus, northeast corner of Gym and Swimming Pool Building.
Vehicle security gate always remains closed to the east and northwest corner of northwest parking lot.
Unlocked pedestrian security gate to the southwest corner of campus.
New fence up by light rail.
Cyclone fence to the west and southwest corner. Cyclone fencing to the south.
Name / Location / Function / Contact / Image
Appel, Ted / Sacramento City Sacramento City Unified School District > LBHS / Principal /
Primary / (916) 752-3631
Mobile / (916) 752-3631
E-mail /
Peterson, Jim
LBHS / Sacramento City Sacramento City Unified School District > LBHS / Vice-Principal / Emergency / (916) 813-3468
Primary / (916) 433-5100 Ext.1068
Mobile / (916) 752-3139
Home / (916) 486-6269
E-mail /
Jones, William
LBHS / Sacramento City Unified > Sacramento City Unified School District > LBHS / Vice-Principal / Emergency / (916) 752-3485
Primary / (916) 433-5100 Ext.1021
Home / (916) 616-6916
E-mail /
Alternate E-mail /
Willett, Stacey
LBHS / Sacramento City Unified > Sacramento City Unified School District > LBHS / Teacher / Emergency / (916) 955-6753
Primary / (916) 433-5100 Ext.2016
Mobile / (916) 955-6753
Home / (916) 737-8056
Pablo Martin / Sacramento City Unified > Sacramento City Unified School District > LBHS / Facility Manager /
Primary / (916) 433-5100 Ext.2250
Home / (916) 663-9368
Ley, Frank
LBHS / Sacramento City Unified > Sacramento City Unified School District > / Police Response / Emergency / (916) 919-5746
Primary / (916) 433-5100 Ext.1061
Mobile / (916) 752-3426
E-mail /

3. Site Level Communication Procedures

Emergencies require fast, dependable communications. Each site administrator should have a pre-established communication plan. The primary means of communication will be by intercom, telephone and radio receivers (walkie-talkies).

911 Procedures:

In-District Centrex lines, dial 9-911 for emergencies. Other lines use 911. Be prepared to give the following information:

  • Phone number you are calling from
  • Specific address and directions to the victim/emergency - remember on Centrex that the correct address will not show up on 911.
  • Description of the emergency or victim's condition.
  • Description of what happened.
  • Your name.
  • DO NOT HANG UP. Stay on the line until directed to hang up.

Site Emergency Communications:

Each site should have available:

  • List of telephone numbers at the school and their locations
  • List of radio receivers and their locations.
  • Telephone tree for notification of staff and students.
  • Completed survey of all available communication equipment.

Each site will monitor a battery-operated radio on the Emergency Broadcast System in case of an area emergency.

Bells/alarms and intercom systems will be used to communicate school wide for drills and actual events and incidents.

Administration and support staff will use walkie-talkies for communication with each other and telephones for communication with teachers.

Parents will be contacted by telephone. If time or circumstances do not allow, parents will be contacted by radio, TV.

If telephone lines are overloaded:

  • Use only when necessary.
  • Wait for a dial tone - it may take longer than usual.
  • Use a pay phone or close by residence telephone.
  • 2 way radio communications is available.
  • Use amateur radio if operator available.
  • Cell phone users can dial 264-5151 to reach the city police's dispatch (Dialing 911 on a cell phone connects with the Highway Patrol dispatch.)

All programs, including those before and after school are site based and housed on campus so will follow same procedures as outlined in LBHS Safety Plan.

4.Site Use: Community Shelter

Receiving Station:

Agreements with the County of Sacramento to provide for the use of high school sites for various disaster evacuee activities. After consultation and agreement with the Superintendent and site principal, school facilities such as gymnasiums, multipurpose rooms and cafeteria can be used as the following:

  • Reception station for evacuees
  • Holding areas
  • Registration and processing points
  • Staging area for disaster workers
  • Disaster Field Operations Center
  • Temporary living quarters for evacuees

The District shall have first use of its facilities for pupil sheltering. This is keeping with the assigned mission of schools under the provisions of the Educational Code.

Use of Provisions:

If it is necessary to shelter and feed pupils, staff, and /or community members, District provisions can be used after approval of the Superintendent, upon consultation with Nutrition Services, Purchasing Agent, and others involved in the direct control of the particular provisions to be utilized.

Site administrators must notify Transportation and Nutrition Services of all planned shelter operations and alternative locations as soon as they are known. These sites should be identified in the Site Specific Plan and on the Site Plan Summary forwarded to the Office of Risk Management.

All requests outside of direct District use of buildings at the high schools and provisions will be made as outlined in the County Operations Plans.

Only limited first aid supplies are available at each high school site. No cots, bedding or other emergency supplies are available. Provisions need to be made for distributing needed materials prior to any extended use of a school facility.


The telephone, radios, and other means of communication at each site shall be made available for disaster operations.


Orthopedically Impaired


  • B-9 houses Orthopedically Impaired program. Classroom Phone is (916) 433-

5129. Greg Polo or assigned sub shall be responsible for leading the class out of the

classroom and off the school site. He will have one class list naming all OI students,

both in his class and in Judy Martineau’s class.

  • Judy Martineau or assigned sub shall be the last person out of the classroom with a class list naming all OI students in both classes as well a list of medications required by students who take medications at school. She will also have the emergency card notebook with the phone numbers of all parents and guardians of OH students.
  • Instructional assistants for OI will each have specific duties as assigned by teachers,

Including but not limited to being responsible for necessary medical supplies and

equipment. IAs who accompany students included in general education classes will

guide students to follow designated evacuation route with that class.



  • Students who are physically able shall follow standard procedures. Students who are wheelchair bound shall have individual plans preplanned and practiced that may include but not be limited to the following: lock wheels, lean forward, cover head and neck (use pillows or other padding if available)

For Developmental/Cognitive/Intellectual Disabilities:

  • Have a variety of methods to communicate including but not limited to written, spoken and visual signals (pictures, cue cards, hand signals, etc)
  • Include communication tools in evacuation packet and emergency kit that each person knows how to use. If nonverbal, include pictures, cue cards,etc.
  • If portable communication device used; store extra batteries.
  • Prepare a plan that includes and informs all instructional assistants.

For Deaf or Hearing Impaired and Visually Impaired:

  • Have more than one method to receive warnings and evacuation information.
  • If you use any hearing or communication devices, store extra batteries and supplies in disaster kits.
  • Label Emergency Supplies using large print, fluorescent tape, Braille, or other methods.

6. Site Reunification Procedures

In the case of an evacuation, teachers are to take their role sheets along with red and green cards and head to their assigned evacuation location with their classes. When teachers arrive at their evacuation site with their classes, they are to immediately take role and write the names of any students who are not present, making a notation behind the names of any students who were present at the beginning of the evacuation and are now unaccounted for. Green card held up if all students in class earlier are present at evac. site. Red card held up to indicate missing student(s).

Guardians looking for their children will be instructed to report to the vehicle gate next to the football field in the west parking lot. The west parking lot gates on Florin Road will be closed and locked so as not to create a traffic jam in the lot. Guardians and adults listed on an emergency card may pick up a student upon showing a photo ID. The LBHS administrators have smart phones, enabling access students’ contact and emergency information.

The staff member receiving the adult at the gate, upon verifying his or her ID, checks the student’s schedule then calls on the two-way radio for the campus monitor who is assigned to the student’s evacuation zone. The monitor is given the student’s name and room number. The monitor checks with the student’s instructor to see if the student is present. If the student is present, he or she is sent to the pedestrian gate on the west side of the boy’s locker room to be reunified with the adult.

At the pedestrian gate, the student’s name is taken, along with the adult’s and the time they left. The place that the adult is taking the student is also noted so that if another adult comes for the same student, the aforementioned information can be provided.

All adults who come to pick up students are sent from the vehicle gate by the football field to the pedestrian gate by the boy’s locker room. This way, an adult does not have to stand in one place waiting while a monitor attempts to locate his or her child nor does the adult have to hear possible bad news over the radio while waiting in front of a line of others who are looking for their children.

Adults, whose children have not been located, are met by one of the school counselors at the pedestrian gate to inform them that the student has not been located. Meanwhile, a campus monitor with a bullhorn will call for the student in case he or she has wandered to another zone. This will only be done in cases in which the student was present in class before the evacuation.

7.Site Level EarthquakeEmergency Procedures

Site Action:


Drills shall be conducted on regular basis. A staff member will use intercom system to make all announcements. Announcer will state that there is drill about to take place and remind staff and students of what they will need to do (“Drop, Cover, and Hold”). Staff member then proceeds with drill, directing as talking through simulation beginning to end. All on site are to actively participate. Teachers/staff are to direct students through process in both drills and actual events.

"Drop, Cover and Hold".

  • Use a desk, table or piece of furniture as a shield, putting as much of body as possible under starting with head. Hold on to desk/table.
  • If no desk/table/counter, move away from windows and overhead fixtures.

Press against a wall with no windows or shelves. Make your body as small

as possible.

  • Bury your face in your arms.
  • Keep your eyes closed and ears covered.

Procedures for Actual Event: Earthquake

During quake:

  • Follow “Drop, Cover and Hold” procedure as practiced in drills.
  • Move away from utility poles, trees, buildings, electrical wires other hazards if outside.

After quake:

Implement action only when the earthquake is over. The initial shock is usually the most severe, but aftershocks can be quite strong and continue for some time. The guiding principle is to continue operating as much as possible as if it were a normal day and dismiss at the regular time (unless the quake is major).

  • When safe, the fire drill bell will ring and everyone will vacate the building and stay outside until the "all clear" order is given.
  • Special consideration should be given to exit routes. Do not run, particularly on stairways. Pay close attention for hazards on ground such as broken glass, wires, etc.
  • Render first aid if necessary. Take roll.
  • After vacating the building, students and staff shall not be permitted to reenter if there is any doubt concerning the safely of the building. In this event, it is recommended that a qualified inspection team from the District or Site Emergency Team or Buildings & Grounds Dept. perform structural and safety inspections following the current OES Guidelines. Students and/or staff may be allowed to reenter the building only after, it has been determined to be safe.
  • The site administrator/manager shall notify his/her Area Administrator of the emergency, who will then determine what District action may be necessary.
  • If students need to be evacuated, they should follow site evacuation plan. In the event that the site is not usable, signs should be placed at the school site indicating where the children are being kept. If the children are picked up by parents or guardians before dismissal, a record will be kept by the teacher.
  • If known and directed to do so, disconnect electrical controls and turn off the gas valve. Notify Fire Department or Buildings & Grounds, of any break, or suspected breaks, in utilities beyond your control.
  • All sites must notify parents/employees of site plan.

8. Emergency Plan: Site Drill Procedures