Chapter 11


-Nicotine is the addictive drug that is found in all tobacco products

-At low doses it is a mild stimulant and muscle relaxant.

-At high doses it is a powerful nerve poison.

-Sixty milligrams of nicotine is enough to kill a person.

-One or two milligrams are inhaled when a cigarette is smoked.

-There are at least 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, 40 of which are classified as carcinogens.

-Tar is the thick sticky black substance that coats the inside of airways that contain many carcinogens including:




-Vinyl Chloride


-Carbon Monoxide

-Snuff contains two to three times more nicotine than cigarette smoke does.

-Eight dips a day has the same amount of nicotine as does 30 cigarettes

-Snuff and chewing tobacco contain carcinogens as well including:




-polonium (gives off radiation)

-Herbal cigarettes also contain tobacco but include spices to mask the taste.

-Pipe tobacco and cigars although believed to be safer because they are not inhaled as deeply have been linked to oral cancer.

-Cigarette smoking kills more than 400,000 people in the United States each year, and almost all smokers start as teenagers.

-Quitting smoking is difficult and withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant, but the dangers of chronic tobacco exposure are far worse.

-Nicotine has the following effects on the body:

-stimulates the brain reward system

-increases heart rate and blood pressure

-increases breathing rate

-increases blood sugar levels

-stimulates the vomit reflex

-The chemicals in dip and snuff cause the gums to become raw and irritated, open sores form and cancer of the mouth

-Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States

-Cilia are the tiny hairs found in the alveoli that constantly remove excess mucus from the lungs.

-These tiny hairs become paralyzed when cigarette smoke is inhaled causing excess coughing and damaging particle build up.

-The inflammation along with constant particle and mucus build up can lead to chronic bronchitis.

-Emphysema is a respiratory disease in which air cannot move in and out of the lungs because the alveoli become blocked or lose their elasticity.

-This disease causes a person not to be able to get oxygen into their system and will worsen over time.

-85% of all emphysema cases are caused by smoking

-Cigarettes promote several kinds of cancer including:




-Cigarette smoke reduces the activity of immune cells therefore exposing users to more diseases

-Smoking damages the stomach’s ability to neutralize acid after a meal, this leads to excessive acid build up which causes ulcers and cancer.

-Sidestream smoke is the smoke that escapes from the tip of the cigarette and can be as much as half the smoke in a cigarette

-Mainstream smoke is smoke inhaled by the smoker and then exhaled

-Secondhand smoke is a combination of mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke and is inhaled by anyone around the smoker

-3,000 nonsmokers are killed each year in the United States due to secondhand smoke

-Effects of tobacco on an unborn fetus include:

-risk of miscarriage

-risk of premature birth

-low birth weight

-slow growth rate

-Risk of sudden infant death syndrome

-Risk of developing respiratory illness

-Risk of developing learning disabilities

-What makes people want to smoke?

-Family and friends





-Tobacco use cost the typical family:

-1,500 per year

-lost wages due to illness

-medical bills

-funeral costs

-138 billion dollars a year is the estimated cost smoking causes society

-Nicotine replacement therapy is a form of medicine that delivers a small amount of nicotine to the body to help a person quit smoking

-Reasons to quit smoking include:

-Live longer

-Smell better

-No bad breath

-Whiter teeth

-Taste food better

-Extra money

-Less coughing

-Less dependence on nicotine

-Quitting smoking will reduce your risk of lung cancer by ten times, diminish the threat of emphysema almost completely and decrease the threat of heart disease as well.