Prepared for Members of the School of Education Equity and Diversity Committee

Principal role of Equity and Diversity Committee representatives: to review the Position Vacancy Listing (PVL) and Recruitment Efforts Plan (REP)

Go through the PVL

make no changes after PVL has been posted

decide if qualifications are required or preferred

decide what you want in the application package

letters of reference or names of references

must be consistent with Chronicle ad, flyer, etc.

Go through REP

how do you want to do the search? cast net broadly

gender- or race-based associations or caucuses or special interest groups (SIGs)

e-mail or electronic bulletin boards

unit’s own website containing other info about the unit and links to other campus sites

any relevant internet outlets?

personal contacts

take REP seriously: reviewed by Equity and Diversity Resource Center (EDRC) staff

Go through “Tips” document carefully

sections on confidentiality and notification

document the search

each committee member keep a log

track all calls and keep track of all contacts

keep copy of interview questions

the actions of any search committee member can compromise the search

a report will be required at the end

Two kinds of confidentiality

confidentiality of all candidates except finalists

“Tips” document contains wording

confidentiality of deliberations at all stages of the search

Develop a job-related rating form

avoid the overly personal

strive for objectivity

Remember that you are recruiting; think of things from the candidate's perspective

acknowledge all applications; include the Affirmative Action Data Questionnaire

“this is a good place to work”

“who would you like to meet?”

give visiting candidate some down time; not “on” all the time

Dual career couple hiring situation

“if you need this, we might be able to help”

do not offer prematurely—top candidates only

call Mariamne if interested

The interview process

develop a standard list of job-related questions to be asked of all candidates

probes or follow-ups are appropriate

have all members of the search committee ask questions

remember that the candidate is also interviewing you

know the value of silence during tough questions

make sure everyone interviewing the candidate knows what would be inappropriate to ask

Short-list stage

discuss with Dean

ask Mariamne’s assistant to send recruitment packet to non-Madison candidates

Unique to director searches

this will be a “limited” position with a back-up

arrange an opportunity to meet with the staff in the unit

Notes compiled by Ann Wallace

\srche&d–10-02 revision