7680 Gulf Highway

Lake Charles, LA 70607

(337) 478–0213

Parish Religious Education Program Registration Information 2013-2014

Saturday morning - K-5th grade (9:15 – 10:30 am) begins Sat., August 24th Wednesday night - 6th grade-Confirmation (6:00 – 7:30 pm) begins Wed, August 28th.

General Information:

Christ the King Catholic Church Religious Education Programs are designed to help Catholic parents in their responsibility of fulfilling the promises made at their child’s baptism for the child’s religious education and faith formation. As a parent, the Church sees you as your child’s primary teacher in the way of faith. Therefore, PREP or the Parish Religious Education Program at Christ the King is a resource to help support, supplement and compliment the faith formation and practices that begin in your home, not to replace your efforts!

In an effort to aide you, the parent, in registering you child in PREP, this packet is designed to simplify the process. An explanation for each sheet is provided below. However, if you have any difficulties in completing the packet, please call the Church office. PLEASE NOTE SOME PAGES ARE PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES.

·  Family Information Sheet – This sheet will provide all the information on your family including address, mailing information, phone contact numbers, etc. We ask that you include your email address so we can keep in touch with you regarding events and keep you up to date with what your children are learning each week. This is a two sided sheet.

·  PREP Registration Sheet – This sheet provides a place for each child’s information. All information must be accurate to provide the best possible religious education training for your child.

·  Family Registration Form – This is an optional form to be completed by those registering for PREP who are NOT registered members of Christ the King Catholic Church. The first question you should ask yourself in determining if your family is a registered member: Do I receive and use envelopes for offertory collections? If the answer is yes, then you are registered and can omit this form. If the answer is no, then consider completing this form. An additional charge is found on the PREP FEES sheet for non-parishioners. Non-parishioners must place an “X” in the box on this Family Registration form indicating that they do not wish to register with this parish. Call the Church office to verify parish registration at 478 – 0213.

·  PREP Fee Schedule Form – Please include the payment according to the fee schedule as explained on this form. Checks are to be made payable to: Christ the King Catholic Church. As noted on this form, monthly payments can be made with total due by January 1, 2014.

**Other required information: All returned registration packets must be complete before a child is placed in a course. A copy of a new student’s Baptismal Certificate is also required. This is necessary for all records. Returning students will be informed by the Coordinator if a copy of their Baptismal Certificate is needed.

Sacramental Prayer Mentor Sheets – This form is only to be completed for students in the 2nd grade sacramental preparatory course for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and 11th grade students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please note that one side is printed for 2nd graders and the other side for 11th graders.

Diocesan Policy requires a two-year preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation.

·  A child must have attended 1st grade PREP to be placed in 2nd grade PREP for sacramental preparation!

·  Students in 11th grade PREP must have successfully completed 10th grade PREP and all requirements for sacramental PREP required for 10th graders before registering for Confirmation PREP!

·  If the student did not attend PREP at Christ the King last year, a letter certifying attendance and completion of requirements must be included with this registration packet or sent to the Christ the King Office as soon as possible.

A Sacramental Prayer Mentor is provided for your child during this formation period. The mentor is provided general information about your child by completing the form for this purpose. This form is included in this packet.

A copy of the Policy and Procedures Booklet for the new PREP year with all class dates and Sacramental dates will be provided at the first PREP class. It will have all required classes, meetings, retreats, masses, practices, etc. for parents, students, sponsors that must be placed on calendars!

Registrations Due: MON. AUGUST 19, 2013

Completed packets may be returned by:

·  Dropping off at Church office during regular office hours

·  Dropping off at Church office after hours placing in receptacle near office door

·  Dropping in the collection basket at any Mass

·  PREP Registration will be held after each Mass, August 3, 4 and August 10, 11, 2013 OR Registration forms will be available in the church or office all summer.


Parish Religious Education Program

Registration Information 2013-2014


Father’s Name ______

(Last) (First) (MI)

Catholic: __ Yes __ No Date of Birth______

Mother’s Name ______

(Last) (First) (MI)

Mother’s Maiden Name ______

Catholic: __ Yes __ No Date of Birth: ______

Address ______


(City) (Zip Code)

Mailing Address (if different from home address)



(City) (Zip Code)

Phone Contacts: Home ______

Dad’s Cell ______

Mom’s Cell ______

Child’s Cell (optional) ______

(List additional numbers on back of form

Emergency Contact and Phone Number:

Name ______Number ______

Email: Dad’s ______

Mom’s ______


I would like to support Christ the King Parish and the students of Christ the King Parish by:

______Being a PREP Teacher to guide our youth in their faith.

Please state grade preference:

______Saturday grades K – 5th

______Wednesday grades 6th – Confirmation

______Being PREP Substitute when the regular teacher is unavailable.

Please state grade preference:

______Saturday grades K – 5th

______Wednesday grades 6th – Confirmation

______Being a PREP Classroom Aide to help set up classroom, pick up classroom, pray over the class, help maintain order in classroom, and contribute to the lesson where applicable.

Please state grade preference:

______Saturday grades K – 5th

______Wednesday grades 6th – Confirmation

______Being a PREP Mentor

______First Eucharist


______Assisting with parking lot duties before and/or after PREP

Please state grade preference:

______Saturday grades K – 5th (mornings)

______Wednesday grades 6th – Confirmation (evenings)



Parish Religious Education Program

Registration Information 2013-2014


1st Child: ______

(Last) (First) (MI)

Birth date ______(mm / dd / yyyy)

Sex _____ Grade ______(If Grade 2 or Grade 11 complete Prayer Mentor form)

Check Sacraments received and list dates and Church parish

_____ Baptism – Church ______Location ______

_____ Eucharist – Church ______Location ______

_____ Penance – Church ______Location ______

****If a new student, include a copy of Baptismal Record Certificate with this form.

****Returning students will be informed by the Coordinator if Certificate is needed.

Additional Information: ______

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

2nd Child: ______

(Last) (First) (MI)

Birth date ______(mm / dd / yyyy)

Sex _____ Grade ______(If Grade 2 or Grade 11 complete Prayer Mentor form)

Check Sacraments received and list dates and Church parish

_____ Baptism – Church ______Location ______

_____ Eucharist – Church ______Location ______

_____ Penance – Church ______Location ______

****If a new student, include a copy of Baptismal Record Certificate with this form.

****Returning students will be informed by the Coordinator if Certificate is needed.

Additional Information: ______

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

(please pick up another packet if you need to register more than 2 children for PREP)

**********I give permission for Christ the King Catholic Church to post photos of my child/children on the Christ the King website. **********

SIGNATURE: ______DATE:______


Parish Religious Education Program

Registration Information 2013-2014



1st Child (non-sacramental years)……………………………………… $ 25.00

Each Additional Child

(Non-Sacramental years)

Add $10.00/child X ___ children $______SUB TOTAL $______



2nd Grade (Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist)

(fee includes retreat expenses for both sacraments) ………………….….. $ 35.00

11th Grade (Sacrament of Confirmation)

(fee includes all expenses for retreat at Dry Creek Camp)……………….. $120.00

Non-Parishioners – (choosing not to register with the parish)

Additional fee per child:

Add $ 10.00/ child X ____ children $______SUB TOTAL $______



____ Check made payable to:

Christ the King Catholic Church

Check #______Cash______

**If payment is not enclosed, monthly payments may be made to fulfill your fees.

PLEASE turn your completed forms in, even if you cannot pay at this time. It helps when generating the rolls and ordering books and supplies.


Parish Religious Education Program

Registration Information 2013-2014

11th Grade – Confirmation Candidate Information for Mentor

Please take time to fill this out totally, these individuals will be thinking of you and praying for you and would like to know a little about you.

Name ______Birthday: ______

Address: ______

City ______, LA Zip ______

My chosen Confirmation saint’s name ______

(Please be as specific as possible when writing your saint name so your mentor knows exactly who you are choosing for your Confirmation saint)

Favorite Food ______

Favorite Color(s) ______

Favorite Prayer(s) ______

List any business or restaurant which you enjoy and might like to receive a gift certificate

Any special manner in which you think your mentor may provide assistance to you during your time of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation:

Any other information you would like to share with your mentor (hobbies, special devotions you have, etc….) – write it below.

A request: Many in our parish who mentor have expressed interest in seeing who they are praying for during the year. If you do not mind, please submit a small picture of yourself to the parish office or your teacher and we will send it to the person mentoring you.


Parish Religious Education Program

Registration Information 2013-2014

2nd Grade Sacramental Prayer Mentor Sheet

Name ______Birthday:______

Parents – Please complete this form for the “mentor” to know more about your child as he/she assist in your child’s preparation for the Sacraments!

Please take time to fill this out totally, these individuals will be thinking of your child and praying for them and would like to know a little about them.

First Penance and First Eucharist Candidate Information for Mentor:

Address: ______

City ______, LA Zip ______

Favorite Food ______

Favorite Color(s) ______

Favorite Prayer(s) ______

List ay business or restaurant which your child might enjoy receiving a gift certificate from the mentor.

Any special manner in which you think your child’s mentor could provide assistance to you during this time of preparation for these Sacraments.

Any other information you would like to share with your child’s mentor (hobbies, special devotions, etc…..) – write it below.

A request: Many in our parish who mentor have expressed interest in seeing who they are praying for during the year. If you do not mind, please submit a small picture of your child to the parish office or their teacher and we will send it to the person mentoring them.