Council Meeting July 11, 2011
Council Chambers:
ROLL CALL:The City Council of Lincoln Center convened in regular session at 7:30 p.m. with Mayor Glenn M. Stegman presiding. Councilmembers present: Jack D. Crispin, Jr., Lisa S. Feldkamp, D. Leon Kingan,Joel Mahin, and Arletta R. Morse. Officials present: Attorney Daniel D. Metz and Clerk Rose M. Gourley. Also present: Superintendent Jesse C. Meyer.
VISITORS:Others in attendance for all or portions of the meeting: Amy Hawkinson, Debora Zachgo, and Greg Babcock.
MINUTES:Minutes of the June 13, 2011, regular meetingwere approved as written.
PAYROLL VOUCHER:Payroll Voucher No. 11-06, for June wages and salaries in the amount of $53,678.34, was presented. A motion by Morse, seconded by Mahin, to approve said Payroll Voucher, carried.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:Accounts Payable lists were reviewed. Invoices prepaid in June totaled $208,486.15, and unpaid invoices received to date totaled $85,054.11. Upon motion by Crispin, seconded byMahin, all said invoices in the amount of $293,540.26, were approved for payment.
DELINQ. ACCNTS.:The Governing Body reviewed a list of thirteen (13)delinquent utility accounts totaling $3,243.21.
REC COMMISSION:Debora Zachgo and Greg Babcock, representing the Lincoln Recreation Commission, asked for the Governing Body’s input regarding the employment of a non-resident to fill the Rec Director position. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the Rec Commission should make every effort to employ a resident of Lincoln or LincolnCounty.
ALARM SYSTEM:Having reviewed the latest proposal from File Safe for an alarm and video surveillance system for City Hall, Crispin moved to purchase the security system as proposed with an additional camera and two smoke detectors, for an installed price of $5,385.00. Motion seconded by Morse, carried.
HEALTH INSURANCE:Council reviewed details of the various options provided for the City’s group health insurance. After considering employee preferences and budget constraints, a recommendation was formulated for the following plan: BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas’s Blue Choice Triple Option Comprehensive Major Medical Program. At the Option 3 deductible level, the City would pay the entire premium for single coverage, as well as 80% of the difference between the single and dependent coverage for employees needing dependent coverage. Employees could “buy up” to the Option 1 or Option 2 deductible levels at their own expense. Crispin moved to approve said insurance Plan, seconded by Morse. Motion carried. Based on the current employee roster, the Plan would cost the employer an additional $9,757.80 for the ensuing plan year. Employees would be responsible for higher co-pays for office visits, prescriptions, and increased maximum out-of-pocket expenses.
CODE OF PROCEDURES:Attorney Metz had drafted an ordinance to incorporate by reference the League of Kansas Municipalities“Code of Procedures for Kansas Cities, Second Edition.” He suggested the Council read the document in its entirety prior to the next meeting. Placing of agenda items was specifically discussed. There followed a motion by Crispin, seconded by Morse, to table action on the ordinance until the next meeting. Motion carried.
WATER SYSTEM/CDBG:In regards tothe CDBG 10-PF-037 Water Line Replacement Project, Rod’s Ditching’s Pay Estimate No. 2, in the amount of $43,711.90, had been submitted and approved by the contractor and project engineer. Feldkamp moved to approve said Pay Estimate No. 2. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried.
WATER RATE ORD #686:There came on for consideration an ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW WATER RATES FOR WATER SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER.” Said ordinance called for a water rate increase effective July 15, 2011. The increase would provide the second step in the City’s three-year plan to bring the City’s rate structure in line with the current state-wide average. Morse moved to pass said ordinance, seconded by Mahin. Upon call for vote,
Council Meeting Minutes – July 11, 2011 – Page 2
the following Councilmembers voted Aye: Crispin, Feldkamp, Kingan, Mahin, and Morse. Nays: None. The ordinance was declared passed, was approved and signed by the Mayor, assigned #686 by the City Clerk, and ordered to be published once in the Official City Newspaper.
TEMP CMB ORD #687:Attorney Metz presented an ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND REQUIRING A TEMPORARY CITY PERMIT AND PAYMENT OF FEE TO THE CITY CLERK FOR THE SALE OF CEREAL MALT BEVERAGES AT A SPECIAL EVENT UNDER K.S.A. 41-2701 et seq., AS AMENDED, WITHIN THE CITY OF LINCOLN CENTER, KANSAS, AND REGULATING THE OPERATION AND LOCATION THEREOF.” Said ordinance provided for the authority to issue permits for the sale of cereal malt beverages at special events, in conformance with recently-enacted state law. Applicants for temporary permits must meet the same requirements as regular licensees. Crispin moved to pass said ordinance, seconded by Mahin. Upon call for vote, the following Councilmembers voted Aye: Crispin, Feldkamp, Kingan, Mahin, and Morse. Nays: None. The ordinance was declared passed, was approved and signed by the Mayor, assigned #687 by the City Clerk, and ordered to be published once in the Official City Newspaper.
ENGINE REPAIRS:Superintendent Meyer reported the #6 Enterprise engine at the power plant was scheduled to be reassembled the week of July 25th. Regarding the RICE/NESHAP emission standards issue, 4 of the 6 engines had been tested, and vendor pricing was being obtained. He noted the power plant engines had been running at some point every week over the past couple of months, emphasizing the need to keep the power plant operational.
2012 BUDGET:A public hearing was set for August 8, 2011, at 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed use of funds and the amount of ad valorem tax in the 2012 Budget. Clerk Gourley advised the proposed Budget Summary would need to be completed by July 22nd to meet the newspaper publication deadline.
FIRE EQUIPMENT:Councilmember Feldkamp reported her findings on the quest for a new or used ladder truck for the fire department. She advised a new truck was upwards of $300,000.00, and grant funds would most likely only provide half of the funding. Nothing appropriate in the used category had been located yet.
NUISANCE PROPERTIES;The Governing Body reviewed an updated list of nuisance properties for which notices to abate had been mailed. It was hoped that an upcoming tax foreclosure sale would improve the ongoing nuisances at a couple of the properties.
EXECUTIVE SESSION:At 8:37 p.m., Crispin moved to recess into executive session, for a period of 15 minutes, for consultation with the City Attorney on a matter that would be deemed privileged in attorney-client relationships. City Attorney Metz and City Clerk Gourley were invited to attend. Motion seconded by Morse, carried. Councilmember Mahin removed himself from the executive session.
The Governing Body returned to regular session at 8:52 p.m.
MISCELLANEOUS:Councilmember Morse expressed appreciation for the City Crew’s hard work under extreme heat conditions.
ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business, Morse moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Crispin, carried. Council adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
/s/ Rose M. Gourley
City Clerk