Course Design Guide
WEB/406 Version r5 / 1

College of Information Systems & Technology

Course Design Guide

WEB/406 Version r5

Web Programming II


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Course Design Guide
WEB/406 Version r5 / 1

Course Description

This course covers topics such as designing dynamic Web pages and an introduction to Java and Java applets. Emphasis is placed upon the appropriate use of Web programming tools.

Course Topics & Objectives

Week One: JavaScript Objects

  • Explain Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Explain JavaScript objects.

Week Two: JavaScript Events

  • Explain JavaScript events.

Week Three: Cookies

  • Explain cookies.
  • Apply JavaScript programming.

Week Four: Dynamic HTML

  • Explain the difference between DHTML and HTML.
  • Explain Java applets.

Week Five: Web Programming Languages

  • Compare and contrast JavaScript and Java.
  • Explain AJAX.

Course Schedule

Thursdays, 12/18.2008, 01/08 – 01/29/2009 at 6 p.m.

PHOENIX – Mesa Campus

Course Materials

All materials can be found on , which can be accessed through the University of Phoenix eCampus Web site.

Instructor’s Name

Greg Binder

Primary eMail Address

Alternate eMail Address

Telephone Number(s)

602-256-3589 (W)

602-942-6448 (H)


Mr. Binder can be reached by any means above. In many cases, you will have to leave a message, however, he will return your contact as soon as possible. You may call the work number and the voice mail number at any time. Home calls should be limited to 7 am to 10 p.m. For sending documents by email using the Internet, use the following address: .

University Policies

Please review University Policies regarding topics such as student conduct, attendance, and plagiarism in your Program Handbook, which can be accessed through the University of Phoenix eCampus Web site.

Modality Procedures

The details of the individual and learning team assignments are provided below. Please do not be misled: you are responsible for the material in the reading assignments. The following specific guidelines are provided:

The Learning Team will be used as a major vehicle in the various class activities, both during workshops and in outside assignments. Established teams will be modified to accommodate changes in class enrollment.

As with many University courses, class participation is a valued attribute, contributing to the final grade. Presence in class, evidence of preparation for the class and active participation contribute to your successful learning experience and to the final grade for the course. Several other measures of student performance are noted in the Grading Criteria.

We will have a set of Online Learning System forums available to us during this class. To access the forums, click on the Go to class link on your student website.

These web-based forums provide you with:

  • A common area solely for our class group (Main forum) where you can post questions between our on-campus workshop meetings
  • A Chat Room forum which you can use for non-class interactions with classmates (be sure to honor the Student Code of Conduct in this, and every, forum!)
  • Electronic access to the course syllabus which will be used in this class (see the syllabus in the Course Materials forum)
  • Electronic venues for Learning Team meetings and team paper drafts to use as each team deems best (I will assign a specific Learning Team forum for each team’s use during our first on-campus workshop meeting)
  • A personalized electronic drop-box – Individual Forum - for completed assignments. Each student will not be able to see or access any private forum except the one created for him or her individually.

There are no online attendance or participation requirements during this course. All attendance and participation activity will occur only during our on-campus workshop meetings.

If you have any questions about the class forums, please let me know during our on-campus class time or by posting your question(s) in the Main forum.

Course-Specific Standards

The learning team project paper will be written according to APA guidelines. Late assignments will be docked 10/%. If you are unable to complete the coursework you should seek guidance from your academic counselor – as a matter of University policy, incompletes are not granted.


Your instructor comes to you with over 33 years of teaching experience. He is a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point and holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of Arizona. He taught Computer Science at the Academy for three years. Subsequently he served on the staff of the US Army Management Systems Support Agency at the Pentagon. Since 1980, he has worked for the City of Phoenix Information Technology Department, consulted for the US Army Pentagon and the State Department, and taught in the Business College and School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. He has been a faculty member with the University of Phoenix since 1983, in all aspects of graduate and undergraduate information systems subjects. He has been a faculty member with Ottawa University since 2003. He is involved with both classroom delivery and Directed Study programs. At the City of Phoenix Mr. Binder has managed development of the e-commerce program, privacy, the e-government program, and served as project manager for web-based applications. He currently heads the Enterprise Technology Management team, with responsibilities for enterprise architecture; strategic, technical, and operational technology planning, related solutions strategy development.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is highly valued at the University of Phoenix. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, all relevant sources must be cited along with the extent to which such sources were used. Words or ideas that require citation include, but are not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication clearly originates from an identifiable source. Please see the University of Phoenix Catalog for more information about academic honesty, including consequences of academic dishonesty.

Privacy and Confidentiality in the University of Phoenix Classroom

One of the highlights of the University of Phoenix academic experience is that students can draw on the wealth of examples from their organizations in class discussions and in their written work. However, it is imperative that students not share information that is confidential, privileged, or proprietary in nature. Students must be mindful of any contracts they have agreed to with their companies.


Individual Assignments /


Week Two / 100
Week Three / 100
Week Four / 100
Week Five Presentation / 50
Participation (all weeks) / 50
Learning Team Assignments
Meeting Four (W/S 5) – Project / 100


/ 500



% Grade%Grade

95-100A7577+ C

9194+A7274+ C

8790+B+6871+ D+

8386+B6567+ D

8082+B<65 F


Please remember:

A= Excellent performance.

B= Above average performance

C= Average performance. Accomplishes only the minimum requirements. Oral and written communication is at an acceptable level for an undergraduate student.

D=Meets minimally acceptable levels of performance.

F=Does not meet the most minimal requirements of the course.

Course Materials

Primary Text(s):

Gosselin, D. (2008). Javascript (4th ed.). Boston: Course Technology.

Course Reference(s):

Bojack, H. (2008) New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Boston: Course Technology.

Miletsky, J. (2003). Planning, Developing, and Marketing Successful Web Sites. Boston: Course Technology.

Gosselin, D., Slaybaugh, M., Guthrie, R., Soe, L., (2004). The Web Warrior Guide to Web Design Technologies. Boston: Course Technology.

Gosney, J. (2003). HTML Professional Projects. Boston: Course Technology.

Article Reference(s):

Greiner, L. (2007). Java-based application development technology. Faulkner Information Services.

Greiner, L. (2008). .NET security. Faulkner Information Services.

Keston, G. (2008). Web 2.0 and SOAs. Faulkner Information Services.

Greiner, L. (2007). ASP.Net architecture. Faulkner Information Services.

Nicolaisen, N. (2007). Linking programming and visual design for optimal web site development. Faulkner Information Services.

Wood, L. (2008). Enterprise web hosting alternatives. Faulkner Information Services.

Hicks, B. (2007). Microsoft web authoring tools. Faulkner Information Services.

Kercher, S. (2007). Microsoft Internet information services. Faulkner Information Services.

Figueiredo, D. (2007). Borland Software CodeGear JBuilder. Faulkner Information Services.

Hicks, B. (2007). Apache Software Foundation HTTP Server Project. Faulkner Information Services.

All electronic materials are available on the course page on the student Web site.

Week One

JavaScript Objects

  • Explain Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Explain JavaScript objects.

Course Assignments

  1. Course Preparation
  • Read the course description and objectives.
  • Review the Learning Team Toolkit.
  1. Readings
  • Read Chapter 4, “Manipulating the Browser Object Model”, inJavaScript.
  • Read Chapter 10,“Introduction to the Document Object Model”, inJavaScript.
  • Read the Week One articles.
  1. Discussion Questions
  • Based on the Greiner (2007) article, what is the difference between using Javascript and Java Applets to enhance your HTML code? Which provides a more robust capability? Which is more secure?
  • Based on the Greiner (2008) article, do you believe that developing and serving up HTML code as Active Server Pages (ASP) provides improved security over traditional client-side scripting, such as Javascript? How do AJAX and .NET technologies compare regarding security?
  • Both the Netscape/Mozilla and IE browsers maintain different document object models. Given the current era of open source, what do you think is the wisdom of maintaining 2 models? Explain.
  • The W3C has a Document Object Model as a recommendation. Do you think browsers should implement this model? If not, propose a model which you think would be suitable.
  • In order to limit the creation of malicious code, do you think that access to elements of the document object model and some Javascript functionality be limited? In discussing your answer, describe two types of computer attacks/ viruses that may be initiated by scripting code in the browser environment. What else can we do to combat this?
  1. Learning Team: Paper and Presentation (Due Week Five)
  • Create the Learning Team Charter.
  • The Learning Team will prepare a 10-12 page research paper on Web development and the use of JavaScript, Java and DHTML. Emphasis should be placed on similarities and differences with examples of how each can be used in website development. The team will prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation of the project. Both the paper and presentation are due in Week Five.

Week Two

JavaScript Events

  • Explain JavaScript events.

Course Assignments

  1. Readings
  • Read Chapter 3, “Functions, Events, and Control Structures”, inJavaScript.
  • Read Chapter 5, “Validating Form Data with JavaScript”, inJavaScript.
  • Read Chapter 6, “Using Object-Oriented JavaScript”, inJavaScript.
  • Read Chapter 7, “Manipulating Data in Strings and Arrays”,inJavaScript.
  • Read the Week Two articles.
  1. Discussion Questions
  • Based on the Keston (2008) article, under what circumstances are Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 technologies complimentary? Under what circumstances should they be employed independently?
  • Based on the Greiner (2007) article, why is the static HTML page becoming progressively less relevant as we progress to an interactive web world? How will technologies such as ASP.NET impact this trend?
  1. Individual Assignment
  • Complete Service Request “SR-kf-011, Customer Mailing List.” Do NOT complete the Change Requests this week.
  1. Learning Team: Paper and Presentation (Due Week Five)
  • Draft an analysis which compares and contrasts Javawith JavaScript.
  • Provide a description (with examples) of the appropriate uses of Java and JavaScript.

Week Three


  • Explain cookies.
  • Apply JavaScript programming.

Course Assignments

  1. Readings
  • Read Chapter 8, “Debugging and Error Handling”, inJavaScript.
  • Read Chapter 9, “Managing State Information and Security”, inJavaScript.
  • Read the Week Three articles.
  1. Discussion Questions
  • Based on the Nicolaisen (2007) article, what impacts will PDAs, UltraLight computers, and cell phones have on the display of web pages on a myriad of electronic devices with varying display capabilities? How will this affect future web page design?
  • Based on the Wood (2008) article, why is there an increase in opportunity for web hosting companies? What factors should a business consider when outsourcing the hosting of their website?
  1. Individual Assignment
  • Complete Change Request #1 to Service Request SR-kf-011.
  1. Learning Team: Paper and Presentation (Due Week Five)
  • Discuss the open source nature of Java applets and JavaScript scripts that are available on the Internet and describe examples of their usage in commercial settings.

Week Four

Dynamic HTML

  • Explain the difference between DHTML and HTML.
  • Explain Java applets.

Course Assignments

  1. Readings
  • Read Chapter 11, “Creating Dynamic HTML”,inJavaScript.
  • Read the Week Four articles.
  1. Discussion Questions
  • Based on the Hicks (2007) article, what do you think of Microsoft’s decision to phase out Front Page? How will this affect future web page design?
  • Based on the Kercher (2007) article, how will IIS7 improve the security, patching, and maintenance of websites? Do you think IIS7 should be bundled with Vista and Win Server 2008 (Longhorn)?
  1. Individual Assignment
  • Complete Change Request #2 to Service Request SR-kf-011.
  1. Learning Team: Paper and Presentation (Due Week Five)
  • Explain the difference between DHTML and HTML.
  • Compare and contrast cookies and spyware.

Week Five

Web Programming Languages

  • Compare and contrast JavaScript and Java.
  • Explain AJAX.

Course Assignments

  1. Readings
  • Read Chapter 12, “Updating Web Pages with AJAX”, inJavaScript.
  • Read the Week Five articles.
  1. Discussion Questions
  • Based on the Figuieredo (2007) article, under what circumstances would you use CodeGear’s JBuilder to develop websites? Do you think JBuilder will take market share from Microsoft now that Front Page has been replaced by Expression Web?
  • Based on the Hicks (2007) article, why is the Apache Web Server more popular than Internet Information Server? Do you think the Open Source Community will push Microsoft to provide more web authoring tools as part of VS.NET?
  • Will AJAX further promote the development of Web-based software, or is it just another fad? Explain.
  1. Individual Assignment
  • Complete a Learning Team Evaluation.
  1. Learning Team: Paper and Presentation
  • Complete the final paper.
  • Complete the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of the project.
Grading for Written Work


  • All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way
  • Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive
  • Major points are stated clearly, are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis and are organized clearly
  • Where appropriate, the paper supports major points with theory relevant to development of the ideas, and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly
  • There is integration of theory and practice whereby the writer is able to link theories to practical experience
  • Research is adequate and timely for the topic
  • The context and purpose of the writing is clear


  • The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow
  • The paper’s organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose and is directed
  • Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper
  • The conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper
  • The conclusion reviews the major points toward the appropriate audience
  • Ideas flow in a logical sequence
  • The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points

10% Format

  • The paper, including citations and the reference page, follows designated guidelines for format
  • The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (e.g., sections, summaries, tables of contents, indices, appendices, etc.) when appropriate
  • The paper utilizes references appropriately
  • Headings, the use of italics, etc., aid the readability of the paper and are not overdone
  • The paper is neat, with attention given to format requirements
  • Original work


  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed
  • Spelling is correct


  • Sentences are complete, clear and concise
  • Sentences are well-constructed with consistently strong, varied structure
  • Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought
  • Words used are precise and unambiguous
  • The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment
Grading for Oral Presentations

20%Organization and Structure

  • Presentation is well-organized, clear, and effectively structured
  • If this is a team presentation, it is integrated rather than a disjointed series of individual presentations
  • Topic is researched adequately

10%Effective Use of Visual Aids

  • Visual aids are clear and effective
  • Visual aids contribute to a focused and integrated presentation

50%Content of Presentation

  • Content of presentation clearly follows the written paper on which it is based (if applicable)
  • The topic is relevant and addresses the specifications of the assignment
  • The content presented is comprehensive, accurate and believable
  • Key points are noted and presented logically

10%Style, Presentation, and Appearance