Welcome to Science Adventures with Igor!
As the title suggests, this CD-ROM takes you on an interactive adventure into the world of science and agriculture. You will be guided by Igor, a young scientist-in-training, as he discovers what it means to be a scientist and explores how science can be used in real life.
What’s in Science Adventures with Igor?
This CD ROM has three main sections:
1. An Introduction to Scientific Inquiry
This section introduces students to the basic principles of scientific method and how to set up their own scientific investigation. Werecommend that students start here, as this section provides a solid foundation for further inquiry. The section is ordered sequentially, taking students through a process, from forming a question to reaching a final conclusion. Each step in the processis illustrated by Igor as he completes his own home-grown experiment.
2. Science in the Sheep and Wool Industry
This section provides students with science information and interactive activities that are foundational to this important area of primary production. Igor guides students through the information supplied, with visual animations and interactive exercises along the way. A wide range of further resources are available in the accompanying Folder. These can be used as they are, or modified as required.
3. The Science of Milk and Milk Products
Check out the biology of a cow or the nutritional make-up of milk. Why is milk such a useful natural product? What can milk be made into, what are the processes involved and just how important is it to know the science of grass and soil? Follow Igor and find the answers to all these questions and more! Here too you’ll find animations, quizzes and other visual aids for fun and learning.
How to use this CD-ROM
To access each sectionsimply click anywhere on the starting title, which will take you to the Home page and Main Menu. Click on the test tube icon for Scientific Inquiry, the Sheep icon for the Sheep and Wool Industry and the Cow icon for the Milk and Milk Products section.
The main navigation buttons are blue. The Next button takes you forward. The Back button takes you to the previous page. Once you are inside each section, the other two sections can be accessed via the appropriate links in the top right hand corner of the screen.The Light-bulb icon will take you to the Quiz Machine.
Scientific Inquiry
Follow Igor through his own experiment as he poses a question of his own and then follows the scientific process to reach a conclusion. On each screen the Chain link icon will take students to further information and activities to reinforce the concepts being explored by Igor.
Sheep and Milk Sections
Moving the mouse across the introduction pages will highlight key items in bright green, providing direct links to science industry topics. For example, scroll over the soil profile then click to access the Soil section. Or, scroll over the animals, industry sheds and/or products to go straight to those topics.
Supporting Science Study
The Science Adventures with Igor CD-ROM is designed to support work being done in the classroom. While it contains a range of information and activities, it will be most effective combined with classroom activities, experiments, student investigations and research tasks that help to reinforce the concepts being explored at a deeper level.
Happy explorations and enjoy Science Adventures with Igor!
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