WAVA Membership Application

WAVA Membership entitles you to:

·  List your volunteer needs in our Volunteer Opportunities Guide for Westmoreland County. This booklet will be printed in the Spring of 2016 and is also available on our website.

·  Receive discounts at all trainings and WAVA functions.

·  Opportunity to network with other organizations.

·  Opportunity to nominate one of your volunteers for our “Volunteer of the Year” Awards presented at our Annual Holiday Luncheon.

·  Participate in WAVA planning meetings throughout the year.

·  Opportunity to promote your organization’s events and trainings

As a member, please consider serving in one of the following areas to help us accomplish our mission. Please check one or more interest areas:

  Planning Committee : Meet with WAVA officers to set goals, budget and make decisions-approximately 4 meetings/yr.

  Nomination Committee: Recruits nominations for officers and prepares its slate of officers to the membership 30 days prior to the election meeting in December.

  Volunteer Fair: Plans our annual Volunteer Fair in the fall.

  Networking Event: Plans our networking event.

  Leadership Conference: Plans our regional biannual conference in collaboration with Volunteer Administrators from Southwestern PA (VASP).

  Volunteer Opportunity Guide: Help to maintain and update Volunteer Opportunity Guide.

  Website and Social Media: Maintain and update information on our website in collaboration with website host.

  Volunteer Outreach: Promote volunteerism in the community by covering a two hour shift at local events where WAVA has sponsored a table.

We thank you for your support!

Any questions contact: Louise Wilhelm, WAVA President

724-420-1484 or



WAVA Membership Application

Send application and invoice with $25 check made payable to WAVA by January 31, 2016.

Pay via Paypal on our website at www.volunteerwestmoreland.org/membership.

If you do so, it will include 3.5% processing fee making your payment $32

Send to WAVA, PO Box 493, GREENSBURG PA 15601

Please update your organization’s information below. If you have several people in your organization, who should receive emails, please just let us know:

Organization Name:
Phone: / FAX:
Contact Person:
Email Address:
Agency Website Address:

Fill out the following information to be listed in our Volunteer Opportunity Guide and on our website.

Choose any of the following categories that most describe your volunteer listings for your agency:

Mark with an / X
Animals / Disabilities / Food Distribution/ Nutrition / Medical/Rehab
Arts/Cultural / Education/ Public Relations / Handyman/ Maintenance / Office Support
Caregiver Relief Program / Elderly/Home Bound / Hospice / Pregnancy
Children/Families / Environment / Hotline / Recreation/Sports
Clothing Distribution / Festivals/Events / Housing/Shelter / Safety/Disaster Relief
Criminal/Legal / Financial / Legal / Tour Guide/Hospitality
Other: / Other: / Other: / Veterans

About Us: (Short description of your agency and its mission)

Opportunities: (short description of opportunities available)

Minimum Age: _____

Evening/Weekend: Yes No Occasional

Internship Available: Yes No

INVOICE # 2016 December 1, 2015

2016 WAVA Annual Membership Dues…………………………$25.00

Please pay upon receipt.

Please return a copy of this invoice along with Membership Application to the address below with a check made payable to WAVA by January 31, 2016.

WAVA Membership, PO 493, Greensburg, PA 15601


Pay via Paypal on our website at www.volunteerwestmoreland.org/membership.

If you do so, it will include 3.5% processing fee making your payment $32

Questions? Please call Treasurer, Laquicha Anderson at

724-834-1260 x 101

Westmoreland Association of Volunteer Administrators, PO 493, Greensburg, PA 15601
