Microbiology 2012 - 2013
Ms. Isabelli, Room 220D

Course Description: This course is designed to examine the roles of microorganisms in nature, health, agriculture, pollution control, ecology, and bioengineering. Areas of study include classification and structure of microorganisms; metabolic diversity; microbial genetics; control of microbial growth; microbial ecology, biotechnology and applied microbiology; and host-microbe interactions. Careers related to medicine, health-care, research, food science and biotechnology should be emphasized throughout the curriculum. Real-life applications will be emphasized through case studies concerning diseases; epidemiology; food preparation and safety; and use of microbes in industry, agriculture, biotechnology and the environment.

Microbiology Course Outline: This is a semester only course.

  • Unit One: Structure & Behavior of Microorganisms
  • Unit Two: Industrial Benefits of Microorganisms
  • Unit Three: Infection and Methods of Destruction

Textbook: Foundations in Microbiology, 8th Edition, Kathleen Park Talaro & Barry Chess
(textbooks will remain in the classroom – they may be checked out on individual basis if needed)

Student Expectations to Pass this Course:

  • This is a Junior / Senior science course – although only a semester, it is expected that this is a prep class for college and I will expect the class to be conducted as such. You were expected to have taken and passed Biology and Chemistry as a prerequisite to this course for a reason. You will be required to work to pass this class.
  • Complete participation in all labs and activities
  • Respect of ALL lab safety requirements during all labs
  • Research Reports
  • Outside Readings
  • Case Studies
  • Computer Access with Internet (includes Champaign Public Library – therefore all have access!)
  • Willingness to work independently & in groups

Materials Needed for Class - Please have these no later than Monday, August 27th!!

  • Zip Drives / Flash Drives – this is a must! I can hold on to it in the classroom if requested.
  • Binder for this course ONLY
  • Notebook paper
  • Color Pencils & Markers
  • Pen & Pencil
  • Stopwatch (or capable device ie cell phone)
  • Optional: Camera / Video Camera (Optional) – Cell phones will work for this – this is great for labs!

Other Items of Interest

  • In this course we may (TBA) experience some fieldtrips throughout the semester. You will be required to get parental permission and some trips may require a monetary fee. Transportation will be provided. You will be required to get with all your teachers and get your missing work for the day – fieldtrips do not excuse you from other course work!
  • We may have guest speakers throughout the semester and you are expected to treat them with respect as well as treat their items they bring in with respect.
  • This is a course in which you will be expected to do a lot of different projects, presentations, observations – they will ALL BENEFIT YOUR LEARNING! To be successful you not only need to perform well on exams, but also these other items as well. I WANT YOU TO EXPERIENCE THIS COURSE – NOT JUST BE PRESENT! 

Classroom Information:

I expect all of my students to treat themselves, their peers, myself, and our classroom (particularly the lab equipment) with respect at all times. It at any time that respect is broken their will be consequences. Lab safety and expectations will come separate.

Academic integrity is a must. Cheating will NOT be tolerated. This shows disrespect for me, the student you are copying from and mostly yourself. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and it involves presenting ideas whether deliberate of unintentional without citing or giving credit. Anyone caught cheating (giving OR receiving information) will be given a zero and reported to their Assistant Principal.

Absences, tardies and the grading system are the same as the building and the district. You should have a student handbook regarding this. The tardy policy will be posted in the classroom.

Much of this course information will be found on a website I created for this course (you should access this often!) Worksheets, resources, videos, labs, activities, and exam info (quizlets, etc) will be posted on this. This helps you because if you loose anything you should be able to go online and print it out.