Weekend of Quizbowl – NSC Format by Auroni Gupta

Related Tossup/Bonus:

1. This man argued on behalf of a creditor from his state in the case Ogden v. Saunders. He introduced a resolution to forbid the wear of British broadcloth, which Humphrey Marshall voted against and would duel this man over. With Bayard, Gallatin, and Adams, he settled the Treaty of Ghent, and he later designed the Compromise of 1850. A system of internal improvements and a high tariff were components of his “American system.” A prominent War Hawk and Kentucky native, for 10 points, name this American statesman and perennial failed candidate.

ANSWER: Henry Clay, Sr.

An extension of this policy was made by Sumner Welles with his refusal to recognize the Soviet acquisitions of the Baltic states. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this American policy that ignored forceful territory changes and was first enumerated in a 1932 note sent to the Chinese and Japanese governments by the Secretary of State.

ANSWER: Stimson Doctrine

[10] The Stimson Doctrine was put forth after this earlier treaty fell on deaf ears with China and Japan. This doubly-eponymous treaty attempted to renounce the use of war as a political tool.

ANSWER: Kellogg-Briand Pact [accept Paris Peace Pact]

2. Cells are divided by fluid-filled vacuoles in a variant of this process undergone by four species of chenopods. A final decarboxylation in this process occurs after conversion to malate, and its first two steps involve the enzymes pyruvate-phosphate dikinase and PEP carboxylase. Organisms adapted to perform it possess Kranz anatomy, where grana-less bundle-sheath cells are bordered by mesophyll cells. Adapted as a way to prevent photorespiration by RuBisCO along with CAM, for 10 points, name this alternative photosynthetic pathway employed by many land plants.

ANSWER: C4 carbon fixation pathway

The first step in the synthesis of this hormone is the conversion of methionine to SAM. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this gas that stimulates fruit ripening, leaf abscission, and flower opening. Its production is also stimulated by pathogen attacks and environmental disturbances.

ANSWER: ethylene [or ethene]

[10] In high concentrations of these other plant hormones, ethylene interferes with their transport. The active ingredients in Agent Orange, they induce shoot apical dominance.

ANSWER: auxins

3. One costume for this ballet was designed by Léon Bakst, and one score’s second tableau contains the portion “Captive Warriors Emerge From Spell.” Three harps and quadruple strings were used in its first scoring, which notably did not contain the “Berceuse.” The main character sees thirteen princesses after a descending string chromatic motif signals that he is in the realm of Kastchei the Immortal. Several creatures dance “the Infernal Dance” after the title figure keeps its promise to Ivan. For 10 points, name this Igor Stravinsky ballet about a mythical avian.

ANSWER: The Firebird [or L'Oiseau de feu]

Thanks to John Cage, these works are incorrectly considered “furniture music.” For 10 points each:

[10] Name these three ambient compositions in ¾ time, which are supposed to be played “gravely,” “dolorously,” and “slowly” and referred to a dance performed by naked Greek boys.

ANSWER: Gymnopédies

[10] The Gymnopédies were composed by this French Les Six composer, whose other compositions include Dried-Up Embryos, Vexations, and the ballet Parade.

ANSWER: Alfred Éric Leslie Satie

4. This holiday is celebrated the following day in certain walled cities in the “Shushan” version. Rabbis presiding over the service on this holiday rub two stones to erase a certain name, and each adult Jew observer of this holiday must send two foods to a friend and two donations to two poor people. One food traditionally eaten on this holiday is a triangular pastry representing the pockets of Haman, the villain of the story which led to the celebration of this holiday. Including a reading of the book of Esther, for 10 points, name this merry Jewish holiday.

ANSWER: Purim [or Feast of Lots]

In a publicized case, two practitioners of this religion suffocated a girl to death during an “exorcism”. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this syncretic religion that features orishas such as Orunmila and Olorun and priest figures of Ifá, and combines Yoruba beliefs with Roman Catholic ones.

ANSWER: Santería [or Regla de Ocha; or La Regla Lukumi]

[10] This other religion merging African beliefs with Roman Catholic ones venerates the supreme god Bondyè and features prayer to the numerous loa. It is prominent in Haiti.

ANSWER: voodoo [or vodou; or vaudou]

5. Twenty children join a hunt for an insect, which a boy hands over to a girl in this man’s short story “The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket.” Eguchi sleeps next to the title figures for seven nights in his “The House of the Sleeping Beauties,” and this man also wrote a work about a match between Otake and Shūsai. Author of The Master of Go, he wrote a novel opening with a tea ceremony, and another in which Shimamura has an affair with the geisha Komako in a hot spring town. For 10 points, name this Japanese author of Thousand Cranes and Snow Country.

ANSWER: Yasunari Kawabata [accept “The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket” before “this man’s”]

Answer the following about some other world literature, for 10 points each:

[10] In this García Márquez novel told five times from different perspectives, the theft of Angela Vicario’s treasure sets the motion for her brothers’ murder of Santiago Nasar.

ANSWER: Chronicle of a Death Foretold [or Crónica de una muerte anunciada]

[10] Gabriel García Márquez is best known for this work which in one scene features a massacre of banana workers in the town of Macondo, inhabitated for generations by the Buendía family.

ANSWER: One Hundred Years of Solitude [or Cien años de soledad]

6. On the day prior to this battle, each regiment of the winning side was issued two gallons of brandy. One hour before dawn, the other force called off a planned offensive across the river Nairn, a maneuver inspired by the losing side’s earlier victory at the Battle of Prestonpans. Despite objections from George Murray, the losing side still employed the “Highland Charge,” which led to heavy casualties by artillery commanded by the Duke of Cumberland, and Bonnie Prince Charlie led the losers. For 10 points, name this 1746 clash that crushed the Jacobite revolt.

ANSWER: Battle of Culloden Moor

Identify some Byzantine emperors, for 10 points each:

[10] This emperor led forces to some victories in Syria and Northern Africa, but he is better known for a moniker he gained after his brutal treatment of prisoners of a certain ethnicity.

ANSWER: Basil the Bulgar-Slayer [or Basil Porphyrogenius; or Basil the Young; or Basileios II Boulgaroktonos]

[10] This emperor presided during the Nika riots, which his generals Mundus and Belisarius crushed. Author of a namesake legal code, he also ruled jointly with his wife Theodora.

ANSWER: Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus I [or Justinian I; accept Justinian the Great; prompt on Justinian]

7. Ferenc Mezei developed the spin echo spectroscopy of this particle, for which an accurate spectrum may be provided using Bonner spheres. Bruce Cork is best known for discovering its antiparticle, and cold ones can be produced in facilities undergoing their namesake scattering. Their “temperature” is a measure of the kinetic energy of the free variety, and they consist of one up quark and two down quarks. Emitting an antineutrino and electron in negative beta decay, for 10 points, name this particle discovered by James Chadwick that is neutral in charge.

ANSWER: neutron

Paul Ehrenfest first used this term, which describes the clumping of modes at low wavelengths. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this prediction that a certain entity will emit infinite power at thermal equilibrium, the primary reason that the Rayleigh-Jeans law has been shafted in favor of Planck’s law.

ANSWER: ultraviolet catastrophe

[10] Ultraviolet catastrophe was predicted to occur in these entities, governed by Wien’s and Stefan-Boltzmann laws. These objects absorb all radiation falling on them, reflecting no light.

ANSWER: black body [accept word forms]

8. This man discussed “the mirage of universal entente” as part of a UNESCO statement, “Race and History.” This man posited that the Native American trickster acts as a “mediator” in one work, and focused on several indigenous cultures of Brazil in Tristes Tropiques. Those cultures would again be discussed in his The Raw and the Cooked, and he strove to apply de Saussure’s linguistics to his field. Author of the four volume Mythologiques and The Savage Mind, for 10 points, name this pioneering French anthropologist, author of Structural Anthropology.

ANSWER: Claude Lévi-Strauss

Robert Gordon has produced the “triangle model” as a modification of it, the long run form of which is vertical. For 10 points each:

[10] Name this economic relation that compares a country’s inflation to another quantity, and has been pilloried by Rational Expectations Theorists and Milton Freedman.

ANSWER: Phillips curve

[10] The quantity that inflation is being compared to is this one, which exists in seasonal and frictional forms. An increase in the cyclical form of it might result in 7% of it or more.

ANSWER: unemployment

Category Quiz Round Tossups

9. The namesake French expedition of this river was led by Garnier and Lagrée, and the first European to encounter it was Antonio de Faria. Two “friendship bridges” span this river, which contains many large fishes such as a namesake “catfish.” It possesses the most voluminous waterfall in the world, and its flow is reversed by the Tonle Sap. Arising in the QinghaiProvince, it is the site of the Pak Mun Dam and flows through Luang Praband as well as Vientiane in Laos. For 10 points, name this long Southeast Asian river which flows through Ho Chi Minh City.

ANSWER: MekongRiver

10.A series of escalatingly evil quests in this game can be done for Betty, an inhabitant of the simulated neighborhood Tranquility Lane. One memorable character in this game is Mister Crowley, who resides in the Underworld along with many other tame ghouls. The main character in this game can delight Mr. Threepenny by razing Megaton, and this game features the VATS system that freezes time. Set around WashingtonD.C. and focusing on an inhabitant of Vault 101 , for 10 points, name this 2008 Bethesda game, the latest in a post-apocalyptic series.

ANSWER: Fallout 3 [prompt on Fallout, I guess]

11. A DH.89 Dragon Rapide was used by Major Hugh Pollard to transport a key figure in this conflict. The POUM was most active during this conflict, which saw the “white terror” and the Battle of Jarama, as well as the creation of the International Brigade. Emilio Mola made mention of a “fifth column” that would join one side of this conflict, which saw the involvement of the “Condor legion” of the Luftwaffe. A victory for the Falange and the Nationalists, for 10 points, name this 1930s conflict which resulted in Francisco Franco’s dictatorship in the title country.

ANSWER: Spanish Civil War

12. For this man's first exhibition, he painted a portrait of Karl Jensen-Hjell. He painted a girl with long orange hair in Ashes, and a grandfather clock and a bed flank him in a self portrait. Painter of The Sick Child, he depicted a topless woman in a sash with flowing black hair in his Madonna, and painted several sad figures in Death in the Sickroom. His best known work, part of his Frieze of Life, contains a reddish sky attached to a blue river under a bridge, on which a genderless figure clasps his head. For 10 points, name this Norwegian painter of The Scream.

ANSWER: Edvard Munch

13. The malignant Sc form of these entities takes its name from “scrapie,” a degenerative disease in sheep that these are responsible for. The term transmissible spongiform encephalopathies refers to all maladies they cause, which includes the rare human fatal familial insomnia. Notably contradicting the “central dogma” of molecular biology, they are also responsible for the Papua New Guinea epidemic of kuru, GSS, as well as Mad Cow Disease. Best known for causing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, for 10 points, name these infectious, mis-folded proteins.

ANSWER: prions

14. This man fictionalized a “journey from Rangoon to Haiphong” in his The Gentlemen in the Parlour. He told of a fortnight spent by the Macphersons and Davidsons in a South Pacific island in his short story “Rain,” and wrote of traumatized former fighter pilot Larry Darrell in The Razor’s Edge. In addition to Cakes and Ale, this author wrote of Dick Stroeve’s sponsorship of a painter who flees to Tahiti, Charles Strickland. Best known for a novel about the club-footed Philip Carey, for 10 points, name this author of The Moon and Sixpence and Of Human Bondage.

ANSWER: William SomersetMaugham

Category Quiz Round Bonuses


Its speaker describes “the single artificer of the world” and addresses “Ramon Fernandez”. For 15 points, name this Wallace Stevens poem beginning “she sang beyond the genius of the sea.”

ANSWER: “The Idea of Order at Key West”


The forces of Toyotomi Hideyori, the losers here, were wiped out in the later Siege of Osaka. For 15 points, name this 1600 battle that led to the foundation of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

ANSWER: Battle of Sekigahara [or Realm Divide]


You have 0.01 molar of a strong acid. Given that the pH is the negative log base ten of that amount, and that pH and pOH add to 14, for 15 points, calculate the pOH of the solution.

ANSWER: 12 [accept any amount of significant figures]

Fine Arts

One figure extends a honey comb, and another in the upper right is muscular, bald, and bearded . An old woman in agony grasps her hair in, for 15 points, what painting by Agnolo Bronzino?

ANSWER: Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time

Current Events

This man actively seeks to bar burakumin from holding posts and denied that his family's mine employed American prisoners of war. For 15 points, name this current Prime Minister of Japan.

ANSWER: Taro Aso


It lies north of the ÅlandIslands and is served by the Marjaniemi Lighthouse. Bordering such cities as Sundsvall, Umeå, and Torne, for 15 points, name this northern arm of the Baltic Sea.

ANSWER: Gulf of Bothnia


This man names a Boolean equation with Mc Cluskey and wrote Word and Object. For 15 points, name this American philosopher who wrote Two Dogmas of Empiricism.

ANSWER: Willard Van Orman Quine

Social Science

“The boring tasks” experiment and a UFO cult in When Prophecy Fails were used by Festinger as evidence of it. For 15 points, name this feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas.

ANSWER: cognitive dissonance

Stretch Round Tossups

15. Hanuman is sometimes considered to be the 11th avatar of this god, who is represented with his consort in the androgynous Ardhanari. This deity destroyed Daksa's sacrifice and elected to consume Halahala, a poison. He was once known as Rudra and was represented as the dancer Nataraja, and his phallus was worshipped as a lingam. This god rode the bull Nandī, wielded a crescent moon and trident, and was the consort of both Durga and Parvati. Possessing a third eye and a blue throat, for 10 points, name this Hindu member of the Trimurti known as the destroyer.

ANSWER: Shiva [accept Rudra prior to mention]

16. A headmaster draws female genitalia on a blackboard in this man’s play Two Ears, Two Weddings. His poetry is collected in Monologues, and he himself narrates his novels Slowness and Immortality. In one work by this author, “Long Live Trotsky!” is written on a postcard sent by Ludvik Jahn to a girl. Author of The Joke and The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, he wrote a work about Sabina’s affair with the husband of the photographer Tereza, the surgeon Tomáš. For 10 points, name this Czech author of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

ANSWER: MilanKundera

17. A flag and two fields are necessary to perform the FindNext algorithm in the van Emde Boas version of this structure. Galperin and Rivest invented the deletion-easy scapegoat version, and another invented by Bayer assigns each of its subunits the two namesake colors. Frequently used are its Splay, and Red-Black varieties, and adding a new section to it is known as “grafting.”It assigns “height” and “depth” to all elements, and it features relations between siblings, parents, and children. Forests are collections of, for 10 points, what data structures of connected nodes?

ANSWER: trees

18. This man analyzed the organization of the German Empire in his “The Enemy and the True Enemy.” This man delivered the Appeal of 18 June shortly before stating that his nation “has no friends, just interests.” Four former generals led a putsch against this man, which was named for an entity with which he signed the Evian Accords. In addition to making peace with the FLN, he tried to veto Britain's entry into the EEC and was served by the prime minister Pompidou, who succeded him. For 10 points, name this Free French leader and FifthRepublic founder.