Site: Cedar Heights Middle School

Members in attendance:Travis Geving, Mike Andrews, Dave Edwards, Nicole Kieffer, Emily Thompson.,

Date of Meeting: 12/4/15

Page number: 1 of 1

Otherwise Engaged:

Were employee accidents reviewed this month for appropriate corrective actions? If so, what accidents were reviewed and what actions were taken? / Staff member slipped and fell in the front parking lot. Salt deicer is being put down in the morning by the custodian on icy mornings.
If any safety inspections were conducted, which inspection report was reviewed and what actions were taken to correct unsafe conditions?
Each site is expected to discuss a specific safety topic each month – what topic was discussed? / Fire Drill – people evacuated within a respectable time. Some students were confused as the alarm was pulled during passing time between classes. The students were being instructed to go back to their previous class for attendance purposes. All students were accounted for. Debrief e-mail was sent out to staff regarding the alarm going off during passing periods and where students are to report.
Concern: / What action was taken by your site to remedy the situation? / If your action was not sufficient to remedy the situation, what can the central safety team do?
The intercom in the Wood Shop is not functioning. If students or staff are in the shop working before, during or after school, they would not be able to hear an all call for an Earthquake or Lockdown. / Update: The intercom in the Wood Shop is now working.
Work order # (must be filled in if work order was generated.)
Concern: / What action was taken by your site to remedy the situation? / If your action was not sufficient to remedy the situation, what can the central safety team do?
Staff while watching the football game after school felt the stability of the outdoor bleachers on the south side of the field were in question. / Per Darren, bleachers were inspected, no problems found.
Work order # (must be filled in if work order was generated.)
Awaiting documentation of the inspection.
Concern: / What action was taken by your site to remedy the situation? / If your action was not sufficient to remedy the situation, what can the central safety team do?
In rooms 706, 707, 709, the teachers have been locked into the rooms. The locks were not working properly. / Per Darren, all locks functioning properly.
Work order # (must be filled in if work order was generated.)
Concern: / What action was taken by your site to remedy the situation? / If your action was not sufficient to remedy the situation, what can the central safety team do?
Student laptop cords in class are a hazard for staff (and students) when students are plugging in their computers while working in class. (Students are to be charging the computers at home) / Reminder slides in the morning announcements to students, e-mail to staff to ask them to move students to the side. / Outlet options on the floor of the classrooms.
Work order # (must be filled in if work order was generated.)


Principal’s Signature (required)