Information Technology
User SupportLab Assistants
All staff members of User Support Services will be expected to adhere to the following policy and procedures. This includes evening and weekend Help Desk support, lab assistants, and students in the work study program. Failure to follow these policies will result in a warning. Additional warnings could result in dismissal.
- You must report for work on time according to your schedule. At the beginning of each shift, email your supervisor immediately to let him/her know you are there. If an instance arises where you know you cannot make it to work, contact the supervisor as soon as possible. It is also your responsibility to find a replacement. In extreme cases, the supervisor will try to find a replacement if he/she believes you have tried unsuccessfully or are very sick. When you find your replacement, notify the supervisor who that replacement is.
- Timesheets are to be filled out by you and emailed to your supervisor before the end of the pay period. The supervisor will mail this form to you every other week with deadline dates. It is a good idea to mark your hours each time you work. If you fail to send your timesheet to the supervisor by the deadline date, you will not be paid for that time period. If you decide to use a vacation/personal/sick day (available only to evening/weekend Help Desk staff), an Employee Personal Record Sheet must be filled out and handed in to your supervisor as well.
- All staff members must share job duties. During each shift you must log your job duties into the job duties spreadsheet on Google Docs. Your lab supervisor will approve them. A list of tasks and duties you must continually complete is included in your binder.
- Head counts are to be taken every hour during your shift. Totals must be entered into the head count spreadsheet on Google Docs—don’t expect the next assistant on duty to enter the counts. Supervisors will provide hard copies which may be filled in or go directly to the spreadsheet.
- The “no eating and drinking” policy must be enforced in all labs.
- Keep busy with job-related tasks at all times. (Refer to your list of duties in your binder.) Never sit around. Never invite friends to visit. Never do homework. Never engage in any online chatting or gaming.
- All staff members must familiarize themselves with the software in the particular lab where they are working. Teach yourself the various packages. If you would like to learn more about a particular one, notify your supervisor. He/she will be more than happy to conduct mini-training sessions upon request.
- Weekly meetings are part of your schedule and should not be missed unless a valid excuse is presented to the Director ahead of time. Attendance will be taken. Pay will be deducted for non- attendance.
- Check your email daily for important messages from the Director.
- If a phone is available in the lab, answer it by identifying the lab and yourself. Make sure a local phonebook and a Marywood phonebook is next to the phone.
- Report technical problems to the Help Desk immediately. CC the report to the Director. You can call the Help Desp at extension 6070 or email . Your problem will be logged and send to the appropriate personnel. When a computer or printer becomes inoperable, hang a sign on it to that effect immediately. Look for examples of signs in Google Docs Sign folder.
- If you are working the first shift, all machines must be turned on. Check for malfunctions at this time. If you are working the last shift, turn off all machines. Printers and monitors do not need to be powered off. Make sure you properly turn off the machines—Start/Shutdown for PCs and Special/Shut Down for Macs.
- All machines should be ready for immediate use. No applications are to be left open. No blue screens should be seen. No frozen screens should be encountered by people using the labs. All machines should be able to successfully print.
- Continually check the supply of paper in the lab. If you are running low, please come to the LC “paper closet” and bring some reams or a case to your lab. If you notice that our paper supply is running low, email the Assistant Director so more can be ordered.
- The status of laser cartridges in the lab must be continually checked. New cartridges must be picked up in the IT Department located in the basement of Immaculata Hall.
I have read and fully understand the above policies and procedures and agree to adhere to them.
Original Issue Date:
June 16, 2010
Last Updated: June 28, 2010
October 10, 2017 – Changed OIT to IT, LRC to LC -skb
Print Date 10/30/18