How To Hold A Run/Race

Below are instructions for planning and holding a Run/Race.. This event could be as large as you want to make it.


Put together a planning committee and determine who will hold each position. One person could hold multiple positions. See job descriptions on pages 2 & 3.

Run/Race Director

Publicity/Public Relations Coordinator

Sponsorship Coordinator

Web Designer

Volunteer Coordinator

Finance Coordinator

Registration Coordinator

Graphic Artist

Run/Walk Finish Line Coordinator

Schedule and hold regular meetings with your planning committee.

Decide on Run/Race Details.


Location (starting and ending the race/run in the same place is best)

  • You will need to have bathrooms on site – can rent porta-potties if needed

Length of Route

Start Time(s)

Anticipated number of runners

Address for runners to mail in registration forms

Choose Run/Race route

  • is helpful. There is a small fee to join
  • Consider that you may need insurance to cover your run/race. Look into city vs. campus
  • Consider that you will need to obtain permission for using campus or city property and there may e an application process with deadlines for turning in the paperwork.
  • Try to minimize crossing streets – use bike paths, etc.

Decide on how you will pay for your run/race.

Obtain sponsors to pay for race expenses or to donate needed items.

Or…Take the costs of the run/race out of the money raised.

Set a budget and determine how much money you need to raise from sponsors.

Determine how you will do your banking.

Determine who the sponsors will write the checks to.

Determine who the runners/walkers will write checks to when registering.

Determine whether runners/walkers will donate a suggested amount or if they will each raise pledges. More money will be raised with pledges. You could give the runners/walkers a choice.

Put together a Run/Race Entry Form and Pledge Form. See sample below on pages 4 & 5.


Choose awards and order them.

Order T-Shirts. Be sure to order extra shirts for race-day registrations.

Order race numbers. The following website has them: . Your can order the generic pull tag type “C”

Get pins for race numbers and envelopes or bags for race packets.

Determine race day schedule and map out layout of race day activities.

Determine what will go into race packets.

Arrange for a time to stuff race packets.


Publicity/Public Relations Coordinator

Type up a press release

Posters/flyers/race forms

Have graphics person design posters and flyers, and type up a blurb for church bulletins.

Determine where they will be distributed to (get permission from some businesses to distribute registration forms).

Assign locations to volunteers to distribute posters, flyers, registration forms, and church bulletin blurbs.

Send press releases to area newspapers, television and radio stations, post on community calendars.

Follow up with TV and radio stations to get TV/radio interviews.

Arrange to have race times posted in newspaper after the race.

Sponsorship Coordinator

Type up sheet with sponsorship levels (include donation amounts required for each level, as well as listing the benefits received at each level).

Identify and solicit businesses for $ sponsorship (avoid conflicts of interest between sponsors such as not asking businesses that are competitors)- bring along copies of the sheet with sponsorship levels.

Identify gift in-kind needs and solicit.

Post-race refreshments such as bagels, carbs, bottled water, hot chocolate.

Porta-potties if needed.

Borrow a sound system (you will need this at start/finish and for awards ceremony).

Tables and chairs for water stations, registration, volunteer check-in, packet pick-up, and post-race refreshments.

Water dispensers and cups for water stations and post-race drinks.

Tents in case it rains.

Walkie-talkies to communicate on race day (or use cell phones).

Race clock, cones, vests for road marshals, starting gun, finish line chutes.

T-shirt discount at screen printing business.

Ensure that the sponsors receive what was promised.

Arrange for all donations to be picked up/ delivered for race day.

Write thank you notes to sponsors, send tax deductible receipts if applicable.

Web Designer

See for ideas.

Choose website domain name.

Post pictures and race times after the race.

Consider online registration and incorporate into website.

Volunteer Coordinator

Determine # of volunteers needed.

Recruit volunteers.

Pre-print instructions and maps for volunteers.

Communicate with volunteers regarding instructions, etc.

Volunteer waiver.

Coordinate volunteer check-in on race day.

Finance Coordinator

Collect registration and sponsorship money.

If you are doing tax deductions, determine the value of goods received by runners and subtract that from their donation as per IRS guidelines.

Write checks for expenses, reimbursements to committee members.

Registration Coordinator

Collect registration forms.

Put runner information in database.

Determine how to transfer runner information onto race numbers and packets (name, gender, age category, and hometown/state).

Coordinate packet-pickup and registration on run/race day.

Graphic Designer

Design posters, flyers, blurbs for church bulletins.

Design T-Shirts.

Run/Walk Route/Finish Line Coordinator

Help plan the route.

Determine where road marshals should be placed, where to put cones and signs on the route.

Learn how to use the time clock, starting gun, stopwatch, etc.

Be in charge of finish line volunteers on race day (collect tags from runners, post times, etc.).

Type up race results to post on website and possibly have printed in newspaper.

Youth Group Mission Trip Fund-Raiser Run/Walk Entry Form

Entry/Registration Form

The entry fee is $25 per adult, $15 per student under 18 years of age (non-tax deductible as allowed by law) which includes an event day T-shirt.

Please fill out form and submit on event day. To ensure the availability of the T-shirt on event day, please email the information in the shaded area to or call 678-555-5555 no later than September 22, 2010.

Name: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Phone: ______

Email: ______

T-shirt Size(please check one):

Youth: XS(2/4) ____ S(6/8) ____ M(10-12) ____ L(14-16) ____

Adult Small ____ M ____ L ____ XL ____ XXL ____ XXXL ____

Statement of Consent: I understand the risks involved in participating in this Run/Walk and willingly and voluntarily accept these risks. I attest that I’m physically fit for this event. I grant permission to XYZ Church to use photos/images/and/or quotations from me in accounts and promotions of this event.

Signature/Date: ______

Parent or Guardian signature if under 18 years of age.

Signature/Date: ______

$25 Entry Fee Paid ____

$15 Entry Fee Paid ____

Youth Group Mission Trip Fund-Raiser Run/Walk Entry Form

Pledge Form


1. Sign up supporters and list the amount of their pledge on this form. Collect all donations prior to the Youth Group Mission Trip Fund-Raiser Run/Walk on October 2, 2010.

Make checks payable to: XYZ Church Youth Group.

2. Submit all your donations in an envelope at the start of the Run/Walk or give them to Jean Johnson. You can mail them to: XYZ Church, 123 First Street, Your City, State Zip.

3 All pledges must be turned in on October 2nd to qualify for the “Most Pledges Collected Prize.

Donor Name / Donor Address / Pledge Amount / Receipt Requested?


Youth Group Mission Trip Fund-Raiser Run/Walkis a fund-raising event. All proceeds from this event will be donated to XYZ Church which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible and will be used to fund the youth group’s mission trip to Any City, USA.