Word Within the Word List #39

·  pro / (forward) / prolix / ·  ism / (doctrine) / narcissism
·  patr / (father) / patrician / ·  mis (G) / (bad) / miscreant
·  cred / (believe) / miscreant / ·  gno / (know) / physiognomy
·  ous / (full of) / sententious / ·  loco / (place) / in loco parentis
·  miss / (send) / manumission / ·  sta / (stand) / apostasy
·  viv / (life) / the qui vive / ·  phys / (nature) / physiognomy
·  sanct / (holy) / sanction / ·  terr / (land) / terra firma
·  syn / (together) / synopsis / ·  opia / (sight) / synopsis
·  co / (together) / colloquy / ·  loqu / (talk) / colloquy
·  in / (in) / in loco parentis / ·  hedon / (pleasure) / hedonism
·  apo / (away) / apostasy / ·  liqu / (flow) / prolix
  1. prolix (tediously wordy) His tiring conversation was both prolix and vacuous.
  2. narcissism (self-infatuation) He had a narcissistic love of his own reflection.
  3. miscreant (evil unbeliever) A gang of assassins and miscreants attached the caravan.
  4. physiognomy (facial character) To read the physiognomy is no art, thought Duncan.
  5. patrician (aristocratic) The dignitary’s patrician aloofness offended some people.
  6. apostasy (desertion of principle) Worse than disloyalty is apostasy.
  7. hedonism (devotion to pleasure) His ascetic discipline degenerated into hedonism.
  8. sententious (full of maxims) The novelist’s sententious prose style bored her.
  9. on the qui vive (on the alert) Be on the qui vive for a sign of compromise from the enemy.
  10. manumission (release from slavery) the refusal was an act of self-manumission.
  11. sanction (authorize) We do not sanction the use of our firm’s name.
  12. terra firma (firm land) it’s good to stand on terra firma after a rough voyage.
  13. synopsis (summary) She wrote a brief synopsis of the course for the students.
  14. colloquy (conversation) They enjoyed a private colloquy in the corner.
  15. in loco parentis (in place of the parents) Schools often act in loco parentis.