Directions: Choose assignments from the menu weekly for free choice class work and homework. Have fun

Picture Cards
Write your pattern words on cards. On the back of each one, draw a picture of the meaning of each word. Play flash cards – use picture to spell word or use word to tell meaning. / Memory Match
Write your 5 high frequency words on cards (make two sets) and play “Memory Match” with someone. / Computer Fun
Type 10 pattern words or 5 high frequency words. Make each word have a different font. You can even add clipart next to them. You may print them out to paste in your notebook if you’d like.
Word Hunt
Look for words in familiar reading materials that fit in the same categories as your pattern words. Record in categories in notebook. Don’t forget oddballs! / Speed Sort
Hold all pattern word cards in a stack. Read each word aloud and place it in the correct category pile. Use a timer and be as fast as you can! Check work when done. / Vocabulary Match
Lay out your pattern word cards face up in front of you. Have someone give a definition for one of the words. Choose the word that matches the definition best.
Shuffle pattern word cards and place face down in an array (columns and rows). With partner, take turns turning over 2 cards. Matches follow the same weekly pattern or are both oddballs. Go again when you make a match. Winner has the most pairs. / You Pick
Think of a creative activity to do with 10 pattern words or 5 high frequency words.
Share the activity with the class. / Spelling Math
Sort the word cards into new categories while someone watches. See if your partner can decide the rules for each category. Think: letter/sound patterns, meaning, beginning/endings
(Sort, Alphabetize, Write)
Sort word cards into closed sort categories. Alphabetize the words in each category and copy the sort this way into your notebook. / Blind Sort
Have a partner call out your pattern words. You write each word in the correct category in your notebook. Have your partner check your words with the cards at the end. / Making Words
Write your 10 pattern words. Next to each word, write at least two other words that can be spelled using the letters in your word. Example:
pickle= lick, like, lip…