We would like to know if other municipalities are using their credit cards to pay for reoccurring charges, like cell phones and internet access? Does yourjurisdictions have policies that prohibit automatic reoccurring charges if so would you please send me a copy of your policy?

We don't currently use them for that, but we also don't prohibit..hadn't thought about it!

Cathy Till

Finance Director

City of Lemon Grove

619-825-3800 x 3803

Note: City Hall is closed on Fridays

Danville does allow these reoccurring charges. The purchasing card is to streamline purchases by reducing paperwork. All purchases still require back up information and are approved prior to payment.

I am curious about why you wouldn't allow reoccurring purchases?

Elizabeth Hudson

Finance Director/Treasurer

Town of Danville

No policy for South Pasadena, but definitely bad practice to do so.

My senior center wanted a Netflix account, and I told them to purchase a Netflix gift certificate enough to pay for one year’s service.

If the cell phone and internet account are for city owned devices and accounts, then you should work with the carrier to establish corporate accounts.

Chu Thai | Finance Director

City of South Pasadena

1414 Mission St

South Pasadena, CA 91030

(626) 403-7252 – office

Good Morning Veronica

We don’t use the credit cards for cell phone charges or internet access, however, we do have maintenance agreements with blackberry as well as monthly subscription charges that are set up on the credit cards. So far has not caused any issues.

Thomas W. Brown
Accountant I
Phone: 760-240-7000 ext. 7702

Hi Veronica,

We don't have a written policy - we just say no. Occasionally someone sets it up that way and we have to fix it. I usually explain to the credit card holder that it makes it difficult to look up payments as they are not under the correct vendor and just show up under the credit card vendor name….


City of Flarkspur

We are not, but as far as I know we don’t have a policy that prohibits us from doing so.

Good Luck.


Town of Paradise