Wellness Plan


This document, referred to as the “wellness plan”(the plan), is intended to implement policy FFA(LOCAL), which has been adopted by the Board, to comply with the requirements for a school wellness policy. [Section 9A(a) of the National School Lunch Act (NSLA), 42 U.S.C. 1758b]


Federal law requires that certain stakeholders be involved in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the wellness policy. The District has chosen to use the local school health advisory council (SHAC) to work on behalf of the District to review and consider evidence-based strategies and techniques in order to develop and implement nutrition guidelines and wellness goals as required by federal law. The SHAC will permit the following persons to work with the SHAC on the District’s wellness policy and plan: parents, students, the District’s food service provider, physical education teachers, school health professionals, Board members, administrators, and members of the public. The SHAC will solicit involvement and input of these other interested persons by:0)

  1. Publishing requests for volunteer membership in Student Handbook
  2. Personal invitation to prospective members

Each campus principal is responsible for the implementation of FFA(LOCAL) and this wellness plan at his or her campus, including the submission of necessary information to the SHAC for evaluation.

The Superintendent is the District official responsible for the overall implementation of FFA(LOCAL), including the development of this wellness plan and any other appropriate administrative procedures, and ensuring that each campus complies with the policy and plan.


In accordance with law, the District will periodically measure and make available to the public an assessment of the implementation of the District’s wellness policy, the extent to which each campus is compliant with the wellness policy, a description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy, and the extent to which the wellness policy compares with any state- or federally designated model wellness policies. Absent federal regulations to the contrary, the District commits to the evaluation activities described below.

At least annually, the SHAC will prepare a report on the wellness policy and this plan by gathering information from each principal and appropriate District administrators. The SHAC will assess the District’s and each campus’s progress toward meeting the goals of the policy and plan by reviewing District- and campus-level activities and events tied to the wellness program.

The SHAC may use any of the following tools for that analysis:0.

  • Relevant portions of the WellSAT 2.0 (
  • Relevant portions of the Center for Disease Control’s School Health Index (
  • A District-developed self-assessment

To comply with the legal requirement to inform and update the public about the content and implementation of the local wellness policy, the District will create a wellness page on its website to document information and activity related to the school wellness policy, including: 

  1. A copy of the wellness policy [FFA(LOCAL)];
  1. A copy of this wellness plan, with dated revisions;
  2. Notice of any Board revisions to policy FFA(LOCAL);
  3. Notice of any SHAC meeting at which the wellness policy or corresponding documents are scheduled to be discussed;
  4. The SHAC’s annual report on the District’s wellness policy and plan; and
  5. Any other relevant information.

The District will also publish the above information in appropriate District or campus publications.


Records regarding the District’s wellness policy will be retained in accordance with law and the District’s records management program. Questions may be directed to the Superintendent the District’s designated records management officer.


The following provisions describe the District’s nutrition guidelines and activities and objectives chosen by the SHAC to implement the Board-adopted wellness goals in policy FFA(LOCAL).


All District campuses participate in the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). Federal law requires that the District establish nutrition guidelines for foods made available on each campus that are consistent with the federal standards and that promote student health and reduce childhood obesity.

The District’s nutrition guidelines are to ensure all foods and beverages sold, otherwise made available, or marketed to students during the school day adhere to all federal regulations and guidance and are designed to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity.


The District will comply with federal requirements for reimbursable meals. For other foods and beverages sold to students during the school day, the District will comply with the federal requirements for competitive foods. Competitive foods and beverages are not part of the regular meal programs and occur through sales such as a la carte options or vending machines. For purposes of this plan, these requirements will be referred to as “Smart Snacks” standards or requirements. The following websites have information regarding meal and Smart Snacks requirements:

State rules adopted by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) allow an exemption to the Smart Snacks requirements for up to six days per year per campus when a food or beverage is sold as part of a District fundraiser. [See CO(LEGAL)]

The District will not allow exempted fundraisers; all fundraisers will include non-food items, foods that meet the Smart Snacks standards, or foods that are not intended to be consumed at school.


There are currently no federal requirements for foods or beverages made available to students during the school day. The District will comply with state law, which allows a parent or grandparent to provide a food product of his or her choice to classmates of the person’s child or grandchild on the occasion of the student’s birthday or to children at a school-designated function. [See CO(LEGAL)]


The District will measure compliance with the nutrition guidelines by reviewing meal reimbursement submissions from the child nutrition department to the TDA, reviewing foods and beverages that are sold in competition with the regular school meals, reviewing items sold as part of approved District fundraisers, and monitoring the types of foods and beverages made available to students during the school day.


Federal law requires that the District establish goals for nutrition promotion in its wellness policy. The District’s nutrition promotion activities will encourage participation in the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, and any supplemental food and nutrition programs offered by the District.

In accordance with FFA(LOCAL), the District has established the following goal(s) for nutrition promotion.

GOAL: The District’s food service staff, teachers, and other District personnel shall consistently promote healthy nutrition messages in cafeterias, classrooms, and other appropriate settings.
Objective 1: District participation in federal child nutrition program will increase by 2% by the end of each school year.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Information about the school food service program will be distributed in back-to-school packets at the Back to School night and sent home with students who did not attend the event. Parents will be contacted by the school secretary if no response is received. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Analysis/comparison of participation rates in nutrition program at beginning, middle, and end of year.
Resources needed:
  • Staff
  • Preparation of information packets
  • Time to contact parents who don’t return applications
  • Parent attitude about participation
  • Successfully getting information home
  • Negative attitudes about school meals

Objective 2: By May of each school year, the food service program will score at least a “bronze” level on the Smarter Lunchroom Scorecard ().
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Distribute scorecard to all food service employees, at least 6 parents, 3 teachers, and 5 students to score in October and May. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Scores on the assessment in October and May.
Resources needed:
  • Office staff or principal to print off and distribute scorecard to stakeholders.
  • Stakeholders to complete scorecard
  • Paper and copier
  • Training provided for scorecard
  • Time for scorecard completion and analysis

GOAL: The District shall share educational nutrition information with families and the general public to promote healthy nutrition choices and positively influence the health of students.
Objective 1: District will distribute quarterly “Parental Involvement Connection” from ESC 16 to parents and post on district website which contains information on physical activity and the importance of eating healthy.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Quarterly editions of the Parental Involvement Connection are printed and distributed to parents and made available on the school website when published by ESC 16 each quarter. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Confirmation of publication made available each quarter
Resources needed:
  • Paper, copier
  • Time for printing and distribution
  • Personnel
  • Time for printing and distribution
  • Parental buy-in of value of information provided in the publication

Objective 2: Consistently publish monthly breakfast and lunch menus and post them on District website.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Monthly lunch and breakfast menus will be printed and sent home with all PK-7 students (PK-3 will be sent home in student folders) and made available on entry tables in Elementary building and High School building as well as on District website. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Verification of menus distributed, available in entries, and on district website.
Resources needed:
  • Food service manager to compile monthly menus meeting nutrition guidelines.
  • Personnel to make copies of menus for distribution
  • Personnel to post menus on District Website
  • Time to print and post menus
  • 4th-12th grade students getting home with menus

GOAL: The District shall ensure that food and beverage advertisements accessible to students during the school day depict only products that meet the federal guidelines for meals and competitive foods.
Objective 1: Food advertisements will not be posted outside the cafeteria and 100% of those posted within the cafeteria will promote healthy eating habits.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Elementary and High School administrators will be responsible for monitoring any and all advertisements to assure that no food advertisements are posted throughout campus buildings. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Campus administrators will verify non-existence of food advertisements within their buildings in August and May each year.
Resources needed:
  • Administrators and time.
  • Administrators remembering to do the checks


Federal law requires that the District establish goals for nutrition education in its wellness policy. State law also requires that the District implement a coordinated health program with a nutrition services and health education component at the elementary and middle school levels. [See EHAA]

The District will implement the nutrition services and health education component through instruction of the essential knowledge and skills related to nutrition and health and the CATCH program, a program approved by the Texas Education Agency, in the District’s physical education, health education, and science courses.

In accordance with FFA(LOCAL), the District has established the following goal(s)for nutrition education.

GOAL: The District shall deliver nutrition education that fosters the adoption and maintenance of healthy eating behaviors.
Objective 1: Health will be encouraged as a default elective for high school students.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Inform counselor and high school administrator to promote Health as an elective. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Percentage of four-year cohort who successfully complete health as an elective.
Resources needed:
  • Access to TxVSN or Odyssey to provide the Health course
  • Graduation plans
  • Student attitude/interest in taking a health course

Objective 2: Students in grades 6-8 will take one semester of health prior to entering high school.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Administrator assignment of health class to qualified 6-8 teacher for one semester / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Documentation of 6-8 students enrolled and successfully completing health course
Resources needed:
  • Teacher
  • Class resources—textbooks, internet access…
  • Student interest in course

GOAL: The District shall make nutrition education a District-wide priority and shall integrate nutrition education into other areas of the curriculum, as appropriate.
Objective 1: Health and wellness will be included as frequently as possible at all grade levels in as many subject areas as feasible throughout the school year.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
All self-contained elementary teachers will include health and wellness topics at least twice yearly.
Health will be taught for a minimum of one semester to students during the 6, 7, or 8th grade years.
At least one Consumer Science course each year will include health and wellness within its curriculum. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Inclusion of health and wellness topics documented in lesson plans.
  • Master schedule reflecting one semester of health taught in 6-8th each school year.
  • Consumer Science lesson plans reflect health and wellness topics included in curriculum.
Resources needed:
  • Health and wellness instructional materials
  • Teachers to deliver instruction
  • Time is limited to include additional topics in subject areas due the restraints resulting from the state assessment demands

Objective 2: All students will have access to drinking water at all times throughout the school day.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Back-to-School enrollment packets will include NOTICE that students are allowed to have a personally owned water bottle at all times.
Water is always available to students during breakfast and lunch at no cost. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Confirmation of information included in packets
  • Documentation from Food Service Manager that water is/was available as required by federal standards and students were informed about water bottle policy
Resources needed:
  • Water provided in cafeteria
  • Accessible water fountains
  • Provide water bottles for students who do not have one
  • None

GOAL: The District shall provide professional development so that teachers and other staff responsible for the nutrition education program are adequately prepared to effectively deliver the program.
Objective 1: Food Service personnel, physical education teachers, coaches, and classroom teachers will be encouraged and in some positions, required, to acquire professional development which will adequately prepare them for effective delivery of the nutrition education program.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Food Service manager and food service assistant will attend required professional development provided by ESC 12. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Registration in required professional development opportunities
  • Certificates on file
Resources needed:
  • Professional development budgeted
  • Time and willingness of employees to attend professional development

Objective 2: Provide information about professional development related to nutrition and wellness available to all employees
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Development of professional development plan which includes nutrition and wellness opportunities. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • At least twice yearly, administrators will disseminate professional development information to employees as documented in emails or by filed certificates of completion by employees.
Resources needed:
  • Administrators
  • Computers
  • Time
  • Time for administrators to research professional opportunities available and to disseminate.


The District will implement, in accordance with law, a coordinated health program with physical education and physical activity components and will offer at least the required amount of physical activity for all grades. [See BDF, EHAA, EHAB, and EHAC]

Federal law requires that the District establish goals for physical activity in its wellness policy.

In accordance with FFA(LOCAL), the District has established the following goal(s) for physical activity.

GOAL: The District shall provide an environment that fosters safe, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate fitness activities for all students, including those who are not participating in physical education classes or competitive sports.
Objective 1: All PK-3 teachers will provide at least one recess period during the day outside if weather permits.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Elementary principal will review class schedules to insure that students are receiving at least one recess during the day in grades PK-3 / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Teachers’ class schedules reflect recess scheduled
  • Principal observation confirm existence of recess
Resources needed:
  • Class schedules
  • Principal
  • Time
  • Time

Objective 2: Physical Education Classes will be offered for a minimum of 45 minutes each day for all students PK-12 throughout each school year.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Development of master schedule reflecting excess minutes of Physical Education classes at all grade levels PK-12 taught by qualified instructors. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Master schedule developed prior to beginning of school year with
Resources needed:
  • Administrators to develop master schedule.
  • Time for schedule development
  • Qualified PE instructors
  • None

GOAL: The District shall provide appropriate staff development and encourage teachers to integrate physical activity into the academic curriculum where appropriate.
Objective 1: After receiving appropriate staff development, at least 50% of teachers’ daily class schedules will reflect physical activity breaks are regularly incorporated into their lessons not including PE class.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Identify and provide appropriate staff development related to incorporation of physical activity breaks into daily schedules. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Daily class schedules and lesson plans on file which reflect time for physical activity breaks
Resources needed:
  • Time for planning
  • Time for activity breaks
  • Scheduling time to break away from teaching to allow time for physical activity

GOAL: The District shall make appropriate before-school and after-school physical activity programs available and shall encourage students to participate.
Objective 1: At least once a year, the district will offer a after school physical activity open to the community, students, and faculty at no cost.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
District administrators will offer a physical activity, normally in the spring semester in the school gym open to all interested participants. (Example: Zumba or step aerobics) / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Spring advertisements posted and visible at school and in the community.
  • Designated administrator will document number and type of participants
Resources needed:
  • Personnel to conduct the activity
  • Administrator to oversee implementation
  • Participants
  • Time
  • Facility and materials
  • Time, willing personnel, and attendees

GOAL: The District shall make appropriate training and other activities available to District employees in order to promote enjoyable, life-long physical activity for District employees and students.
Objective 1: The District will offer a free or low-cost health assessment to employees at least once per year.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Research possible providers for such a service on behalf of the District.
Contract with the entity to provide the services. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Documentation of participation will be kept on file in main office.
Resources needed:
  • Service Provider
  • Production of publications to advertise the service
  • Participation
  • Locating a service provider

GOAL: The District shall encourage parents to support their children’s participation, to be active role models, and to include physical activity in family events.
Objective 1: Parents and students will be encouraged to participate in the annual spring physical activity provided by the District after school in the gymnasium.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Plan and publicize annual spring physical activity provided for all stakeholders during after school hours.
Selection of administrator to oversee implementation and planning of activity. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • Documentation of participants kept on file in main office.
Resources needed:
  • Administrator to oversee
  • Publications to advertise activity
  • Time
  • Facility
  • Personnel to conduct activity
  • Time for conducting
  • Availability of willing students and parents to participate

GOAL: The District shall encourage students, parents, staff, and community members to use local recreational facilities, such as tracks, playgrounds, and the like, that are available for use outside of the school day.
Objective 1: District will plan at least one outdoor activity during the year at the City Park to encourage interest in use of the playground, baseball park, and walking trail available to all stakeholders in the District.
Action Steps / Methods for Measuring Implementation
Plan annual activity at the City Park.
Assign administrators to implement and over see activity. / Baseline or benchmark data points:
  • By the end of each school year, one outside activity will have been planned and held at the City Park for students, parents, staff and community to attend and enjoy.
Resources needed:
  • Time for planning and conducting activity.
  • Materials to develop and publish advertisement of activity.
  • Personnel to conduct activity
  • Lack of interest in physical activity