Write Your name here Development Plan


This is my personal development Plan spanning through a period of 5 years from now.

:List the values you cherish I life. This link has a lot of examples of values. Below are a few examples as well. You may not want some of the ones below, you can delete and add as many as you wish (keep it to the major ones)

WisdomHarmony Service to God FriendshipPeace

Positive attitude Tolerance Family FellowshipLove

Service to others Decisiveness LeadershipIntegrityJoy

Self Reliance Practicality ResultsHealth

Prosperity/Wealth Personal GrowthConsistency Fun

Personal Strengthslist your personal strengths that you are aware of. You may also try and ask people what they think you are very good at or is your personal strength. To start with, write the ones you know. You can continue to build the list as you know more about yourself over time.

If you are having difficulties knowing your personal strengths, quickly get talking to people that know you, do some assessments as well online.

You can add to the list later. So start with the ones you already know.

  • Patient and tolerant
  • Problem solving skills and good analytical mind
  • Work well in a team
  • Self-motivated
  • Very approachable and accessible
  • Good listener
  • A good teacher
  • Very enthusiastic and optimistic
  • Interested in learning and reading wide
  • Good thinker

Areas of DevelopmentThese are areas that you know you need to develop in. They are your areas of weakness, but rather than say weaknesses, we say areas of development that you need to improve on.

  • Decision making
  • Creativity
  • Procrastination (STOP)
  • Increase my level of concentration
  • Organization and good planning
  • Business acumen

Current Situation

In this section, you want to write a few paragraphs about yourself. Where you are in life, career, relationship, family, faith and other things you want to say that describes your current situation. One important thing here is to tell the “TRUTH”. This is the part that you want to improve on in the coming years, so don’t lie here. Just tell yourself how you really are in all areas of your life.

Current situations against values

You have written your values above and your current situation too. This is the time to evaluate yourself on both. List the values here again (you can copy from above and paste here). In front of the values give yourself a mark on how well you are doing in that particular value.

Scale 1 to 10 with 1 (Not very well at all. I don’t even think about this value) up to 10 (I have mastered this value and it guides my life every time)

E.g in Peace the current user is average (which means they probably still worry half the time and are not doing enough to ensure they are peaceful)

Tolerance (3) – May be they don’t give enough room for people around them or accommodate other people or things well.

Creativity (7) – This person is very creative and they pursue options that helps them to be more creative.

Family (8) – For this person, family means a lot. They are not likely to take up a job that will separate then from the family for too long.

Note: Fill this to show your current positions with your values. There is no reason to lie. The next time you are reviewing your plan, you will be able to see where there are improvements and drawbacks or more values that you now cherish.

Wisdom (3) Positive attitude (8) Service to others (6)Joy (6)

Self Reliance (3) Prosperity/Wealth (5) Personal Growth (7)Creativity (7)

Harmony (6)Decisiveness (6)Integrity(7)

Tolerance (4) Practicality(6) Service to God (6)

Family (8) Leadership (6) Results (6)

Health (6)Peace(5)Love (5)

Personal Mission statement

This section is one that you have to spend time on. You are likely to finish this plan before you can finish it. These talks about what your whole life is about in a nut shell. Not many people have that. I need you to start thinking about what your life is all about. It may take you a few years to be clear about it, it is fine. But just ensure you are working on it. For now, you can write whatever you think the answer is.

Below is an example of my own personal statement – Everything I try to do in life revolve around this statement in one way or the other (It took me a few years to get it).

As a Christian, this means prayerfully asking God to show / tell you your purpose in life (even if just for now). Your personal statement is a simple way to tell yourself what your purpose in life is.

“To improve people's quality of life by assuming positions where l can flush out polluting ideas and beliefs, and then embark on the regeneration of their mind which is a pre-requisite to a fulfilled destiny'' (Romans 12 vs. 2) (James l vs. 21)

Among other things, “your destiny is a function of how well you can use your MIND and your MOUTH''

Required Skills Make a list of the skills that you know or think you’ll need to accomplish your goals and targets in life.

The following are some examples, you should edit them to show your own required skills..

Leadership Skills

Interpersonal and relational Skills

Writing and reading skills

Networking skills

Good counseling skills

Time, resources and money management skills

Organization techniques

Ability to function under pressure

What am 1 doing? Write down what you are doing to help you get those skills that you have identified above. A sample is like this.

Currently enrolled on a Masters in Leadership program. [leadership]

A Maths consultant at a Secondary School in the UK.

Engineering experience at a UK Consultancy and currently in Nigeria (2011)

Undergone a leadership-training course which is a step in the right direction of improving my leadership skills, then, try and go practical whenever I can.

Writing every week to my blog subscribers

This is where the major writing of the plans begins. The things you have written above won’t be changing much and it tells about you as a whole, but below is the actual plan that shows goals and targets.


0 - 6 Months what you intend to achieve between now and 6 months time (Short term). Ensure that they are achievable and remember it all requires planning.

You may not have the same categories as this template, so you can delete or edit them or add more.

Personal Goals (Business) e.g

  • Establish an Internet based Media Service offering.
  • Make it SMART goals (as many as you want)

Personal Goals (Spiritual) e.g

  • Be prayerfully aware and consciously get involved in spiritual intercession for ministry stakeholders
  • Finish reading the New Testament. Add more as you wish to.

Project Goals

  • Write a 40 days Discipleship Devotional
  • Write my first e-book

Academic / Career

  • Start my NYSC program
  • Engage more in Career Development activities
  • Be more Engineering minded by reading books and using relevant software.

Personal Goals (Social)

  • Put conscious effort into my relationships.
  • Do more exercises – going running in the mornings.
  • Eating healthy and ensuring adequate physical and mental rest – Do not burn out.

Personal Goals (Intellectual)

  • Improve my chess playing skills
  • Improve my Sudoku playing skills
  • Be on the lookout for intellect enhancing opportunities
  • Write inspired articles and poems (Psalm 45:1), and learn to write well in advance.

6 – 12 Months

Personal Goals (Business)

  • Be proficient in the use of Graphic Design Software and Website Design software(Photoshop, Sitegrinder)
  • Have businesses that generate income with me doing very little.

Personal Goals (Spiritual)

  • Pray For wisdom and direction to lead and be an effective leader in any group I find myself.
  • Continue to read 1 spiritual book a month.
  • Continue to keep a spiritual journal.

Project Goals

  • Write 31 days Market Place Devotional
  • Work with Darren Fernandez regarding the iphone app.
  • Finish the first draft of my book.

Academic / Career

  • Staying ahead of life and keeping great.
  • Take part in globally recognised projects (Isaiah 60 vs. 15).
  • Be a missionary in the Market Place.
  • Develop links with major engineering firms (Prov 22 vs. 29)
  • Learn more relevant Engineering software

Personal Goals (Social)

  • Improve my social skills – and my relationship is stepping up to a higher level;
  • Get built up – muscles
  • Improve how I relate with people

Personal Goals (Intellectual)

  • Attend seminars, conferences and speak in seminars and conferences
  • Be a pro at chess
  • Be a pro at Sudoku
  • Be on the lookout for intellect enhancing opportunities.
  • Write inspired articles and poems (Psalm 45:1), and learn to write well in advance

12 – 24month

Personal Goals (Business)

  • Consciously create a portfolio and testimonials for my businesses

Personal Goals (Spiritual)

  • Enrol in a bible college.

Project Goals

  • Publish a book

Academic / Career

  • Complete my Masters Program
  • Get career training with a Multinational Company

Personal Goals (Social)

  • Attend social occasions e.g. birthdays, cinemas, theatre, sightseeing etc at least once a month.
  • Wedding
  • Create or get involved in a global voluntary organisation.
  • Go on holidays to America and Europe.

Personal Goals (Intellectual)

  • Improve my guitar skills
  • Write/take part in writing an album.

24 - 60 (Notice that after 12 – 24 months {2years}, plans become less clear and detailed) So don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you will be doing five years from now, what you need to write down is what you will like to find yourself doing.

Personal Goals (Business)

  • Be a business mogul and a renowned entrepreneur

Personal Goals (Spiritual)

  • Finish Bible College.

Project Goals

  • Publish my second and third books

Academic / Career

  • Become a chattered Engineer

Personal Goals (Social)

  • Tour the world.

Personal Goals (Intellectual)

  • Consult for companies, organisations, governments etc on intellectual matters

This will be a great tool to put your thoughts together and to start thinking about what you want for your life.

It is very easy to live each day as it comes, but it is better to live each day as it comes and fulfilling the things we plan to do in that day/week/month/year.

What Next?

After finishing this plan (remember it may take you a few days as it requires some thought) you are required to concentrate on your 0 – 6 months plan, and plan how you intend to achieve the things there. These are the immediate short term goals, and you need to have a detailed plan on how to achieve them.

An example using one of the plans from 0 – 6 Months

Under project goals

  • Write my first ebook. - To ensure that it is achieved, you are required to now break this down (in your own way) such as spending 1 hr everyday writing, learn the software to create ebooks, meet with interested people writing ebooks or learn from someone that has written one before.

Another advantage is, when you have finished writing this plan, it becomes easier to update it every 3 – 6 months as you go through the years.

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Put the date that you wrote yours here