Unit Title



Arrest, detain or report individuals


This unit is about conducting arrests, detentions and reporting procedures. Although these practices vary across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the principles and skills involved in achieving them are the same. This unit is concerned with just such generic skills.
You will need to be able to conduct your actions legally and in a balanced and proportionate manner, considering the impact of your actions on others. You will need to use the correct techniques and deal with any contingencies that arise.

There is one element:

CD5.1 / Arrest, detain or report individuals

This unit was developed by Skills for Justice.

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final version approved February 2008




Arrest, detain or report individuals

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 / check that there are the grounds and legal authority for your actions
2 / ensure the individual subject to your actionsis identified in accordance with legislation and current policy
3 / deal with individuals in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights
4 / select and conduct your actions in a manner that is justifiable and proportionate to the circumstances
5 / conduct your actions in accordance with relevant legislation and codes of practice
6 / maintain the health and safety of self and others during your actions
7 / use appropriate personal safety skillsin accordance with current policy, legislation and training
8 / seek to prevent the loss, damage, destruction or contamination of evidence
9 / deal with contingencies in accordance with current guidelines and codes of practice
10 / release the individual without delay, where information is received which negates the requirement of your actions
11 / fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 / Actions
a / arrest
b / detain
c / report




Arrest, detain or report individuals

Knowledge and Understanding

To meet the standard, you need to know and understand

Legal and organisational requirements

1 / current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines for conducting arrests, detentions and reporting procedures
2 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights
3 / current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety
4 / the importance of adhering to national guidelines relating to working appropriately with children and young people
5 / the legal rights of individuals who have been arrested, detained and reported

Conducting arrests, detentions and reporting procedures

6 / how to check there is sufficient evidence or legal authority for arrest, detention and reporting procedures, regardless of by whom it was initiated
7 / how to identify the individual to be arrested, detained and reported
8 / how to communicate effectively with others
9 / the personal safety techniques (including the use of force) that may be used and when it is appropriate to use them
10 / the types of contingencies that may occur and how to deal with them
11 / when and how interviews may be conducted with a detained person to obtain urgent information
12 / why it is important to release individuals without delay where information is obtained which negates the need for arrest or detention
13 / how to ensure that all relevant documentation has been correctly completed, is accurate, logical and fit for purpose




Arrest, detain or report individuals

Evidence Requirements

1Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this unit.

2You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for arresting, detaining or reporting individuals on at least 4 separate occasions.

3Element CD5.1 Arrest, detain or report individuals

From the range in element 1 you must show that you:

- have dealt with all of the actions

4Note: Report covers all forms of initiation process (e.g. fixed penalty, street cautions).

Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement / Final version approved February 2008